Shift Into First & Engine Cuts Off...


Junior Member
Elite Member
Nov 15, 2010
Reaction score
Gulfport, MS
Am I missing something here? I have my bike up on the center stand. I cranked it up, went to put it in first, and it instantly cuts off... I have the headlight harness disconnected if that matters. It runs perfectly in neutral. Can rev it up and hold it... Sounds beautiful....

Is there a safety cut off I am missing?
OMG... A complete idiot...

*waves hand* this is not the thread you are looking for... move along now...

Oh yes it is. This is exactly the thread I was looking for :BLAA:.

Don't worry dude, we've all been there. Glad you got it sorted out.

Like CHEMIKER said , this is the sort of thread that becomes folklore ;) & they are the one's we love the best :BLAA:

I'll rep you for your stupidity if it makes you feel better :D
Oh yes it is. This is exactly the thread I was looking for :BLAA:.

Don't worry dude, we've all been there. Glad you got it sorted out.

No kidding huh? It happened to me when I was on a ride with Chemiker and was stumped until Travis told me to put my kickstand up! :spank: It's a lesson burned into my memory now.
Can we get Admin to sticky this thread? Please??


LOL I did that one day on my TW. Was exhausted after work, and was wrenching on the thing. Went to fire it up as like WTF?! Why won't it start(in first, clutch pulled in)? Looked down and went, "oh yeah....". :rolleyes: Haven't done it on the FZ yet. I'm sure it'll happen one day though.
Alright, since we're telling our stories...

I lowsided on a ride with Cali_Rider (no damage to me and little to the bike, but I was a bit shaken up). Once I got me and bike up and dusted off, we went to hit the road again, and did the shift into first-stall routine a couple times before Cali_Rider told me that my stand was down. I was thinking that my spill had done some serious unseen damage, was glad to learn it was only a rider error.
Yep, I did that. It was raining like crazy and I had just finished my 50 min ride into work. I was turning into the parking lot and hit a patch of gravel hidden by a puddle. My back wheel said "FU". Only thing hurt was my frame sliders and my clutch lever.

Put it on the stand, cycled the ignition to clear error 30, pulled the clutch and hit the starter. Nothing. Put it in neutral and hit the starter, starts fine. Click down to first, it dies. I'm blocking traffic so I go to push it. Clutch acts like it's working while I push it the 5 feet to motorcycle parking. I then lean it over cause I know the side stand is down... That's when it hit me.