The disgusting thread!

That my friend, would be a BOIL.

BOILS spread like wildfire and are caused by bacterial infections. Anyway, here's mine...

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This would probably be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen...

Jackass. The omelette...

Very nice thread. My wife and I were looking on craigs list one night. Unfortunatly we got into the women seeking women and men seeking men section. Amazing. Came across some terminology we had to google to figure out. "scat". If you are curious, just google "two girls and a cup". Puts the bugger eater to shame. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION

IT occurred to me after posting this that some people might be offended by watching this. I apologize. That is why I didn't just copy the video.
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If you are curious, just google \"two girls and a cup\". Puts the bugger eater to shame. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION

IT occurred to me after posting this that some people might be offended by watching this. I apologize. That is why I didn't just copy the video.

this video will scar you for life!!! Don't watch it people.....PLEASE!
Very nice thread. My wife and I were looking on craigs list one night. Unfortunatly we got into the women seeking women and men seeking men section. Amazing. Came across some terminology we had to google to figure out. \"scat\". If you are curious, just google \"two girls and a cup\". Puts the bugger eater to shame. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION

IT occurred to me after posting this that some people might be offended by watching this. I apologize. That is why I didn't just copy the video.

I think we have a winner....
This happened to me. A few years ago I started having these phantom like smells, meaning that I would get a wiff of somthing every now and again and could not figure out where it was coming from. Even after I would get out of the shower I would get a wiff of this smell. This went on for about a month or 2, then one day as I got out of the shower I was drying my hair and moved the towell across my face and there it was again. I found out that it was coming from this lump that I had under my ear. It wasn't that noticable but it was a little bigger then a quarter and stuck out almost a 1/2 inch.

I go to the doctors and they lance it(cut a hole) in the lump and they start pushing and squeezing, I'm not sure what came out since I couldn't see it but the smell was :eek:.

(now for the gross part)

The doctor told me to go home and push and squeeze on it (like a pimple) to see if I could get more of the infection out.

I get home go into the restroom and start sqeezing and nothing comes out for like 15 seconds and then POP, it looked like a huge zit just popped all over my mirror, which was about 2 feet away (not groosed out yet, well just keep reading)

I clean off the mirror (while gagging) and start squeezing again, this time I almost puked. As soon as I started squeezing it looked like a horror movie, I had a solid stream of blood and some other fluid shooting out about 4 feet and hitting the wall.

Needless to say after I cleaned the last part up I didn't squeeze it any more, I ended up having surgery to remove the rest of what ever else was in there.

Glad it was on your ear and not anywhere else :D
this video will scar you for life!!! Don't watch it people.....PLEASE!

If you hadn't heard of this before seeing aren't in the know. I've known about this video forever, and have never watched's almost intriguing to want to see it, but according to description, you can't UNSEE it...i have yet to find out and I'm 2 or so years of knowing about it but not seeing it.
If you hadn't heard of this before seeing aren't in the know. I've known about this video forever, and have never watched's almost intriguing to want to see it, but according to description, you can't UNSEE it...i have yet to find out and I'm 2 or so years of knowing about it but not seeing it.

Believe it or not, there is another video that is more disgusting than that one, but I won't share which one.....makes me sick just thinking about it.
Ok I am going to just say if you value your sanity do not click on links I provide after this point. People are evil and disgusting. I will make sure they are at least without nudity and these are for the most part NOT WORK SAFE.

On thinking for a minute I will just discribe them and if you want to see them just PM me.

Have any of you heard of Body Modification Extreme? BME? BME Olympics?

The winner ties a string around his frank and beans, cuts frank off, pops open his beans removes them and smashes them live on camera.
The words can not do the action justice. It is horrible.

The Chechen excution videos by Russian suppremasists (think russian clan)
Videos of starving north korean orphans treated like animals.
A video of a coroner, raping a dead 19 year old virgin and popping her eye out after cutting her open.

The internet is a very dark place and people are evil.
There are more, but I think it would be best if they are not posted on this site.

If you really want disgusting go to pay the 10$ bucks and just read. There is good there too, and some really cool stuff, but people are evil and many of them are never caught or punished at all.
Ok I am going to just say if you value your sanity do not click on links I provide after this point. People are evil and disgusting. I will make sure they are at least without nudity and these are for the most part NOT WORK SAFE.

On thinking for a minute I will just discribe them and if you want to see them just PM me.

Have any of you heard of Body Modification Extreme? BME? BME Olympics?

The winner ties a string around his frank and beans, cuts frank off, pops open his beans removes them and smashes them live on camera.
The words can not do the action justice. It is horrible.

The Chechen excution videos by Russian suppremasists (think russian clan)
Videos of starving north korean orphans treated like animals.
A video of a coroner, raping a dead 19 year old virgin and popping her eye out after cutting her open.

The internet is a very dark place and people are evil.
There are more, but I think it would be best if they are not posted on this site.

If you really want disgusting go to pay the 10$ bucks and just read. There is good there too, and some really cool stuff, but people are evil and many of them are never caught or punished at all.

I,m starting to get very concerned about you mate............very concerned indeed :eek:
I am very concerned about me too. I left off some of the really horrible ones.
How about the guy and his wife who just murder some dude in thier house?
The mexican drug dealers who abduct, rape, shave the head, and dismember and behead a rival drug dealers girlfriend?
People are horrible and more of them need to be shot.
I promise there is much much worse.

The 10 year old that brutally murders a 6 year old over warcraft, dismembers him on the porch and tries to hide the pieces in the attic?
Crazy crap man.
You do know that termites eat their own crap and build their houses out of it...right??


Behold, the biggest pile of crap you've ever seen!!
[COLOR=\"DarkGreen\"]You do know that termites eat their own crap and build their houses out of it...right??


Behold, the biggest pile of crap you've ever seen!! [/COLOR]

What's with you and termites? That is not half as disgusting as some of these posts.
I guess some people just dont like termites. I dont like maggots at all.
The puke omelette was pretty gross, and "two girls and a cup" is disgusting, too... I can't even wrap my mind around the booger-sucking thing - that's just wrong.

But I'm a nurse that works in ortho most of the time (morbidly obese people crapping in bedpans, gangrenous feet - pretty gross) - and occasionally float to the trauma center, where we get even nastier stuff.

Chainsaw meets right arm, lawnmower accidents, and the ever-present GSW guys... they never seem to know who shot them.

My theory on that is that there is a well-armed and shadowy Korean fellow named "Sum Guy"... because that's what they almost always say when they come in shot...

Anyone ever seen a "degloved" limb?

Not pretty. But still, being part of the job, I can't understand why people would want to suck boogers, make puke omelettes, or share a cup.

THAT's the gross shiiet - I'm afraid to even search for some of the stuff that wrightme is talking about. :(
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