This S#!t ain't funny no more!!!

Dude, I think it's time to upgrade to an Fz1 or a Tuono V4R. Just saying. Sounds like how you ride it might be fun, although you may kill yourself, so stay with the 6.
Still waiting on my gasket, I guess they are widdlen' it out of wood. I'm torn though on what to do once its back going, on one hand it's been a freaking kick ass bike up until the last few months an would like to hang onto it. But my gut is telling me to list it for sale the sec its running to not give it a chance for anything else to screw up. Also I'm thinking about selling it in spring so I might be able to squeeze a few more bucks out of it, plus that way I can get at least on last hoorah out of it on one more good ride. But the way things are going, and my luck as of late, the damn motor would probably blow if I took it for one more ride lol
It would go a little something like this

You read that right, 20MOTHER FREAKIN THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE LAST BIKE YOUll EVER BUY!!!! Your asking yourself right now "is this a d*** joke!!!" Hell naw it ain't a d*** joke!!! This use to be 04 yamaha fz6 but now its a 2004 YAMA FREAKIN HA FZ MOTHER F'N 666 STREET FIGHTIN SUM BIT** it got in a fight with the asphalt and made the asphalt say uncle and auntie!!! It's exhaust smells like million dollar cologne!!! You want something fast you say? Well this SOB will go 0-200 in like 5 sec (when speedo is set to kph) just don't try to stop because it don't like to stop, like it will kick your arse if you try to stop it. That's right it will kick YOUR ARSE, because you don't ride this bike, the bike rides you!!! You want something loud you say? Well feast your eyes on that back side!!! That completely homemade exhaust is guaranteed to make babies cry and impregnate any female within a 1 mile radius!!! Yeah 50cal machine guns live vicariously through that exhaust!!! You say you want something that looks good? Are you F'n kiddin me!?!?! Just look at this badassery, this SOB has been down on both sides and chicks dig scars!!! You say you want something reliable an can take you anywhere? What kind of question is that, this bike has been gracious enough to grace the pavement an dirt with its presence for like 40,000 miles!!! That's right I said dirt to! I've had this thing places that would make Bear Gryills cry for his mommy!!! When the fz6 first came out some motorcycle mag called it the Swiss Army knife of bikes, well if they were to review this bike they would call it the Mother Freakin Ark of the Covenant of bikes!!! SO ACT FAST BECAUSE AT THIS INCREDIBLY LOW PRICE IT WON'T LAST LONG!!! But wait there's more!!! If you act today ill knock off $100 from the $20,000 price!!! WOW WHAT A BARGIN!!!
Does it wheelie you ask?!?! Wht kind of question is that! This thing will wheelie so hard it will throw you off the back slam down break the frame come back up, spin around and run over your balls while flicking you off it will wheelie so hard, and then bust a big black oil slick on you just to make sure you got the point!!!
Does it wheelie you ask?!?! Wht kind of question is that! This thing will wheelie so hard it will throw you off the back slam down break the frame come back up, spin around and run over your balls while flicking you off it will wheelie so hard, and then bust a big black oil slick on you just to make sure you got the point!!!


I posted in the multi page broken frame thread many times!!!! And the oil plug thread too :thumbup:

Who needs a stinkin FZ1??? You can't kill that FZ6!!!!
LOVE your classified ad posting haha. How many miles on the bike by the way? It might be better to part it out if you're gonna sell it. I personally wouldn't sell a bike to someone with a cracked frame and cracked engine block unless you let it go for like $1,000.
LOVE your classified ad posting haha. How many miles on the bike by the way? It might be better to part it out if you're gonna sell it. I personally wouldn't sell a bike to someone with a cracked frame and cracked engine block unless you let it go for like $1,000.

It's got like 40k on it but I've already fixed the frame and the oil pan I'm just waiting on a gasket so I can put the pan back on. As far as the frame goes, it's stronger now than it ever was! I actually have Rockwell hardness and other lab reports from work to prove it, but in all likely hood ill prolly trade it on a dr650 and let the dealer deal with it


I posted in the multi page broken frame thread many times!!!! And the oil plug thread too :thumbup:

Who needs a stinkin FZ1??? You can't kill that FZ6!!!!

Lol if I didn't know better I'd say it was trying to kill me though :BLAA:
It's got like 40k on it but I've already fixed the frame and the oil pan I'm just waiting on a gasket so I can put the pan back on. As far as the frame goes, it's stronger now than it ever was! I actually have Rockwell hardness and other lab reports from work to prove it, but in all likely hood ill prolly trade it on a dr650 and let the dealer deal with it

Lol if I didn't know better I'd say it was trying to kill me though :BLAA:

Maybe its "payback time"!!! :BLAA:
HA and y'all only have herd half of it! So maybe it is trying to get payback. I really do beat the snot out of everything I get behind the wheel of (or bars lol) but I try to treat em well too. I take care of them and they take care of me. The only other vehicle I had this many issues with was my 2nd car, a 89 MX6 GT that I put a turbo way too big on it and thought I was Paul walker shifting 16 times in Fast and the furious lol after the bigger turbo went on it made it 10,000 miles before I destroyed the clutch, new clutch in made it 3,000 miles then sent a connecting rod threw the oil pan. Of course this is also the 2nd longest I've owned a vehicle too, so maybe all the other ones I've beat the piss out of fell apart on the next owner.
The R6 engine was built to be thrashed and you haven't killed it yet. You reminded me of a vid I found when researching getting an FZ6:

[ame=]Yamaha FZ6 Fazer 600 at 239 km/h. Top Speed. Versus VW Jetta 2.5. - YouTube[/ame]
The R6 engine was built to be thrashed and you haven't killed it yet. You reminded me of a vid I found when researching getting an FZ6:

Yamaha FZ6 Fazer 600 at 239 km/h. Top Speed. Versus VW Jetta 2.5. - YouTube

Looks like an 09 FZ.

Is that on the autobon? Looks like a blast.

I've been to 133 MPH (locked in on my Speedohealer) and that was in a short distance (2-3 miles over a bridge) on my FZ, not to 144MPH indicated.

There's no place in the states to run the bike to its limits in the states..

Cool vidio!
Yeah the engine is liable to be the only thing still good on the bike by the time it leaves me lol I have no shame in admitting I've done some pretty stupid stuff in my short time here on earth and to be completely honest I'm actually surprised I'm still alive. I found out that a couple of my family members secretly took out some pretty big life insurance policies on me when I got this bike, I guess they have no faith in my skill :BLAA: or maybe it could be that lingering image of me doing a 360 in front of the local police station shortly followed by a chase then begging for someone to bond me out lol and I know I have said it before but ill say it over and over again this bike has calmed me down a lot! It literally taught me self control, and humility, that might sound a little weird or funny but it really has taught me that there is no point in acting like a idiot all the time. I obviously still like to have my fun but I finally realize what people have been telling me for years, there's a time and place!

And I'm really not making that stuff up about the 360 and chase lol
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Luckily since I told the officer my brother I a cop he dropped the reckless driving, hinder, and about 4 other things I can't remember
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..I know I have said it before but ill say it over and over again this bike has calmed me down a lot! It literally taught me self control, and humility, that might sound a little weird or funny but it really has taught me that there is no point in acting like a idiot all the time. I obviously still like to have my fun but I finally realize what people have been telling me for years, there's a time and place!

Yikes. Sounds like you've come a long ways.
Don't be going back to the dark side if you get an FZ1.

[ame=]Fz1 Ride 150+ - YouTube[/ame]
Aren't you the fellow who has done lots of wheelies and ran over logs in the roadway and such?

Karma or cause and effect?

Lol maybe? Action-Reaction

In all seriousness though, where the frame cracked, it shouldn't have happened at all like it did. And that "log" actually made it in between my chain and sprocket somehow.