Speaking of Reflexes...

Have you ever had retrograde amnesia after an accident?

  • Never: I remember everything.

    Votes: 28 73.7%
  • Once or twice: It was kinda like a dream...then it hurt.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Please, can you tell me who am I? Because... I have... AMNESIA!!!

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Interesting stuff, Wrightme43.

You've been in a lot more crashes than me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I haven't been in many, which is why I'm curious I guess.

I've been in only one "Vehicle" crash.

My first time on a 4-wheeler/Atv (Yamaha wolverine) I got carried away and tried to take a turn too quickly. I lost control of the thing and headed straight into the tree line. I had the 'Oh Sh!t' thought go through my head and let go so I wouldn't be thrown into the tree and then have the atv on top of me after.

I can't count how many times I've fallen off of things though. I used to climb a lot of stuff as a teen and used to fall off park play areas and picknick gazebo things.

I remember each pretty well but I've never been injured from those.

In fact, my only broken bone was when I was 6 and fell over the side of a parked pickup truck and landed on my left arm and fractured my humerus. I remember that fall (and the running back home to have Dad take me to the hospital.)
You know thats something I wondered about. Everytime I have fallen, or know that I was going to be hurt I remember it very cleary. I know other people who have no memory what so ever of intensely painful things.
Who knows? Its a mystery. LOL
Sometimes you dont even have to be knocked out to damage the brain.

What happens after too many KOs? Look at Cassius Clay :(

Or Troy Aikman.

"Revolving-door personnel changes plagued the Cowboys for the rest of Aikman's tenure. He also suffered a series of concussions. His 10th, at the hands of Washington Redskins linebacker LaVar Arrington, would end his career."
I'm one of those guys that always loses a bit of memory. Not just wrecks. Got a hole in my memory between standing on a 2nd story deck then becoming aware I'm on the ground cradling my broken arm. Couple of my fist fights that most of the details I know about had to be told to me by friends later on. Missing memories of impact from 3 car wrecks (2 as drunken passenger, 1 as sober driver). Can't remember any details of a 25mph lowside other than becoming aware I was laying in the street. Most of this stuff probably involved a bang to the head, but my last car wreck and the lowside I didn't have any bumps or marks on my head.
I was hit from behind on the bike while I was standing still in traffic and the woman who hit me was doing 60 mph.

I remember a whooshing sound from behind, then a big bang like a bomb going off, the next thing I remember is being in the air and my visor coming off my helmet and thinking that shouldn't be coming off, then I hit the ground a few cars in front and remember a woman standing over me screaming 'I've killed him'.

So what actually happened is when she hit me I landed on her windscreen and blacked out then came around as I was thrown forwards over my bike and the cars she ploughed into. I guess I was only out for a second or two during the main impact, our bodies are very clever. I walked away without a scratch, just a bit of whiplash, I put that down to wearing full riding gear, otherwise I would not be writing this post.
I was hit from behind on the bike while I was standing still in traffic and the woman who hit me was doing 60 mph.

I remember a whooshing sound from behind, then a big bang like a bomb going off, the next thing I remember is being in the air and my visor coming off my helmet and thinking that shouldn't be coming off, then I hit the ground a few cars in front and remember a woman standing over me screaming 'I've killed him'.

So what actually happened is when she hit me I landed on her windscreen and blacked out then came around as I was thrown forwards over my bike and the cars she ploughed into. I guess I was only out for a second or two during the main impact, our bodies are very clever. I walked away without a scratch, just a bit of whiplash, I put that down to wearing full riding gear, otherwise I would not be writing this post.

WOW! I would be buying a lottery ticket after that little episode.....you are very lucky to be here posting at alll...FULL Gear everytime. :thumbup:

Have perfect recolecction of all my accidents, or moments.....the worst one i can replay in my head at any moment! :eek:

Great for when i get a bit too eager on the bike....play memory = slow down! :thumbup:
Dirt bike accidents for me mostly consisted of trying to miss Almond trees once it was obvious I was going to come off...lol....I was a squid back then too.Whatever i was wearing was what i rode in...and no helmet:squid:.

My one and only spill from a road bike I turned a back street corner at night at 35 km/h and found the area where some bright spark had unloaded gravel from his trailer into his front yard and spilled half of it in the process.

The front wheel dived out from under me and i slammed into the deck pretty hard (wearing gear, and was pretty agile in those days) and sort of commando rolled to my feet half running in time to watch my little 250 cartwheeling end over end across the road:(.

If there is such a thing as karma then that guy ate some of his gravel:eek::Flip:...lol.
I remember every detail when I totalled my FZ6. several details, though I didn't remember until later in the day. Of course, i broke my left arm in the crash, so I was in mild shock for about an hour.
Had more than a few spills over the years, only once did Mother Nature do me the favor of blanking it out of my memory, and this was a lot of years ago. A head-on, they tell me. Took a really hard head shot, broke a few bones but nothing major. Didn't miss many college classes, but about 3 months is a blank. I hope I enjoyed myself.

Too bad I remember all the others, right up to the "This is gonna hurt in a minute..." part.