The Rant Thread

I believe even cops should have the choice of being a squid if they want to.

Just as I feel I'm free to think they're silly to do so.
Same ol' , same ol' again..... One rule for them & another for us :( :shakehead:

I was going to mention those 'pants' the same way but you just never know how many gay horse riders there are out there......... Hey , good luck to them if they are but they are a touchy bunch when you start talkin' bout them :BLAA:

The other day, some guys were riding to Strathalbyn, and got stuck behind 3 pushbike riders riding 3 abreast in the tight stuff, at about 30km/h maximum....guys on motorbike's get stuck behind them, till an appropriate time comes where they can pass safely....but still a double white line.

Anyway motorbike riders get to Strathalbyn, stop for a coffee, when one of cyclist's who they passed, walks over to them, and tells them he is a cop, and that they had better watch themselves, cause they overtook illegally...

Yes they did overtake illegally to the letter of the law, but they did exercise due caution when overtaking...But as for the cyclists...i thought it was a bookable offence to obstruct traffic, by driving way under the speed limit...and 3 abreast...

I believe even cops should have the choice of being a squid if they want to.

Just as I feel I'm free to think they're silly to do so.

Just as i feel that Harley Riders are silly to ride Harley's...and they probably think i am a gay romper in my one piece leathers, on a sportsbike!


Freedom of choice, but i do believe there should be a minimum requirement re riding gear on a bike...thongs, sandles, croc's, all should be illegal for a start...

Just as i feel that Harley Riders are silly to ride Harley's...and they probably think i am a gay romper in my one piece leathers, on a sportsbike!


Freedom of choice, but i do believe there should be a minimum requirement re riding gear on a bike...thongs, sandles, croc's, all should be illegal for a start...


Harley riders don't wave to me :cheer:
Hell sports bike riders don't half as much as they used to when I was on my gixxer. :(

There's a quote that goes something along the lines of...

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Sums up my thoughts on the matter quite well really ;)

As for cops booking bikes in a blitz, it sucks, it happens but nowhere did you specify it was the same cop doing the blitz as was doing the lane splitting. It's like that video the other day with the cop busting another off duty cop for speeding. Some are pricks and some are just doing a job they've been told to...

On one hand you claim they should introduce more laws to limit the ways you and other people in your community ride their bikes .. on another you're unhappy that other restrictive laws stop you from doing something other members of the community see as unessential and dangerous? Not exactly innocent when we're all aware that doing so is essentially illegal.

I'm not exactly innocent myself ... :rolleyes: :ban:

As for the guy on the pushbike, he's clearly just a dick :rockon:
Harley riders don't wave to me :cheer:
Hell sports bike riders don't half as much as they used to when I was on my gixxer. :(

There's a quote that goes something along the lines of...

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Sums up my thoughts on the matter quite well really ;)

As for cops booking bikes in a blitz, it sucks, it happens but nowhere did you specify it was the same cop doing the blitz as was doing the lane splitting. It's like that video the other day with the cop busting another off duty cop for speeding. Some are pricks and some are just doing a job they've been told to...

On one hand you claim they should introduce more laws to limit the ways you and other people in your community ride their bikes .. on another you're unhappy that other restrictive laws stop you from doing something other members of the community see as unessential and dangerous? Not exactly innocent when we're all aware that doing so is essentially illegal.

I'm not exactly innocent myself ... :rolleyes: :ban:

As for the guy on the pushbike, he's clearly just a dick :rockon:

Yes i know, i can be a complete hypocrite sometimes! LOL!

But what we are talking about is common sense....if you ride a bike, at least wear something appropriate....

As for me doing the wrong thing, or anyone else on a motorbike, crossing double white lines to overtake....the double white lines are sometuimes in places where you can see both sides of the road for at least 200-300 metres, and it takes about 70 metres to overtake a car travelling at under 100km''s illegal, but is the law wrong?...cause oveertaking in a siuation like that, is not puttuing anyone in danger!

Oh and by the way, the cop i saw lane splitting was the same cop i saw 10 minutes earlier on West Terrace in the City, busting a guy on a GSXR in full leathers for a fender eliminator...sorry, i should of mentioned that...

I spoke to guy at the Speedway on Saturday night, who got pulled over on his way out to the track on his Suzuki Boulevard, or Intruder, or something that makes you look like a starfish to ride....definitely not a Harley...and when the police officer spoke to him, his reason was to check whether he was a bikey! WTF!

As for the liberty thing....that's a long long arguement....

The law that applies to us -2 abreast, also applies to cyclists
No wonder he did not press the point about over taking
Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
Anyway motorbike riders get to Strathalbyn, stop for a coffee, when one of cyclist's who they passed, walks over to them, and tells them he is a cop, and that they had better watch themselves, cause they overtook illegally...

Yes they did overtake illegally to the letter of the law, but they did exercise due caution when overtaking...But as for the cyclists...i thought it was a bookable offence to obstruct traffic, by driving way under the speed limit...and 3 abreast...


Cyclists are just people too stupid to use a real form of transport. It's not suprising.
I spoke to guy at the Speedway on Saturday night, who got pulled over on his way out to the track on his Suzuki Boulevard, or Intruder, or something that makes you look like a starfish to ride....definitely not a Harley...and when the police officer spoke to him, his reason was to check whether he was a bikey! WTF!


See thats just crap , tarring us all with the same brush...

I was pulled over & given an official caution for 103 in a 100 zone a few weeks ago :eek: & his exact words to me were " All you motorbike riders are the same , pushing the boundries of the law " :shakehead: feather , brush , tar again :spank: He went over my bike checking brake lights , indicators , treat depth with his little dipstick thing & then let me go...... Didnt ask where the db killer was for the pipe :confused: so he knew $h!t...

I work with a Hells Angel & used to work with an Odin's Warrior , hell I even rode with the Odin's on a poker run & they are some of the nicest blokes you'll meet in a days march... My Ullyses mate is more hardcore than 95% of bikies :thumbup:
Officers with that kind of attitude don't belong in the force.
Even before you consider the problems with inaccuracies in speedometers, particularly at those high speeds, its simply a form of discrimination, and the fact he said that at all is appalling.

Its the same situation that many young people face, particularly on P's. You are young so you must be doing something wrong, they'll do their best to find the most obscure thing to get you for as well, just so they can reinforce their own personal bias.

If they can't do their job in a way that maintains fairness, objectivity and the law (in spirit, not just in letter) then they shouldn't be employed at all... or they can work somewhere that doesn't effect the greater community.

With the dispute over Police insurance currently going on it was mentioned that police won't be handing out fines for minor offences, as a way of protesting.
Now firstly, it is pretty horrible that this is being taken away from them, and honestly if this is where the government is cost cutting then we have major problems.
But at the same time police should be seriously considering handing out even minor fines ALL the time, because the easily enforceable laws which catch most people (on minor offences), are often not the issues that people who deserve attention are braking.
Officers with that kind of attitude don't belong in the force.
Even before you consider the problems with inaccuracies in speedometers, particularly at those high speeds, its simply a form of discrimination, and the fact he said that at all is appalling.

Its the same situation that many young people face, particularly on P's. You are young so you must be doing something wrong, they'll do their best to find the most obscure thing to get you for as well, just so they can reinforce their own personal bias.

If they can't do their job in a way that maintains fairness, objectivity and the law (in spirit, not just in letter) then they shouldn't be employed at all... or they can work somewhere that doesn't effect the greater community.

With the dispute over Police insurance currently going on it was mentioned that police won't be handing out fines for minor offences, as a way of protesting.
Now firstly, it is pretty horrible that this is being taken away from them, and honestly if this is where the government is cost cutting then we have major problems.
But at the same time police should be seriously considering handing out even minor fines ALL the time, because the easily enforceable laws which catch most people (on minor offences), are often not the issues that people who deserve attention are braking.

On a plus side....

Being in my profession I had the opportunity to talk to some of his superiors & they had recieve several complaints about the
heavy handed policing by the young & over exuberant Senior Constable
& they have told me he has been removed from the traffic branch :thumbup: Even they agreed that his attitude was
not appropriate
for his field of policing :thumbup:
That's good to hear, what is sad is that it only takes a few bad apples to taint the overall image. An issue that not only the police face, but motorcyclists as well.
Its been 4 weeks now since the FZ was sold/traded.

Missing my bike sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Having withdrawls of that shrieking 600 inline 4.

Even though I ride it every day, the Strom still feels like the Mrs bike & all im doing is borrowing it.

Ahhhh :spank:
Its been 4 weeks now since the FZ was sold/traded.

Missing my bike sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Having withdrawls of that shrieking 600 inline 4.

Even though I ride it every day, the Strom still feels like the Mrs bike & all im doing is borrowing it.

Ahhhh :spank:

Get an FZ6 motor, and drop it in the Strom! :D
Not a bad idea, but the Strom's frame is a little narrow for a 4.

Then again, it would have the look of the old Honda CBX 6 :rockon:
Been biting my tongue, but no more. The new ad for motorcycle safety, with Mick Doohan (aka God) pointing out the dangers of intersections, and kind of trying to get riders into the mind set of looking out for other people's pathetic driving. Cool.:thumbup:

[ame=""]Mick Doohan - Black Spots - YouTube[/ame]

The same Gov't that is telling us we need to watch the approaching intersection like a hawk, also put the speed cameras on the same intersection, set to a couple of km/h over, so that you have to watch your speedo like a hawk instead. On the bright side, at least they can pay for the ad using the revenue raised from speeding fines:rolleyes:.
Been biting my tongue, but no more. The new ad for motorcycle safety, with Mick Doohan (aka God) pointing out the dangers of intersections, and kind of trying to get riders into the mind set of looking out for other people's pathetic driving. Cool.:thumbup:

Mick Doohan - Black Spots - YouTube

The same Gov't that is telling us we need to watch the approaching intersection like a hawk, also put the speed cameras on the same intersection, set to a couple of km/h over, so that you have to watch your speedo like a hawk instead. On the bright side, at least they can pay for the ad using the revenue raised from speeding fines:rolleyes:.

I hear ya mate,about the speed cams or safety cams(at the intersections)Because guess what the drivers are doin aswell(lookin at their speedo,mobile,make-up, shaver).But as far as intersections go,you gotta look out for yourself,because no-one else is........And as I allways say,Its no good being in the right if your laying in the gutter;)
Seriously when will people learn they are not invincible! Had a bloke killed and his brother I think it was a few weeks ago speeding in town and crashed from the year above me at school and then last night one killed from the year below when he and his mate decided to drive to another town drunk with an l plater driving pissed in a storm. Deadset wtf are they thinking. Like I am only 20 and yet do none of this just stupid stuff and Defiantly not with anyone in the car!!! maybe the government should hit us with all these curfews they keep talking about but it still won't stop these idiots killing themselves and the passengers in the cars!!!!
Like you said, they can put all the laws into place and all the restrictions in the world.
The people doing the stupid stuff that kill themselves and others don't pay the rules any mind, and meanwhile all the normal responsible young people end up totally ****ed.

Designated drivers are basically gone thanks to what can only be described as a retarded political head in sand manoeuvre, in which you can only have a certain number of passengers under a certain age.
Not to mention the ridiculous plate system which makes OTHER drivers act like idiots at the first sign of an L or P, AND the speeding limits on the L/P plates which are not only dangerous as they hold up traffic, but also because cars and motorcycles not moving with the traffic are constantly at risk every time they are overtaken.

At the end of the day its a problem with upbringing, its a younger generation who just don't have any values or respect, mainly thanks to their parents, and as a result they put themselves and others at risk.
Personally I don't mind them killing themselves like idiots, but unfortunately the roads are shared and that means innocent lives are put at risk every time they do something stupid. I don't mean their mates in the car egging them on either, they can throw away their lives as well.

Driver training is also exceptionally poor in this country, and realistically no one wants to fix it because it costs money. Many elderly (40+) drivers are only safe on the road because of huge amounts of experience, rather than being technical and knowledgeable drivers. That is without even looking at the extremely poor drivers out there as well.
A lot of driving is experience, but as advanced courses will show there are skills that help on the road as well.

How exactly are they meant to teach their children that a car is a weapon which you need to use with respect, and which can end your own life, or your passengers, or some innocent bystander (bydriver) who is nearby when you do something idiotic. They are barely aware of it themselves.

Better education (starting at home), better training, and a system that rewards good behaviour and we would be moving in the right direction.
At the moment none of this is happening.

I'm also young (24) and find these issues vexing as I was always pretty responsible (I'll admit I had my moments, but was always strongly aware of possible consequences).

Driving is a privilege, and honestly its one that many people just don't deserve, whether its because they lack the skill, awareness or ability to behave responsibly.