Site outage

I put in $50.

Admin $100
FZ6inNH $25
lonesoldier84 $25
Hellgate $40
Christod1 $25
BranNwebster $40
Keits $30
Nelly $30
Chemiker $50
TOTAL is $365 now! Thanks!!! :thumbup:

I went back through the thread and wrote down all the pledges. Please let me know if I'm incorrect on any of these folks!!!

No clue on what it will be to ship from the US to Canada so I'm hoping we get treated right by the vendor! ;)

Please donate if you can folks! We all appreciate it!!! :D
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I just donated $25, but there was a database error on this site. According to PayPal it was completed though.:noworries: Hopefully!
Admin $100
FZ6inNH $25
lonesoldier84 $25
Hellgate $40
Christod1 $25
BranNwebster $40
Keits $30
Nelly $30
Chemiker $50
wolfc70 $25
TOTAL is $390 now! Thanks!!! :thumbup:

We've covered the cost of the unit! Kudos to ALL of you for making this happen! Any small amount now will assist with shipping and we all appreciate this outpouring of support for a GREAT site!!!
My donation is not showing up under the "donations" page.:confused: I hope it went through. If I need to do something, please let me know!
My donation is not showing up under the "donations" page.:confused: I hope it went through. If I need to do something, please let me know!

It may take a while but I think Dennis and/or Janette can check to see if it posted. ;)

I got a DB error at the same time as I was posting a thread reply. :eek:
It may take a while but I think Dennis and/or Janette can check to see if it posted. ;)

I got a DB error at the same time as I was posting a thread reply. :eek:

yeah....I'm not sure. This is a job for Dennis! :thumbup:
True... But no one wants an email addy lol.. I have the only one....

But the Memberships have really helped with the monthy fees for the two highspeed connections that the site uses, and to buy addons like the photovote, and Classifieds ads program I am setting up:thumbup::thumbup:.

THANK YOU ALL DONATORS... :thumbup::cheer::thumbup::cheer:

anyone that wants to donate towards a new firewall/router Click here.. and put FIREWALL in the notes section... but wait to see if we can get a deal on the CISCO Router... I have $100 to put towards it...
I had an e-mail addy Dennis, when I changed my user name it went AWOL?
That is awesome Nelly. Please send it to Dennis (or use the Donations link above) and Dennis will then take care of me once we've secured the purchase.

:cheer: :rockon: :cheer: :rockon: :cheer:
I keep getting donation failed from the donation page. Whats the paypal please.

still want the e-mail addy, but have not gotten around to having any extra $ for it, let me know if you are going to cancel it as an option.
It would seem the Donation addon that we have is no longer compatable with the last site upgrade that I did ( last nite ) so PM me and I will give you my pay pal addy. I dont want to post it here for the spam bots to harvest.....

ALL I CAN SAY IT WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone.... I am going to smash the old firewall when the new one arrives..... ( Pics will be posted )... That thing has been a pain in the you know what..... Its really old but we get sooo many port scans... we need a firewall to protect the servers....
Here's my vendor quote. I wish they'd put the shipping in!!!


Qty Item# MfgPart# Price Extended
--- ----- -------- ----- --------
1 54572D ASA5505-BUN-K9 383.2 383.2

Total (Product Only): $383.20

* Pricing and availability are subject to change
* Prices do not include tax or shipping

What will the total be with tax and shipping I will pm you the shipping addy...
Excellent! Thanks for bring this up Rob!!! You rock!

The ASA has a GUI interface and is much easier to manage. I just checked my price and ..... SURPRISE!!! ...... it is exactly that same price as the PIX I quoted which is replaces. Dennis, is this one OK with you? Makes more sense, easier to use and is not EOL.

Nice job Rob!!

Totally makes mor sense to me:thumbup:
I had an e-mail addy Dennis, when I changed my user name it went AWOL?

ahhh I have to change in manually... Email me a password you want to use and I will set up a nelly at email for you
What will the total be with tax and shipping I will pm you the shipping addy...

If you give me the addy, I can tell ya! ;)

Unsure about shipping to Canada but I will check the costs. Are we going to get held up by customs along the line? :confused:
If you give me the addy, I can tell ya! ;)

Unsure about shipping to Canada but I will check the costs. Are we going to get held up by customs along the line? :confused:

I think it actually might cause less issues if you ship it in the states and then ship it again and label it as a gift to avoid taxes in Canada...

Dennis, where in Canada are you?