Too fat for FZ6?


Junior Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Tulsa, OK
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Well, I've always wanted an FZ6. And, I just sold my VFR and am looking to get a new bike. I love that the 09s can be had for $6k, and really, really want one. But, I'm worried that I may be too fat for the FZ6, and should instead consider the FZ1 (which I dont like nearly as much). (FZ8 is just too expensive right now).

I weigh 265 and am 5'9". Anyone know someone of the same size who gets around well on the FZ6? I need to be able to at least keep up somewhat with my friends in the twisties, and would hate to be underpowered. And, I do hope to lose weight in the near future, but those of us that are food addicts know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Anyway, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great holiday weeked!

I'm 5' 8", 220 lb. No problems here, I did increase the shock to a level 4, but that had to do with the kinds of roads I'm riding on, otherwise I haven't had any problems. I sat on both the fz1 and fz8 and didn't notice any difference in riding height due to weight compared to the fz6. Go with what is comfortable and fits your lifestyle.
Underpowered? Dude it's 100hp strapped to your nads.

I am down to ~240 now, but I was riding this thing when I was ~275lbs.

I am 6'4".

Still, if you're unsure....take a hard look at your lifestyle. You will find your enjoyment increases exponentially when you are eating healthy and keeping fit. Allow this bike to be the motivation behind a big positive change in your life. Sure you can ride it when you're unfit.....but you know how much more fun you will have when your body is strengthened? You will ride it much more effectively.
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Last year I was 6'1" and 265 and did fine on the FZ6 - lost 90 pounds since! From the standpoint of the bike - I really don't notice any difference except that the seat is more comfortable. On the flip side, do 30-60 minutes a day on your other bike (the one with pedals) and make some simple diet changes and you'll fix the weight problem in no time!
Well, I've always wanted an FZ6. And, I just sold my VFR and am looking to get a new bike. I love that the 09s can be had for $6k, and really, really want one. But, I'm worried that I may be too fat for the FZ6, and should instead consider the FZ1 (which I dont like nearly as much). (FZ8 is just too expensive right now).

I weigh 265 and am 5'9". Anyone know someone of the same size who gets around well on the FZ6? I need to be able to at least keep up somewhat with my friends in the twisties, and would hate to be underpowered. And, I do hope to lose weight in the near future, but those of us that are food addicts know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Anyway, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great holiday weeked!


One of those metrics that get thrown around quite frequently in this sort of conversation, is that about 4 lbs of mass are roughly equivalent to 1 HP. Each four lbs you can lose means you'll accelerate that much better.

As it is, you simply consume most of the passenger weight rating of the bike. The suspension will be compressed more than it would with the 'ideal' rider weight on board.

As the FZ6 is considerably lighter than the VFR800, the acceleration is quite similar.

If you are looking for someone to tell you to 'go bigger'..... that's not likely to happen here. This bike goes like stink just fine.
I swapped bikes with my bro for part of a day. He has an 07 Meanstreak. I weigh a whopping $1.50 @ 6', He's 320 @ 6'5" (mostly muscle BTW) I couldn't keep up for nothin with my skinny ass on that big sport cruiser and his big ol self on my little bitty FZ6. I don't mind telling ya I was wringin that 1600cc's out for all it was worth.

Pretty sure the FZ will have enough poop to get you around;)
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I'm about 280 and 6'2", it moves me around with no problems.

With a passenger I can feel it working harder, but even with that its still not struggling by any means.
6' and 260 (but working on dropping that to 200) and the FZ6 has plenty of power.. Actually, I've got 4 bikes and the FZ6 is the most powerful bike I own.. My 2 BMW's only make 50hp, and my KLR is only 40hp and I have no desire to go to a more powerful bike..

I wish the little Fizzer made more low end grunt, but it does just fine.. :)
Hi there,

I'm 5'8" with a 29" inseam. I weighted almost 270lbs when I got my FZ6.

I could only flat foot on one side. I had to crank the preload all the way up on the back shock. Because of my bad health it was a chore to ride for more than a few miles at atime.

The bike had no problems pulling me around as fast as I wanted to go.
It helped me to realize how over weight I really was.
It was like Jenny craig fo me.

I now weigh 208, and can commute 100 miles eachway back and forth to work with out any problems. I only have 20-30 more pounds to lose to be back to a good fighting weight!!

Oh and when I grab a handful of first gear the front tire comes up now, What a hoot!

I say get on that thing and ride it like you stole it.
Just to give you an idea, I'm about 5' 10/5'11 and about 265 and the little honda rebel 250 i'm using now still scoots me along pretty good, thing has like 15 hp or something, i'm sure the mighty fz6 will have no issue with big guys like us :) let us know what you do though! :thumbup:
Hi there,

I'm 5'8" with a 29" inseam. I weighted almost 270lbs when I got my FZ6.

I could only flat foot on one side. I had to crank the preload all the way up on the back shock. Because of my bad health it was a chore to ride for more than a few miles at atime.

The bike had no problems pulling me around as fast as I wanted to go.
It helped me to realize how over weight I really was.
It was like Jenny craig fo me.

I now weigh 208, and can commute 100 miles eachway back and forth to work with out any problems. I only have 20-30 more pounds to lose to be back to a good fighting weight!!

Oh and when I grab a handful of first gear the front tire comes up now, What a hoot!

I say get on that thing and ride it like you stole it.

Gratz on the weight loss! hoping to get down in the 200 range myself
There is nothing better than being in good shape/health, I am 6' and 163lbs and I am very thankful that I am healthy enough I can go out and do anything I want without worrying about my weight or health being a factor. I just try to keep the fast food to a minimum, exercise at least 1 hour a day and I can do anything I want. When I am out with a group of people half my age and can walk/run/etc further than most of them it really makes me appreciate things.

Starting out, to change your lifestyle (diets and fads do not work) it is a little tough but once you get past the first few weeks it is easy and you will see how much better your life can be.

the bike will do fine with you how you are but think of how much better things can be with better health/weight :)
6' and 260 (but working on dropping that to 200) and the FZ6 has plenty of power.. Actually, I've got 4 bikes and the FZ6 is the most powerful bike I own.. My 2 BMW's only make 50hp, and my KLR is only 40hp and I have no desire to go to a more powerful bike..

I wish the little Fizzer made more low end grunt, but it does just fine.. :)

Not to hijack a thread but how do you like your klr, friend is tryin to sell his 650 to me for a cheap "family discount" and have been lookin into it.
Well, I've always wanted an FZ6. And, I just sold my VFR and am looking to get a new bike. I love that the 09s can be had for $6k, and really, really want one. But, I'm worried that I may be too fat for the FZ6, and should instead consider the FZ1 (which I dont like nearly as much). (FZ8 is just too expensive right now).

I weigh 265 and am 5'9". Anyone know someone of the same size who gets around well on the FZ6? I need to be able to at least keep up somewhat with my friends in the twisties, and would hate to be underpowered. And, I do hope to lose weight in the near future, but those of us that are food addicts know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Anyway, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great holiday weeked!


This question pops up all the time and it's ridiculous. It's like trying to justify buying a Formula 1 car over a Porsche over a Corvette cause you're over 300lbs.

I've seen fat guys (320lbs+ @ 6'4") on 250's drag knee. Buy what you like. If your friends won't wait for you, or won't stop ragging on you after the obligatory amount, get new friends. Seriously.