Took my 3 year old for a ride ... not so good ending

dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)

i did take my 3 year old for a ride around my backyard on my bike. she was so excited. we put on her little bicycle helmet and some "boots". we practiced on the ottoman in the house for how she should sit and hold on. we went out back and before we could get off the deck she turned and said "I'm so excited". i knew this was going to be fun.

so we get on the bike (wife helps get her on) and away we go. we're just putting around the backyard. my wife tells me that my daughter is smiling a big as she can. i let her know that we're getting ready to take our last "lap" around the yard. after that she asks, "Are we getting ready to go out on the road". "not yet baby. you have to be able to at least reach the pegs before we can even talk about that." and then we come to a stop. and this is where it went bad.

as much as my daughter loved riding, she HATED being done. this led to a 30 minute tantrum. i mean, i hate getting off my bike too, but dang! all i heard for the next 30 minutes was "But I want to" over and over again. she finally got a bath and calmed down back to our little lovable girl that is so sweet with her pretty smile.

gotta figure out a way to keep that tantrum down if we're going to do that in the future. it was fun though.
Sweet! She is hooked already!

Tantrum killer = ice cream! (and a promise to do it again if she doesn't throw a tantrum.)

Does she have a bicycle? If so, go out riding with her and teach her about making vroom vroom noises so that she can pretend she's on a moto...
Ever see these? I saw a guy on a Speed Triple with a younger passenger that couldn't reach the pegs either, but was much older than 3. There's a couple different styles of these around.
Hehe, I love the story. The bug bites no matter the age, eh?

It reminds me of a story I'm too young to remember. Apparently my dad got a good chewing out by the police for pulling a wheelie with me on the bike...while I was still in diapers. He put a motorcross bar on so I could sit in front and hold the handlebars while he rode. If only I could remember that :) I do remember burning my thigh on the engine once tho :(
I can't stop laughing!!! I just had this happen with my neighbor. Long story short his dad is MIA, and I took him for a ride (little older and can reach the pegs) and we took a couple twisties at a reasonable clip... I had to slide my leg between him and the bars then pry him off the bike... Yay to you (AND ESPECIALLY THE MISSUS FOR LETTING YOU) starting her early!!! +1,000,000
I have a 3yo boy...tantrums are part of the territory. Stay strong, they stop eventually (or are replaced by other means of expressing frustration).

I saw somewhere a belt system where both the rider and child riding pillion wear a nylon webbing belt, and then the two belts clip together with fastex buckles. That way the child can't fall off, since they're attached to you. Maybe someday if I get leather and helmets for the boys I'll get one of those...but I'm putting it off as long as possible! I'd feel terrible if something happened...
Awesome! Get her a dirtbike. 3 is when I start my kids out on theirs. JR50 is tiny :thumbup:

I dont' think I've taken my 3 year old daughter on the FZ yet, but I've taken her on my XR plenty 'o times.
My earliest memory of my dad is taking us on his Kawi, we would sit in front of him (no helmet) he would tear across the lawn, rip up a fairly steep little hill and jump laundry baskets at the top.
That being said, my earliest memory of my mom is her yelling out the window from the kitchen at my dad to stop taking jumps with us on the bike lol

We also had skidoos, dune buggies etc...And he wonders why I ride a bike now (well, not now, but you know what I mean) and am going to school to get motorcycle mechanic....It's his fault really!
My almost 2 yr old loves to get on the FZ and throws a fit when he has to get off, right now he just sits on it and says "wanna drive it". Everytime we go outside he says "sit on motorcycle" over and over again. Its great getting kids started young. Can't wait till he is old enough to start riding.
Sweet! She is hooked already!

Tantrum killer = ice cream! (and a promise to do it again if she doesn't throw a tantrum.)
trust me, i promised. no go. she wanted to do it NOW!!!! we've created a monster.


Does she have a bicycle? If so, go out riding with her and teach her about making vroom vroom noises so that she can pretend she's on a moto...
good idea. she does have a bicycle but it one of the ones with no pedals to teach her balance.

maybe i can push her down the hill and get her going. :D

Ever see these? I saw a guy on a Speed Triple with a younger passenger that couldn't reach the pegs either, but was much older than 3. There's a couple different styles of these around.
wow. that's a great idea. i thought the link was going to be one of those belts that you use to strap your kid to you. i'm saving this link and will be buying one once we've paid off all debt.

I know what your about son is 7 and the legal age for a pillion here is 8,I got another 6 months of tantrums,lol
crud!!!! why did i start so soon. i will now have years of "but i want to ride now" (said with a whine that only a 3 year old girl can give).

Hehe, I love the story. The bug bites no matter the age, eh?

It reminds me of a story I'm too young to remember. Apparently my dad got a good chewing out by the police for pulling a wheelie with me on the bike...while I was still in diapers. He put a motorcross bar on so I could sit in front and hold the handlebars while he rode. If only I could remember that :) I do remember burning my thigh on the engine once tho
:eek: must have been fun as a kid (the wheelie not the burn ;) ). i can't imagine doing that with my daughter. for one, i think she would scream and try to jump off.

One word: sidecar :D
oh, i've already told my wife that i'd like to get a sidecar when the kids get old enough. not sure what that does for the ownership of the fz6 :( . but i was telling her that i would have loved to pull up for baseball practice in a sidecar. she'd be the coolest kid getting out with her glove and bat out of the sidecar. i'm getting one.... in a few years.

I can't stop laughing!!! I just had this happen with my neighbor. Long story short his dad is MIA, and I took him for a ride (little older and can reach the pegs) and we took a couple twisties at a reasonable clip... I had to slide my leg between him and the bars then pry him off the bike... Yay to you (AND ESPECIALLY THE MISSUS FOR LETTING YOU) starting her early!!! +1,000,000
:rof: great story. that cracked me up. thankfully my daughter was sitting behind me and my wife was there to get her off the bike.
and about the misses for "letting" me... it was actually her harebrained idea. i was a little nervous but my wife saw how much my daughter likes my bike and thought it'd be a good idea. i guess it's the difference of me growing up in the "city" and her growing up on a farm. her dad bought a new 4-wheeler last year just to take our girls around to look for bear. :eek:

I have a 3yo boy...tantrums are part of the territory. Stay strong, they stop eventually (or are replaced by other means of expressing frustration).

I saw somewhere a belt system where both the rider and child riding pillion wear a nylon webbing belt, and then the two belts clip together with fastex buckles. That way the child can't fall off, since they're attached to you. Maybe someday if I get leather and helmets for the boys I'll get one of those...but I'm putting it off as long as possible! I'd feel terrible if something happened...
yeah... i was pretty nervous just going around the backyard because i was affraid of her falling off or me dropping the bike and her getting stuck under it. i'm sure i'll be nervous when i take her out on the road for the first time too. thankfully i have a few years before that happens.
and i'm not sure about those belts. i like the idea that they won't fall off... i just wonder what would happen if we went down. i would see it being very bad for her.

Awesome! Get her a dirtbike. 3 is when I start my kids out on theirs. JR50 is tiny

I dont' think I've taken my 3 year old daughter on the FZ yet, but I've taken her on my XR plenty 'o times.
i'd love to get her a dirtbike. there's a few obstacles to that. the first is money. the second is my wife. i've mentioned it a few times and she's not too keen on the idea. hopefully when she gets older she'll want one on her own and we'll be able to afford it. besides, if she gets a dirtbike.... i would have to have one too... so i can.... keep and eye on her... yeah... that's it... so she can have an adult ride with her. i mean, i don't want one... but i'll sacrifice for my daughter. ;)

first page of replies down. time for lunch.
Awesome! Get her a dirtbike. 3 is when I start my kids out on theirs. JR50 is tiny :thumbup:

I dont' think I've taken my 3 year old daughter on the FZ yet, but I've taken her on my XR plenty 'o times.
what kind of xr do u have my dad when i was 3 and a little olderer took me on the tank of his xr650 and poped so many wheelies on it and i just laughed the whole way!he's had me into riding since.i sit on the back of his sv650 since i was like 6 and ive been on the bike every chance i get.he got me hooked and i think im prolly getting my firstdirt bike this fall!!! cool story great to hear she liked it :rockon:
what kind of xr do u have my dad when i was 3 and a little olderer took me on the tank of his xr650 and poped so many wheelies on it and i just laughed the whole way!he's had me into riding since.i sit on the back of his sv650 since i was like 6 and ive been on the bike every chance i get.he got me hooked and i think im prolly getting my firstdirt bike this fall!!! cool story great to hear she liked it :rockon:

I have a '96 XR400 bored out to 426. It is a great ole bike. I try not to do wheelies when the kids are riding with me unless they're old enough to have good helmets on (instead of bicycle helmets). All 4 of my sons ride, and I'm planning on starting her this summer. My youngest son is 5.5 and has been riding for 3 years already, including time w/ training wheels. I had his training wheels off just before his 3rd b-day though! :thumbup: The oldest was 5 when he started, and the middle 2 were 4 years old. My baby girl is 1.5, and she hates loud noises, so I'm still working on her. She freaks out ov er the vaccuum for pete's sake, but she quits crying once we're moving :D.

here's our site: rc5695's photos and albums on webshots

Few months ago:

last year:

naomi was 10 mo. old here:

Here's Rachel at 2.5
My little man is 8 months and has a hard time sitting on the seat on his own but we try every time we are in the garage.
My youngest, Drew, was 3 when I gave him his first ride years ago. He's almost 19 now and we ride together whenever we can. Kentucky two years ago, north Georgia and the Dragon last year and we're leaving in three weeks for New England for a week. He sold his bike to get a new car so now I have to fight him for time on the FZ. He pulls it out of the garage every chance he gets.