Snowmageddon 2010


crash tested
Oct 27, 2008
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OMG! It's the Snowpocalypse!!
Here in Maryland it's been snowing for almost 2 days. We have had almost 30 inches of snow. It's not the light snow you can brush off, either. It's the heavy wet snow that sticks to shovels and snow blowers. We were without power Friday night. Fortunately we have a fireplace to keep warm. The power came on around 6am. Before it snowed on Friday morning, there was panic in the streets! Well almost. There were lines for everything. A friend of mine had to wait in line for 10 minutes to get gas for his car.

On top of that, I thought I saw a snow zombie!

I've attached some photos.
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Hey sorry to see you guys in the mid-atlantic are getting pummeled with snow this winter. Here in NY we were supposed to get 6" from this storm but it completely missed. not a flake here. Too bad the temp is so cold or I would be out riding. Hang in there
We were in the 6-10 inch range. Got more than two feet. This picture is what I saw when I stepped out the door. It took me a half hour to dig the car out.
Here I am with a snow shovel and a can of Silicone, to keep the snow from sticking on the shovel.

WOW:eek: I do not envy you folks at all, we got nada, nothing, up our way:D

If you run out of silicone grab the can of non-stick spray from kitchen and keep your chute(snow-blower) sprayed as well!! Good luck digging out, be safe!
Good to see someone else is enjoying the snow as well. :rolleyes: The other day I was snowblowing a path and the snow was as high as the top of the chute on both sides. :eek: Where's my spring time, I want to ride?!
You guys that got pummeled by this thing can blame a friend of my significant other! She moved to D.C. about 2 months ago from Kentucky and it's done nothing but hammer the area with snow since. I'm convinced she's to

We were supposed to get 3-5 inches here in Central Kentucky, but it slipped right past us, only leaving a dusting overnight. We've been through a few big storms over the last few years (nothing close to this, though), with the biggest total being 21 inches a few winters ago. Around here it's known as the "21-inch Dusting" because all the local forecasters said we'd only get a dusting and we woke up to 15 inches the next morning...LMAO.

Stay warm and don't push too hard shoveling all that stuff! Warmer weather will be here before you know it and we'll all be complaining how hot it is!
Here I am with a snow shovel and a can of Silicone, to keep the snow from sticking on the shovel.

If you run out of the Silicone, Pam (the stuff you spray on the frying pan) works just as well. Also works good for getting the bugs off of plastic bumpers and cowl/windscreens if you live in a buggy area


Damn 3 posts too late!
Drove from Dayton OH to Delaware OH in the middle of it Friday.

Here is a reference pic of my car clean: