Tank Slapper!!

That was no tank slapper as other people have already said, just a rough piece of pavement.

The only other thing I'll add is the OP has said in other posts that if he gets pulled over he just flashes his badge and gets a free pass from a fellow cop. I think that irks all of us who try to remain within the law while having some fun, and has still gotten a ticket along the way causing us $$$ and a potential hike in insurance costs. When we hear law enforcment folks purposely breaking the law and not paying any price, and then bragging about it is being disrespectul to the public that you are supposed to serve fairly. The public gets abused all day, every day by our various governments, but we expect some respect and honesty from the front line law enforcment people we come in contact with on a daily basis.
(I didn't even coast around in neutral when I was a squid).

That was the first thing I noticed!!! I
Have a go at my mates if I see them clutch coasting, and if I see them drop it into neutral and roll to a stop, it is worse. I'm a noob, I will admit that. But I HATE watching people clutch coast, or roll in neutral.

Nonetheless, yes, tank slapping is frightening - loosen your shoulders, grip as tight as you can with your knees, and if possible, ease onto the throttle to try and lighten the front end and thus decrease the effect that it has in 'slapping' the bike about.
And yeah, I just flash my badge and ride off? I mean, I would absolutely LOVE to be able to do that. And if I was a cop, I would take every chance to use that position to avoid traffic infractions. But farked if I would tell ANYONE if I was fraudulently rourting the system I had sworn to uphold.
That was no tank slapper as other people have already said, just a rough piece of pavement.

The only other thing I'll add is the OP has said in other posts that if he gets pulled over he just flashes his badge and gets a free pass from a fellow cop. I think that irks all of us who try to remain within the law while having some fun, and has still gotten a ticket along the way causing us $$$ and a potential hike in insurance costs. When we hear law enforcment folks purposely breaking the law and not paying any price, and then bragging about it is being disrespectul to the public that you are supposed to serve fairly. The public gets abused all day, every day by our various governments, but we expect some respect and honesty from the front line law enforcment people we come in contact with on a daily basis.

I don't recall saying that. If you can find that post, let me know! I haven't written a speeding ticket or stop sign ticket for about 4 years, so I'm no hypocrite.

That was the first thing I noticed!!! I
Have a go at my mates if I see them clutch coasting, and if I see them drop it into neutral and roll to a stop, it is worse. I'm a noob, I will admit that. But I HATE watching people clutch coast, or roll in neutral.

Nonetheless, yes, tank slapping is frightening - loosen your shoulders, grip as tight as you can with your knees, and if possible, ease onto the throttle to try and lighten the front end and thus decrease the effect that it has in 'slapping' the bike about.

Maybe I am a noob since i don't know what's wrong with clutch coasting or neutral roll stopping. Can someone educate this squid? MSF didn't teach me not to do those things.
I don't recall saying that. If you can find that post, let me know! I haven't written a speeding ticket or stop sign ticket for about 4 years, so I'm no hypocrite.

Maybe I am a noob since i don't know what's wrong with clutch coasting or neutral roll stopping. Can someone educate this squid? MSF didn't teach me not to do those things.

rolling without the engine and transmission engaged is bad, unsafe, unwise.

there is no power if you need it, no engine braking if you need it, and very little speed control. msf should have taught you to always be in gear both bike and body.
rolling without the engine and transmission engaged is bad, unsafe, unwise.

there is no power if you need it, no engine braking if you need it, and very little speed control. msf should have taught you to always be in gear both bike and body.

hmmm. How did I pick up this bad habit! I can see why coasting in neutral is bad since I don't have any power if I need to do some emergency moves. But what I don't understand is why disengaging the clutch when coming to a stop is bad. I usually just feather it a little, more & more, until I brake and come to a complete stop. If I really need to do something I can just engage the clutch. Please tell me why this is not correct. And what is the correct way to come to a stop.
hmmm. How did I pick up this bad habit! I can see why coasting in neutral is bad since I don't have any power if I need to do some emergency moves. But what I don't understand is why disengaging the clutch when coming to a stop is bad. I usually just feather it a little, more & more, until I brake and come to a complete stop. If I really need to do something I can just engage the clutch. Please tell me why this is not correct. And what is the correct way to come to a stop.

my understanding is that allowing the rear (engine and brake) to slow and center the bike is prefered. sure, the last 10mph aren't realy applicable on the fz, but from higher speeds, its very helpful.

try out stopping on loose surfaces on a bike you can drop and not worry about. the engine braking and almost instant power if needed. for avoiding obstacles is a godsend.

some msf instructor may step in any minute and give proper reasons and theories I hope now that I've smudged things ....
honestly, in our BRC we weren't taught that we had to engine break. we were taught that we could and that it's good to be in gear... but not that we had to engine break. but we were taught not to put it in neutral. even if you pull the clutch in and just dance on the shifter until you get to 1st gear. but you should be in first in case you have to get out quickly because some idiot behind you isn't paying attention. you are also supposed to have an exit strategy when you stop. hopefully an instructor will come on here and teach us all something. :D
Ok here are some proper tank slappers....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtjQ4SK4GXk]YouTube - ‪Close Shave!‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ1srcQMa_0]YouTube - ‪[Motorcycle Accident]TT-Tankslapper-19sec‬‏[/ame]

Re: Most Dissapointing thread ever. . .

TC - after seeing that vid, all I can say is you're lucky to be here to post at all!

With that, odds have it that you'll be statistic before the rest of us and what is even worse than that is that someone will have to put their life back together after they run you over! Does anyone you care about deserve that hardship because you're an idiot? No, I didn't think so either.

How do you expect anyone here to respect you or does it even matter to you?
Back to the original vid, so the minor tank slapper happened at apx. 0:25? Was that the bump? Too bad the helmet cam wasn't pointed down a little more so we could have seen the bars.

BTW - let's just stick to the tank slapper topic and not pick the guy apart. It was good of him to post up regarding an important safety issue.
As has been said, that was just head shake, and not even a particularly bad one. You were in mid rpm's, (speeding at least 15 over by the looks of it), and hit some bad pavement. It happens.

As for the other critiques, those things are going to happen on this board, and it's one reason I continue to love this place. People here don't let bad behavior go un-commented upon, and I like that. It doesn't really matter why you post a video of yourself riding, if it captures you doing something unsafe and stupid like blowing a redlight, people will call you on it. If your response is to get defensive, play the "hero" card and try to justify why red lights somehow don't apply to you, people here will politely put you in your place. It's a bitter pill, but they are 100% correct. You should've stopped. "I didn't think I could stop safely." You either A) don't know how to properly operate your bike, B) were going too fast --which is your own stupid fault, or C) both. God help you if it's C, seriously. Smarten up before you get a good close look at the asphalt. Be safe, dude, we need all the posters we can get. We comment because we care.
Back to the original vid, so the minor tank slapper happened at apx. 0:25? Was that the bump? Too bad the helmet cam wasn't pointed down a little more so we could have seen the bars.

BTW - let's just stick to the tank slapper topic and not pick the guy apart. It was good of him to post up regarding an important safety issue.

It happened approximate at 0:07, you can hear the bee buzzing noise.