Size duz matter...


Junior Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Sonoma county, CA
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Bigger bars rock! :rockon:
Thanks to info from this here fine forum, I got me sum Renthal street medium bars, and the wider width really helps with steering; especially off road. :D
I did about 35 mi. of dirt roads 'n creel crossings the other day and it's much easier with more leverage the Renthals provided.

I rode up to a dirt road in Mendocino county called Tomki. I did it years ago in a 4X4 with the wife/sister, but have been chicken to attempt it on my FJR. Now that I have a proper dirt bike, (The FZ6) it was doable. (Barely)
Most of the road wasn't too bad, but there are these gnarly water crossings (I think there were 7?) that have a steep approach, and exit. When I came upon the 1st one, I stop ‘n checked it out; not bad, I’ll just stay on that thar little land bridge.


Right around the corner wuz another one, ‘n I just rolled through it. But this one wuz deep; up ta my axles deep! :eek: I wuz laughing too hard ta stop and get a pic.
Some of ‘em had a steep, rutted approach…


After 13 mi of dirt 'n water cross’ins, I came to the junction of Hearst rd. and headed another 7 mi. east to Hearst.


It’s a funny place, I dun seen it on a map years ago, (Ya know, old paper maps) and went thar think’in it wuz a little town by the Eel River or something, but it’s noth’in but a handful of mailboxes!
It is purdie country up thar though.


Poor little FZ6 resting after running over 200 degrees in 1st & 2nd gear.


I continued on, but both roads wuz closed, so’z I had ta turn back. Butt, I also wanted ta take this opportunity ta find Reynolds HWY. a road around Willits. (Not that I don’t like fake hippies, and trustafarians, or anythang. ;) ) So I found it and headed north ta see where it comes onto 101, and noted this fer future trips.
I took it back down south east, and did sum poking & probing to find a road ta Redwood Valley, but they all turned ta dirt. (Not tht thars anythang wrong with that?)
I did come out south of Willits, so that’s what made this trip so enlightening; a way around Willits! :cheer:
The FZ has often been made out as an "all-rounder", this is the best thread I've seen about using it off-road. Thanks!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Thanks y'all it was a blast
I think if I did that much riding on dirt roads, I'd be looking at different tires...
I'm just run'in what came on the bike, I plan on getting a set of Pirelli Scorpions next. :thumbup:

You'd be surprised at how well the PRII's handle it.

Nice pics Banjo! Looks like a great time.
Well, I wish these were PRIIs, actually they're Pilot Powers; less tread than the PRIIs :BLAA:

Hey BB, have you ever ridden hwy 162 from 101 to Elk Creek? How long and ruff is the gravel section?
Yep! Dun wrote 'bout it here ;) That wuz a wild ride; rain, sleet, snow, hail, 'n I bailed twice! :spank:

Youz' a stud Banjoboy.. :rockon:

Thankz for 'da picz. :thumbup:
Yer welcome Lefty. Hell, the bikes the stud, I just sit on the thang. :D