This is ridiculous. Service bill from dealership.

As all the previous posts have given you all the advice you need all I can add is good luck today. Try and stay calm but firm. :thumbup:
I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Luckily I have a good friend to work on my bike, so I pay for the parts and dinner.

However, when I bring my car to the shop I ALWAYS tell them that I want them to call me with the estimate BEFORE doing any work. I also check to see if there will be a fee for said estimate - ie..if they have to put it on the computer or such.

Good Luck!
No, seriously, Lone, it does sound pricey, alright. Didn't the shop have to remove/replace tires anyway so wouldn't that have been included in the tire replacement cost? I wonder how much it cost to fix your rims. I'm surprised that no estimate was cited on the work order. Often, as others have said, shops can't exceed by too much w/o calling for authorization. Too bad you didn't get a breakdown on the work order! For example, if shop cited $400 or some outrageous amount for Stebel horn installation, you could have declined that service? At any rate, yeah, be sure and get a breakdown in labor costs. Sorry to hear about your pain!

I agree, you have to make sure that you don't get double dipped. I needed and had my steering head bearings replaced. But I also decided to get my front springs and oil replaced since they had to take the forks off anyways. It was actually cheaper than having them do it two separate times.

So by getting your rims fixed, you shouldn't have to pay the install for the new tire, and they would have to balance the tire anyways if they installed your old tire back. The fact that you purchased new tires and had your brakes worked on is another area that you might even be charged, when you shouldn't.

+3 on the double dipped. Several of your repairs could/should be combined, not excessively charged. Figure out if they charged you a flat rate per job description, or an hourly rate, or if they just mixed and matched to hose you. Also, check if your shop has two sets of hourly rates. I used to go to a Yamaha dealer in Ontario, and they charged $85/hr for the first two hours, then $65/hr thereafter.

Ultimately, they may have your bike. But all FZ6's that I know of came with two sets of keys... :rolleyes:
Dood, what is the resale value of the bike? You obviously got hosed by the stealer. If they haven't started on the bike yet, ask them to stop and get it back.
Did you ask in advance how much it would cost?

They may very well have spent 10 hours but that does not necessarily mean their work was worth $1,700.

If you bring just the wheels without the bike, it's $30 per tire.

Bringing your own tires in or having a vendor ship new tires to the dealer is much cheaper too.

That's the same price I've paid here in SF, a very expensive state/city.

Good tires can be had for around $230 shipped (in the states, anyway).
Really hope you didnt end up at Blackfoot for this.
by far, the most savage, bloodthirsty service department to ever walk the face of the planet. Ive got too many personal experiences to even begin writing them down here.
Pulling the whole "refusing to pay the bill" thing doesnt work, they must be the #1 dealership in canada for holding onto customers bikes. Ive seen them refuse to give a coworker his dirtbike because he refused to pay for work that they assured him was free (covered under warranty) He hasnt gotten that bike back to this day!

Truly do hope you didnt go there. If you did, then next time try Seitzco Motorsports in okotoks. They are a Yamaha only dealership and they are #1 in my books
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