This summer's trip to rollercoasters


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2011
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NB, Canada
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The route map:

Starting in NB, CA we headed to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH, USA through Canada, and came back through the States. 11 days, 9 days riding.

Luggage packed

Ready to leave


Had to rig up a mount point to work around the R&G tail tidy

First night in Grand Falls

Inside HQ

Getting ready to rip out in the morning

A stop for gas somewhere in Quebec

Setting up in Ottawa


Next day we went to a friend's in Kitchener and burned an additional day there. No pics, but I was the mini putt/golf tournament winner (72 holes)

One of the ferries operating on Lake Erie

Shots from the ferry



Spent 1.5 days at Cedar Point with a fast pass... a few dozen coaster rides gets the adrenaline pumping like nothing else!

Lake Ontario near Niagara Falls

Crossed back over to CA side of the Falls for an hour because it's better

Versatility of a top case:


Riding through the Adirondacks


The ferry from New York to Vermont

Poopy night shot north of Burlington

Set up just south of Bangor, Maine, prepped for the forecast of rain that (thankfully) never arrived

I've learned a lot from this forum, thanks!
Looks like an awesome time man!

Could you post a google maps link for that route?

Do you have any pics of how you packed your gear in the bike bags?

The trip must be a blast! What did you pack and how did you get in all in the cases! Great trip :thumbup:

What's the name of the theme park?
Could you post a google maps link for that route?
Do you have any pics of how you packed your gear in the bike bags?

Rosemere Dr to Rosemere Dr - Google Maps

Notes about the route
- The Canadian side of the route is for the most part a means to an end. Most of it was not enjoyable. Also we did 850km in one day to get through Quebec as quick as possible because we hate it there.
- We didn't follow that route exactly, some spots we left the freeway for more scenic routes.
- Trip total was 3920km.

WOW! Must have been hot....was that one guy in shorts?!?!?! :confused:

Not shorts, we all ride full gear.. he just had his legs unzipped then. Hot?!?!? Heck yeah, I've never sweat so much in my life. Seriously. The ride from Ontario to the start of the Adirondacks was constant blistering heat. Some people were passing out in line at the park! rookies.

The trip must be a blast! What did you pack and how did you get in all in the cases! Great trip :thumbup:

I figured out that I can pack surprising light when the temperature is not expected to be cold. I'll try to break down how I pack (sorry, no pics)

All my camping stuff is in my top case
- tent (msr hubba hubba)
- pillow
- sleeping pad
- sleeping bag
- msr whisperlite stove + pots + full bottle
- small tarp
- hatchet

Most of this gear is targeted to lightweight hiking so it is designed to be compact.

I divide my clothing into 2 small duffel bags, one in the bottom of each side case. I've been able to pack very little clothing because I go with only 2 sets of riding clothes (boxer-briefs, socks, T-shirt) that I can wash in the shower and bungie to my bike to dry during the ride. These items are also merino wool that you can wear for a week or more without cleaning (it doesn't stink or "feel" dirty) if necessary. Merino wool is also the most breathable fiber out there which made the hot days slightly more tolerable. In the duffels I also packed 3 more pairs of underwear, 2 pairs of casual shorts, 3 polos, 1 pair of pants, 1 fleece sweater. I don't bother with rain gear.

In one side case I also have a first aid kit, twine and paracord, baseball glove, merrel barefoot running shoes (they pack small and don't require me to pack socks), and flipflops/sandals. In the other side case I have toiletries, portable battery for charging phone and scala rider, blackberry playbook, and room for water, food, snacks.

In my tank bag i have a windbreaker, clear visor, point and shoot camera, flashlight, knives, work gloves and other odds and ends.

Cheers, thanks for the comments!