Synthetic vs. Black Gold...Texas Tea

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C-bus Biker

Aug 24, 2009
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Columbus, Ohio
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So I went in for my first oil change. The guy asks if I want synthetic or standard. I told him that I wasn't sure and what did he recommend? He stated that once you go synthetic, you can't change back to standard later so he recommended standard. I agreed and went on with my oil change. When I picked up my bike, he recommended that I get another oil change every 2000 miles. He said that if I had chosen the synthetic, it would have been 4000 miles. So here's the question... Am I a sucker? I am sure that I'm going to spend more money changing oil every 2000 miles than I would be spending a little more on the synthetic every 4000 miles. Weigh in?
I have swapped back and forth between semi-snythetic Motul 5100, and fully synthetic Motul 7100 oil on regular occasion on my bike, with absoloutely no detrimental effects on the bike's engine that i know of..

I have also stretched out Km's between oil changes from time to time, due to laziness, or the fact that i was too busy touring to change oil...

In fact, my last lot of Motul 5100 was in the bike for just over 7000km's, and whilst the engine began to run a little rougher, with slighly notchy gear changes towards the end of that 7000km's, it was not an issue, bike went back to running as smooth as it should, as soon as the new Motul 10w/40 7100 oil went in...

Just my 2 cents.

So I went in for my first oil change. The guy asks if I want synthetic or standard. I told him that I wasn't sure and what did he recommend? He stated that once you go synthetic, you can't change back to standard later so he recommended standard. I agreed and went on with my oil change. When I picked up my bike, he recommended that I get another oil change every 2000 miles. He said that if I had chosen the synthetic, it would have been 4000 miles. So here's the question... Am I a sucker? I am sure that I'm going to spend more money changing oil every 2000 miles than I would be spending a little more on the synthetic every 4000 miles. Weigh in?


1. You can go to synth and back to regular with no problems. I can, I have, and I will again. You can even *gasp* mix them!

2. The FZ6 comes from the factory with non-synthetic oil.

3. The factory oil change interval is 4000 miles.

4. Go back to that service manager, pay the bill for the oil change, get your bike back, and then tell him to go **** himself. He's incompetent or he's a crook.

It just my opinion but I think you are better of using synthetic. I did my 1000k change using regular oil. Then at 3500 km I used full synthetic oil. I don't mind paying extra for the better oil. I want to get a lot of miles out of this bike so I will pay a little extra for my oil and gas.

1. You can go to synth and back to regular with no problems. I can, I have, and I will again. You can even *gasp* mix them!

2. The FZ6 comes from the factory with non-synthetic oil.

3. The factory oil change interval is 4000 miles.

4. Go back to that service manager, pay the bill for the oil change, get your bike back, and then tell him to go **** himself. He's incompetent or he's a crook.


Will do! I need to man-up and learn how to do it my damn-self.
probably not really a crook, just misinformed. Lots of people are. Do some research on your own. You will probably end up using synthetic oil, and have your own reasons for what you do.
This is more true for an older 100,000 mile plus vehicle. Regular oil can sludge when it breaks down and collect in and around your seals (rear main for example). Synthetic oils clean out this sludge, but what happens is that sludge was helping that old rear main seal and without that sludge it starts to leak.


If you get a new vehicle and start it off on a good maintenance cycle, you should not see much of a problem either way. We know that 2000 miles is average for a MC oil change, and we also know that car owners are much less discriminating (most won't change it until there is a problem). I would agree that your mechanic sounds either misinformed or worst case, deliberately tried to mislead you.
Go synthetic and change the oil yourself. It's really easy and should take no longer than a few minutes. There is a whole list of oil filters that are compatable with your bike on this site, and a boat load of opinions on what oil is best.

Quick we need someone to post on the virtues of AMSOIL, afterall this is an oil thread, sort of. :rolleyes:
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