Small business ideas???

Sorry to hear about being laid off.

As someone else pointed out the recession may effect this one as well:
I know you said you aren't very technical but how are your audio video skills/ minor construction? You can make good money doing home theater installs especially if you live in an area that has wealthy people. I'm not talking geek squad install I'm talking high end with hidden wiring, hidden speakers, lighting etc. My brother worked for a company that did this and he was working out of peoples houses that would make you cry. One vacation house he worked on in the Outer Banks, NC rented for 25,000 a week in peak season.

My best advice to you though is that if you do decide to open your own business make sure it is something you like/love doing. When you open your own business you are going to often spend more than 8 hours a day working so make it something you enjoy.
Being from Canada it's amazing having all our forum friends showing us what is really happening in the economy. I'm really sorry for your situation and everyones situation. If it doesn't hit home people tend to forget about it.
This is coming from a Canadian that lives in an igloo. Right? :)

If you are going to come up with something, and I really have no suggestions for what right now, I'd do something that people need or something that people turn to in time of crisis for comfort. You need a business plan that separates you from the rest and makes whatever you do different and more importantly better than the next guy.

One word:


There are many consultation businesses which do VERY well. Essentially what they do is this:

A large (or even small) business needs to have done some task/project/procedure/event/etc. They do not have the time/infrastructure/manpower to do this but they are willing to pay a "consultation firm" to do this for them. So the consultation firm utilizes its manpower/infrastructure to perform a specialized task or variety of tasks for the business which is paying them.

Eg. of tasks: moving offices; hiring staff; organizing events; coordinating advertizing; etc.

You say you have good operational talents. This seems like a good fit imo. A close second choice would be selling your body.

Hope that gives you an idea?
Sorry to hear about being laid off.

As someone else pointed out the recession may effect this one as well:
I know you said you aren't very technical but how are your audio video skills/ minor construction? You can make good money doing home theater installs especially if you live in an area that has wealthy people. I'm not talking geek squad install I'm talking high end with hidden wiring, hidden speakers, lighting etc. My brother worked for a company that did this and he was working out of peoples houses that would make you cry. One vacation house he worked on in the Outer Banks, NC rented for 25,000 a week in peak season.

My best advice to you though is that if you do decide to open your own business make sure it is something you like/love doing. When you open your own business you are going to often spend more than 8 hours a day working so make it something you enjoy.

That is a good idea too. By not techincal I meant in relative terms. I can't program but I've managed several global corporate database > the trick is finding the right people and setting a strong sense of customer service in the employees.

I actually was a rough carpenter when I was in college, I loved that job. Hard work but fun. :thumbup:
One word:


There are many consultation businesses which do VERY well. Essentially what they do is this:

A large (or even small) business needs to have done some task/project/procedure/event/etc. They do not have the time/infrastructure/manpower to do this but they are willing to pay a \"consultation firm\" to do this for them. So the consultation firm utilizes its manpower/infrastructure to perform a specialized task or variety of tasks for the business which is paying them.

Eg. of tasks: moving offices; hiring staff; organizing events; coordinating advertizing; etc.

You say you have good operational talents. This seems like a good fit imo. A close second choice would be selling your body.

Hope that gives you an idea?

Consultant is good too but if you go this route you will probably want to pick a niche market and not just do "consulting". Even if you give yourself a name like logistics consulting and help people move stuff. You definetly will need to work on your business contacts as the consulting firms will run you over otherwise. I'm one of those consultants who works for a consulting firm ;) My official title beleive it or not is consultant. I do very little work except tell people what to do because I am an expert at what I do. Crazy isn't it.

Oh and if you go the A/V route try to become an authorized dealer of the components you want to use. You can save as much as 50% if not more.

Just don't open a BAR if you want to make money. Most bars break even unless they are very new and very packed. Thats why you see the bars in big cities come and go as the fad wheres off.
I'd have to agree on picking something that you would want to do and that is interesting. Maybe a themed bar. I've been kicking around the idea for a bike themed bar for awhile. If you don't want to go back in I'd check, and see if theres anything dod open that you might like. Good luck.
The consultant notion is interesting. What you might do, Pete, is look at both where/how your skills could work in a vertical and horizontal type of arrangement. Vertical= you're the man for everything. Horizontal= you work in/with a network. I think in either scenario networking is going to be key.

The government job site is also a good option for someone with your military background.

If I didn't say it before, I'm sorry this has happened and I hope you're able to get something together sooner rather than later.
sorry to hear about the job. talk to a lawyer. here is a job if you have a strong stomach. no outsourcing. there are people that go "clean up" after a muder or suicide. probably not many companies around to compete with. bio hazard deluxe.
Pete, I'm very sorry to hear about the layoff. Very suspicious indeed!

I would start with some market research in the area you are in or would like to be in. Talk to people in the area and find out what they are looking for, what isn't working (for a business) for them, what they have for wants and needs. After talking to enough folks, you'll start to find trends where a business they don't really like to visit is failing them, but because it is the only choice in town, they have to go there. Or, maybe enough people will come forth with a wish for something that is simply missing and they would like to have local to them. Since they are your future customers, they will guide you to the most sensible answer.

Good luck!
you sound perfect for "project manager" try searching for "the bergman companies" its a large consulting/construction firm (and I do mean large like fortune 500) they pay well, but it involves travel.
Franchises are great if you can afford the often high start up costs. Your business will already start with a reputation based on the franchise name. As mentioned, you do have to pay the fees though so it reduces your profit. You can find a lot of information out there on different franchises and find a quality one that fits your interests.

Keep in mind if you do start your own business that many businesses does not turn a profit right away.
Sorry to hear about the job loss!

Not sure how the military works, but, if you go back into active duty, can you access any kind of retraining funds? If so, I would look at healthcare. That is an area that is always hiring - I know first hand because I work in HR in healthcare. I know that you could/would take a pay cut for a couple of years, but areas like Radiology and Nursing are pretty hot right now. Not in line with small business ideas, but is a thought none-the-less.

On the other hand, I heard about a pooper-scooper business a while back. This guy charges a flat amount per week or month to pooper scoop lawns - and makes a killing with little to no overhead.

We have been running a side-line business for about 5 years now - delivering high quality dog food right to your door. We were worried that the economy would make people rethink their spending on Fido, but so far that has not been the case - we have actually seen an increase in business.

Good luck - if you need a resume review let me know!
We have been running a side-line business for about 5 years now - delivering high quality dog food right to your door. We were worried that the economy would make people rethink their spending on Fido, but so far that has not been the case - we have actually seen an increase in business.

I can see that. We are dog people. Times are tough here, but the dogs would never know it.
Interior Painting

Compared to most other self-established businesses, you can learn to paint the interior of a house really quickly.

Working indoors sounds like AIR-CONDITIONING and BAD-WEATHER SUCKS.

Good pay and quick results.

Great skills to have personally.

Compared to most other self-established businesses, you'll be safer.

Finally, the homes in the US need a facelift! Who's going to do it?

IF you don't like the idea, at least you won't ruin your life by trying it.
So the hand of fate was played for me last Friday and after 14.5 years I was laid off. year and two days after I came off of active duty orders. The law states that a Soldier who left their civilian job for active duty has stability at their employer for up to one year after they return. Well one year and two days....needless to say I'm looking for a good lawyer.


I am curious to know who the employer that laid you off is. I would definitely add them to my "do not patronize" list.

Anyway, I have often though of opening up a couple of the Oil change places, maybe in conjunction with car washes.

From what I've seen, the difficult part would be in finding help that has enough technical aptitude to change oil and filter without screwing it up, that cares enough about quality of work, at the wages you could afford to pay them...


I am curious to know who the employer that laid you off is. I would definitely add them to my \"do not patronize\" list.

Anyway, I have often though of opening up a couple of the Oil change places, maybe in conjunction with car washes.

From what I've seen, the difficult part would be in finding help that has enough technical aptitude to change oil and filter without screwing it up, that cares enough about quality of work, at the wages you could afford to pay them...

I don't know if the US has gone the way of the UK yet but the .disposal of waste oil is not cheap.

Its a great idea though. You could even throw in chain adjustment and brake pad changing.

Crap this sucks. I have no idea about a small business, in this economy though a liquor or a dollar store something like that. Now if your interested in Houston (most people aren't) PM me. My company is looking for operators. The starting pay is a little low at around 14, it may be as high as 18 per hour but the top is around 35 and the overtime puts most people in the 110k area. This job takes no experience but you have a lot of experience and thought you had a degree. I can't remember.

Anyway it's just a thought.
[COLOR=\"DarkGreen\"]Interior Painting

Compared to most other self-established businesses, you can learn to paint the interior of a house really quickly.

Working indoors sounds like AIR-CONDITIONING and BAD-WEATHER SUCKS.

Good pay and quick results.

Great skills to have personally.

Compared to most other self-established businesses, you'll be safer.

Finally, the homes in the US need a facelift! Who's going to do it?

IF you don't like the idea, at least you won't ruin your life by trying it. [/COLOR]

I have to say he has a point, I know a lot of the people in my area (rich area) pay a lot for someone to come in and paint the inside of their house... :thumbup:
The coffee shop was my original idea three years ago. Do you think there are too many already? And what do you think would be ways to make the shop unique from the big boys?

Pete, look around Austin and go to some of the coffee shops and see what they are doing. There are loads of independent places doing pretty well as I remember. You could do an 'Ace Cafe' sort of idea for bikers and soldiers and other 'proper men and women' not those bleeding heart hippies... ;)

Might just work.