Shoei RF-1100


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May 24, 2008
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Well, I did it - went and spent some of my bonus $$$ and bought the RF1100 last weekend. Not sure how but the RF1000 (2 years old), while useable was probably unsafe since the inner shell was completely detached/uglued/unstuck/unWHATEVER :D from the outer and was "floating" around. Vaguely remember it dropping about 2 feet :eek: about a year ago...that must have been enough to cause the 2 shells to become "unmated" (no visible damage though...hmmmm). So, stopped by the local Yami shop, ooogled the new bikes, asked about the FZ8 (probably not going to show up for a couple of years, I was told), went downstairs to the small shop and, there in all its glory was a shiny new "Atlas Yellow" - much like th 1000 - RF1100 just BEGGING me to give it a go ("...come on...come on...ahh fer cryin' out loud, JUST try me ON for C%$@*^T sake - you're going to LOVE it!!!").

Well, since the voice coming from the helmet on the shelf (COULD have been in my head, not sure LOL) sounded so convincing :D, I tried it on - felt EXCELLENT right off the bat...better and snugger fit than the 1000 which was an XL; this one was a large. Walked around the shop for about 10 minutes with it on after 'splaining to the saleperson what I was doing. Walked out with the RF1100 after paying for the helmet net a 15% discount. Apparently, this shop sells newly stocked items at a 15% discount until the summer (wooHOOOO :cheer:).

Anyhoooo....took it for a test drive today and I am SO VERY HAPPY with it. Not sure why everyone is making such a stink about the rear vents. I was able to open and close them with one gloved hand with no problem - nice and smooth. Then again, I did "practice" last night just so I could figure out the movement and took it for a 50 mile ride just now on mixed roads (i.e., 20 - 50+ MPH roads; in city and rural).

I'm not going to go into a lengthy evaluation here...just wanted to share a few key points:

- that new visor is SLICK! It's a nice tight fit, pops in and out even better than the visor on the 1000 and I didn't have to adjust anything (unlike some of the other reviews I'd been reading over the last few months). It even has a ridge that interlocks (kinda) the visor to the rubber gasket on the helmet to better seal it against moisture coming in; that ridge acted as a great guide when I was applying the adhesive smoke "quick tint".
- ventilation is EXCELLENT! It seemed more adjustable than the ventilation in my Toy Taco (HAHAH). The best air flow (for todays weather) was opening the chin vent and the 2 front top vents...nice air on my forehead and just enough coming up chin-to-eyebrows.
- sound levels were no worse than the 1000. I was able to still hear the radio from my IPOD with volume set relatively low :cheer: Just as with the 1000, the loudest noises appeared to be coming from the helmet itself as air rushed over the top of the helmet but again, it was no worse than I had with the RF1000; in fact, I think it was slightly quieter :eek: and there was no whistling (no matter how I turned my head) unlike the 1000. Ducking down a smidge behind the Cee Bailey's wind screen made things almost TOO quiet :eek:).
- "speaking" (pun intended LOL) of speakers, Shoei designed in "speaker wells" which fit my 3/8" thick in helmet speakers perfectly! No more rubbing of the speaker on my ear lobe.

The only potential downside was on the ride home. I noticed pressure on the temple on both sides of my head which became unbearable after a mile or two. Fortunately, I had to stop for fuel...the pressure went away after I put the helmet back on. I'm wondering if I pulled it down too snugly (?); hopefully, it won't be an issue once the pads are broken in and formed to my "triangle" (as seen from the top :BLAA:) shaped head.

If you have the means, I highly recommend this helmet!

Anyone else have one? What have your impressions been?
Yes! This is a great helmet. They also changed the upper viewing range so that you need a little less head tilted back it your in a more aggressive riding position as well as added peripheral vision. I went to this helmet when I found I was having discomfort with my Scorpion EXO 1000. I was also surprised at how much lighter it was. An interesting feature is the built in spoiler. They actually produce the spoiler shape in the helmet shell as apposed to adding plastic to create the spoiler. Added to that they have a new process where they have like 5 different shell sizes instead of one shell size where you add padding to create the size. The anti fog on the scorpion is far superior though and Shoei hasn't gotten the mirror finished visor on the market either. I don't like the Idea of spending all that money for Shoei's pin_lock system for anti-fogging. All in all a great piece of gear!

Here is one of the few pictures of my Shoei RF-1100
Very comfortable.

Okay. I didn't mention it before but this helmet has the best ventilation I've experienced in a helmet.

Here's a little video...but don't let yer backbone slip on the music!
[ame=]YouTube - Shoei RF-1100[/ame]
Nice! I love how the RF-1100 looks.

I just ordered the new Arai RX-Q.

I ordered an Arai Quantum - still waiting for it to arrive from Japan - Its been over two weeks now :( :( I graduated from an AVG stealth, which served me well for the better part of two years..

However, whilst in the shop i tried on the RF-1100 too - it felt awesome, good sized shell, good peripheral view and very comfortable too... Not to sure about Shoei's Pin-lock system though, which had two settings i think, one setting would crack the visor slightly from the bottom left to let air in... but for the price an awesome lid..!

A good buy IMO, if i had not ordered the Quantum I would bought the RF-1100 straight off the shelf as it was in stock, and in my size...
I also have the shoei RF-1100
it's my first helmet, so I can't compare to other ones. But i'll give you some good and bad point of the helmet that I have found up to now.

- At -3°C with all the vents closed it is still relatif warm inside. Only a little bit wind at the chin, but nothing to cry over.

- wide viewing angle. I can look in front of me, and my speedometer at the same time without having to move my head down.

- the vents are verry well designed. The chin-one blows wind right into the face, the eyebrow-ones blow just a little bit above the forehead. The back-ones I have not yet tested.

- I never had fog on the inside of the visor.

- the shape looks GREAT

- The price

- after a few months, the vents are less smooth to open and close (as due to the wind friction and dust I suppose) This does not apply to the visor, it's still as smoothly as in the beginning.

- When riding 1 hour at 130km/h on a naked bike, you are deaf. (maybe this is normal or not, I don't know.) Recently I use ear protection on long fast rides.

I would recommend this helmet to everyone. If you are willing to pay that amount of cash.

edit: The shoei RF-1100 is called the XR-1100 in Europe
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Just bought the Shoei XR1100 too. A short ride home was all I had time for but WOW. The venting in great. Compared to my previous AGV stealth...well, it cannot be compared. Weight is good too.
Going from a Scorpion EXO700 I was dead set on the RF-1100. It was incredibly comfortable in a size smaller than my Scorpion (medium instead of large). The Shoei in large was too loose. But I got fitted at a BMW dealer and they directed me to the Arai Vector in large which also fit very well. I went back and forth between the two in the shop for an hour and left. I wanted matte black in either case (frost black for the Arai).

After much debate I decided I might as well take the opportunity to get an Arai since before I thought they never fit right. Guess I had never tried on a Vector before. I used the "make an offer" option on eBay to get a Vector for $350 instead of the shop's $460 + tax.

I haven't ridden with it yet but I'm happy with my decision so far. If I end up hating it for some reason, not likely, the RF-1100 will be next.
Don't know how it compares to other helmets but on my head, this thing is NOISY. Went out for a day trip today and luckily I didn't forget to get my ear-plugs
edit: The shoei RF-1100 is called the XR-1100 in Europe

What's up with marketing folk having to rename everything for the different global markets? I can understand when a product's name has a different connotation due to cultural differences, ineffectiveness of a literal translation, etc., but when you're talking a model number, just what is gained by calling something an XR vs. RF? So silly to me.
What's up with marketing folk having to rename everything for the different global markets? I can understand when a product's name has a different connotation due to cultural differences, ineffectiveness of a literal translation, etc., but when you're talking a model number, just what is gained by calling something an XR vs. RF? So silly to me.

The European market offers helmets that meet different safety standards. RF has Snell certification and DOT. XR have ECE something...
What's up with marketing folk having to rename everything for the different global markets? I can understand when a product's name has a different connotation due to cultural differences, ineffectiveness of a literal translation, etc., but when you're talking a model number, just what is gained by calling something an XR vs. RF? So silly to me.

RF may have been trademarked in the EU or something. We see this in my place of business fairly often.
Ah. I hadn't considered that. The 1100 looks great, but might be going with a 1000 because of the discounts offered on them right now.