Trips with pics


Oct 13, 2007
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Fayetteville, Arkansas
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I took two trips in the last few months. the first one from NW Arkansas to St. Louis Mo., got some pics of the Arch and some from the top of it.The little dark blocks at the top are viewing windows. it has pods that you ride in to the top, takes about 4 minutes. I then headed south to Memphis. rode around the river a bit and had some BBQ at a place where they let people write on the walls with markers.I tried to ride down Beale st. but they block traffic. so I had to walk. I headed back home through rice growing country. ( yes they grow a lot of rice in Arkansas)
This trip was about 1200 miles I was using a back pack and I was very sore later.





June 29 2008 this time with the Teknic deluxe bags, they hold a lot of cargo but are not very eye pleasing accessories. I headed directly south through Arkansas briefly into Texas and into Louisiana spent the night in Shreveport and rode all day the next day until I reached the coast. Most of the houses are new and built on stilts. Katrina wiped out almost everything down there. Took a ferry into Texas messed around on the beach for a few hours and took off for Beaumont Tx. Spent the night there and then about 9:00 am headed north to Arkansas. the last day was about 700 miles. arrived about 9:00 pm in Fayetteville. 1430 miles total.




Very cool! Thanks for sharing! :thumbup: I really like the second picture of the arch... it almost doesn't look real. Impressive looking! :rockon:
Awesome man.

I worked the VP fair at the arch once making funnel cakes. It was hot and suxxors. Then there was the air show.

We were right next to the arch. A freaking harrier jump jet cruised up. Stopped in mid air, and then went backwards thru the arch, then took off like a bat out of hell. It was the most awesome thing I had seen. The sound was unbelieveable. I was 16, and working with this stunningly hot girl named Pilar (P-lar) I gave her a ride home a few nights, and wanted to kiss her so bad. I was scared and didnt. Later after I had came back to ky she wrote me, and told me she wanted me to kiss her. DoooooHHHH......

Sorry the arch made me think of that story. I dont guess I will ever see it with wondering what could of happened. We kept in touch, she got lukeima while I was in the navy, I went to visit her home on leave, but later that year she died. She was such a cool, sweet, and beautiful girl. She worked in the funnel cake stand too, and saw it, we were all amazed.

Thanks for posting the pictures man. I hadnt thought of her in a few years.
Nice pics. One of these days I'm going to have to make it out to MO and do some sight seeing. I've got family in MO that I could stay with. In fact, my younger brother is there right now. He just won the national power lifting event in bench press and dead lift for his age group. The event was in RI, and he decided to stop and visit the relatives before coming back to CA.

I haven't been back to MO since I was about 6 years old and I'm 52 now. I'm way over due for a visit.
Awesome man.

I worked the VP fair at the arch once making funnel cakes. It was hot and suxxors. Then there was the air show.

We were right next to the arch. A freaking harrier jump jet cruised up. Stopped in mid air, and then went backwards thru the arch, then took off like a bat out of hell. It was the most awesome thing I had seen. The sound was unbelieveable.

I had a day off in St. Louis before back in the glory days on the 4th of July and remembered going to the VP Fair and remembered seeing the air show as well. It was very cool. One of my favorite hotels is in St. Louis, I love the Hyatt Regency at Union Station. The old train station is converted into a hotel lobby. Also, great place to go bar hopping down in the historic district called Lacledes Landings.
Awesome man.

I was 16, and working with this stunningly hot girl named Pilar (P-lar) I gave her a ride home a few nights, and wanted to kiss her so bad. I was scared and didnt. Later after I had came back to ky she wrote me, and told me she wanted me to kiss her. DoooooHHHH......

Sorry the arch made me think of that story. I dont guess I will ever see it with wondering what could of happened. We kept in touch, she got lukeima while I was in the navy, I went to visit her home on leave, but later that year she died. She was such a cool, sweet, and beautiful girl. She worked in the funnel cake stand too, and saw it, we were all amazed.

Thanks for posting the pictures man. I hadnt thought of her in a few years.

I love those personal interest stories that get told on this forum from time to time!
Sorry to hear the outcome of Pilar, but I bet it was a blessing to her that you came & visited!
I also went there & up in the arch once on a business trip.
Ouch...wash the bike good after tat trip on that sand. Sand in the bike is like sand on your b***s. Hard to get out and can ruin your day!!