This S#!t ain't funny no more!!!


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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I loved my bike but right now I'm bout ready to have me a big ole FZ6 Bon Fire! Now the oil pan, seriously the oil pan, cracked, WTFHFYDYDHETDDTXGXTXBEI son of a Mother Fhejrin donkey lickin AHhh.... I don't know what the hell me or this bike did in a former life but if i didnt know no better id say karma is trying to kick my ass.

WOoooo saaaaa

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On to the next one...

Venting rant over...
Whoa looks pretty gnarly, looks like BP stopped by :p do oil pans crack by them selfs? Or could something have hit it?
S**** and your bike will be in my prayers tonight haha. But for real man, that blows, but don't give up on her!
Chevy, was it your bike that had the cracked frame too?

looks like someone came over in the night and shanked your girl in the belly. Hope you can fix er up quick. :(
Damn **** luck... At least its a cheap fix. New pan is under $200 I believe. Wonder how it cracked...?
Yup just got the frame fixed not to long ago, and I ain't got a damn clue how it cracked...
I can say I had one hell of a fun ride home on it though! I stopped at the gas station about 5miles from home like I always do in the mornings, topped it off and that's when I noticed it leaking. At the time I was just hoping it was the fact that i have never replaced my crush washer so Instead of taking any chances I rode it back home but it had just rained a hr before so the roads were nice and wet and as the engine got warmer the oil came out faster. So with wet roads and oil dumping on my tire I was finally able to drift the Mother Freaker actually meaning to! And not just drift it, nice rolling burnouts through 3rd gear! Yeah I was a little pissed ad took it out on my tire!
Jeez, you are the lucky guy!!!! I wonder if that bike was built on a Friday...

There should be used pans out there, some of those busted blocks from TOG's snapping the engine tabs off. Its not hard to swap out, the header will probably take the longest to get off.

Did you look up close at it and it is the pan? No impact damage??? Something had to have struck it.. I'm curious as to why it cracked, their pretty stout (at least the 07 FJR one we pulled off for a helicoil-stripped drain plug). Up close pic's when your up to it... Lucky you didn't seize the engine up!

Actually, your heliarc guy may be able to patch it up if its something simple!!

Well, the bike gets an oil change too!!

BTW, reminds me of my old 1979 AMF HD Sportster with all the oil under it... Sorry, couldn't help myself... Seriously, good luck...

There's a bunch of pan's on E-bay:

$93 brand new plus gasket:
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Yup, JB Weld.

That really sucks.

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Alright I tried taking a picture but got oil on the camera lol but there is about a 1" hairline crack to the direct right side of the drain plug, and on the left side of the head of the drain plug, a fresh indention, like a rock or something must have caught the plug just right to crack it... WTF!!!
Alright I tried taking a picture but got oil on the camera lol but there is about a 1" hairline crack to the direct right side of the drain plug, and on the left side of the head of the drain plug, a fresh indention, like a rock or something must have caught the plug just right to crack it... WTF!!!

Well damn!

I just looked at my 07 pan (I believe its slightly different) and there may be a 1" gap between the header and the pan for something to get thru there from the from the front and smack it. Now if you were doing a wheelie, the oil pan would have ben fine(nice and safe in the air)!

You need to buy a lottery ticket, the odds of doing that, .......!

BTW, I believe there's a bolt recesssed in about the middle of the pan when you get to swapping it out...
Well Travis that sucks! Sorry such issues come into to play so often with you two.. .. ..
You're like an old married couple and she wants your attention I guess!!! Maybe hands somewhere other than the grips?? :spank: :spank:

To the oven the pan goes!