The most courageous soldier you'll ever see.

Now this woman has to have some sort of redeeming feature. I really really really wonder just exactly what it is.
Something happened to make this guy say, Yep this is the one for me. I wanna know exactly what that is.
Or he is just crazy as f-ing hell. Maybe he wants to have football player babies? Maybe she offered to break his spine if he didnt show up? Witchcraft maybe?

There is a story behind this one, and I am intriged. Its just got to be something good.
Well, on a positive note, at least she seems to have all of her front teeth, two eyes, a straight nose, possibly both ears and plently love to go around :)
Has anybody ever thought, maybe they love eachother? It's not all about looks people!!!!! :rolleyes: Grow up!
Has anybody ever thought, maybe they love eachother? It's not all about looks people!!!!! :rolleyes: Grow up!

Its all fun and games till some one drops the L word.

I think bubba needs to get a few operations before the transformation is complete... Something about that Jaw line/fore head bugs me.

It's not all about looks people!!!!!

Quite right. It's also about mass. This dude probably just wandered into her gravitational field and couldn't reach escape velocity until it was too late. Not all of us are lucky enough to ride the super fast Fizz.

Priest: "I now pronounce you woman and satellite. You may orbit the bride."
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Ok, I'll admit it, but I did laugh a little when I saw this. And then I felt a little bad for doing so. I will also admit that I am just about the first person to find things funny in almost any situation. I mean, the below vid is wrong, wrong, wrong; but I can't help but laugh at it.

However, I actually thought that this post was a little on the mean side. It is very possible that this guy really does love this woman. Even though in my eyes I personally don't find her to be a beauty, maybe, just maybe he does.

Ok, I'll get off of my high horse now. In hopes that I don't get flamed, enjoy this extremely politically incorrect and super wrong video.

[ame=""]YouTube - Stephen Lynch- Special Olympics[/ame]
LOL , im surprised it took this long for the scam to show up on the forum :eek: , yes its a SCAM people ....... My bro-in-law is on the forum where this was 1st posted and through a series of questioning the dude was caught out in his little story...............Sorry :( if i ruined it
I can't think of the name of the movie ,but reminds of that film where the guy fell in love with the fat chick but could only see the pretty skinny one when he looked at her.
Now this woman has to have some sort of redeeming feature. I really really really wonder just exactly what it is.

Maybe she's one helluva cook? ;)

Maybe this isn't the groom at all? Maybe it is a brother or relative of a sort? Maybe this was just one of the pics post/pre-wedding?

Maybe she ATE the groom?
That's not "love" its FEAR.
The guy looks like he is cra*ing himself cos he's dreading what he has got coming to him that evening when the doors are closed :eek: