Shifting problem after crash


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Apr 10, 2009
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I recently had a really light crash (fell on the right side of the bike at low speed) and since then shifting gears "doesn't work correctly" all the times.
For example, if go shifting from 1st to last gear, at one point gear shifting lever will have shorter path and won't do anything until I release the clutch, gearbox releases KNOCK sound and then I can continue shifting. Example was shifting gears in place, not in motion.

There are no visible outside damadge on the gearbox case, levers, clutch cables, etc.
Are you trying to shift more than 1 gear at a time(without releasing the clutch between each shift)? You shouldn't do that anyways.

It's possible you bent the shift lever, shift linkage, and unlikely but possible the shift shaft that goes into the transmission.
yes, exactly - i'm holding the clutch and shifting more than 1 gear without releasing the clutch (tbh, i think i never tried that before, and really don't know how I came to idea to try that now-I guess, to covince myself in "functionality" of the bike after crash)

so, if I understood you correctly, that is normal?
Why would you try and verify functionality by doing something you dont normally do? I'm not sure if that's normal but why dont you try riding it the way you normally do, letting the clutch out in between shifts, and see if the problem is still there?


:welcome: to the Forum!
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Sometimes I shift quickly through more than one gear while braking to a stop, and there is occasional difficulty and the "knocking" sound you described. Avoid the quick shift if you can, but I wouldn't worry about it unless it gives you trouble while shifting normally.
I second the comment about not changing more than one gear when stopped. Even a very SLIGHT roll will make it much easier. Glad you and the bike are ok!
The only time I come to a complete stop in any gear other than first is during an emergency stop. I have tried to shift from 6th to 1st while stopped and it was kind of clunky and rough, but during normal riding I downshift all the way to 2nd, then right before I stop I pull in the clutch and shift into first.