speeders beware

Gee, I want one of those "automatic protection systems too". Does anyone know exactly where you can mount a sidewinder missile on a FZ6 which will not affect the cornering? I am assuming I need one on each side to keep the bike balanced. Is that correct?
I would like one of these to take out the idiots who move into the overtaking lane and stay there at 30km/h below the speed limit...then when you finally get frustrated enough to overtake on the inside, they decide to move back into the other lane at that precise moment, without a hint of mirror checking, or use of an indicator......one press of a button, boom, their out of here!

Hot DAMN i want one!!!!!

Although, the best i ever saw was a vespa with 75mm recoilles rifle .... mounted .....


For more go see ... Dark Roasted Blend: Mystery Photo: One Seriously Empowered Motorcycle.
This story has been modified to suit the Brits.... I actually appeared in all the Sydney newspapers hear in OZ coz it was an RAAF F-18 that locked onto the highway patrol whilst tracking up the Newcastle Freeway