Sh*tty night to ride...


Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
Elite Member
Nov 2, 2008
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So going on RT 40 in Baltimore (50-55 mile an hour road, 2 lanes) I was with the wife, we were probably doing 60 or 65, (speedo said 73 so probably around 60 corrected) Ill admid i was weaving a little, not alot, no lane splitting, nothing super crazy, trust me, my wife would kill me if we were doing anything crazy. And there is a black truck that i pass. I get maybe 1/4 mile ahead and see him trucking up to me real fast. im like ok, whatever some dude thinks he has a fast truck. So he sits right next to me for a while or so... i didnt look over because i figured he would be doing something to try to get me to race, based upon the way he flew up behind me.

So another mile goes by, and i slow it a bit, then he slows, so i take off (like up to 70, not really killing it, just enough to get a car lenght or two ahead) then he does too... still sitting right next to me, then cars come up nex to me and he is forced to set back then as soon as there is room he comes flying back next to me.... so now im like screw it... pass if your gonna pass... so he goes flying by, swerves in front of me and hits the brakes. Im like what the flock a hole... then he sticks his finger out (holdin something or flicking me off, i couldnt tell) so i go to get around him, (since he hit the brakes) and as i pass i see he is holding a badge... im like what the heck, it looks like he is wearing a police uniform unbuttoned... so i wave that ill pull over, find a parking lot and stop, he comes up and starts going crazy (police uniform removed wearing only a wife beater now) and i explain look dude, i realize i was going a little fast, but can you blame me, you were trying to intimodate me, then he goes on to tell me how he has called the cops, and im in deep for trying to run from a cop (i guess referring to when i tried to get a few car lengths in front) I told him flat out that that was a lie, because he did nothing to identify himself and that to me he was just a guy in a black truck trying to run me off the road, what would he have done in the situation? and that my brother is a cop and i would never try to run....

So he gives me a lecture about how having a passenger is a big responsibility and i was acting like an idiot. then he tells me that the reason he pulled me over was because i failed to signal when changing lanes.. THATS IT? THATS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT? so i ask if i should wait for the cops to show up since he said he called them already, and he said no go ahead, but that this is on my record, and next time ill get double the fine. He must have thought i was an idiot... So now looking back i probably should have called the police myself and had him looked into... A. for chasing me in traffic and trying to scare me with his vehicle. B for wearing a police uniform, then taking it off before approaching my bike (no gun, nothing, super shady) then for saying he called the police and this is going on my record when i know thats a complete lie because he isnt a judge to convict me, therefor how can i be penalized for something that cnat be proven?

all in all a very Sh!tty experience.

Then less than a mile down the road after this happend, a stupid a$$ asian dude thought it would be a good idea to literally come to a complete stop in the middle of a 50mph road so he could change lanes... so the van in front of me locks up... so i lock up and slide sideways, pump the brakes and slide for about 25 feet. end up about 2 feet from their bumper.... still on two wheels thank god...

Hurray for atgatt atleast...

that sounds pretty sketch man...
did u ask to see a badge? i had a guy almost side swipe me in his fawking minivan once and i got next to him at the light and asked him if he was drunk driving? he then told me he could arrest me since he was a cop i told him go ahead then i flicked him off and went on my way... no damn way he was a cop thats for sure... people are crazy...
Interesting story. Proves that world is full of assholes and if you don't find them they'll find you.

Anyway, while on bike I drive pretty much defensively so i would let anybody crazy to pass me and let them drive to hell, faster better.

On other subject I would NEVER stop to anyone who is not in police car, with police markings with badge, gun, hat and everything else that goes together.

Man you simply DON'T know to whom you are dealing with! There are maniacs around, police kind of shirt you can probably buy in Wall Mart for five bucks.
You are on Yamaha, next time run away. You have some 96 horses below the seat, use them! If real police would start give it a chase I would stop immediately and tell them that maniac posing as cop is trying to get you. There is no judge in the world that would fine you for that.

That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.
That sucks man. I had some guy pull out in front of me on a sunny day. I slowed down and ended up a foot or 2 off his left side, direct sight of his mirror. When he looked in his mirror and saw me so close, he slammed his brakes. So i flipped him off, at which point he told me he's calling the cops. I turned off and made my way to a wawa and called the cops on him for almost killing me with his truck.

Some people man. Good to hear you didn't dump it, especially with a passenger.
Be careful of those lunatics, they're out there.
:eek: That's rediculous!! Sounds like a nut-job to me. Lucky he didn't cause an accident. Glad you made it home in one piece!
I don't think he was a cop, maybe a rental cop or a wantabe cop. Maybe a security guard. I would doubt a cop would intentially speed up, pass you, get in front of you and then slams on the brakes. If I were you, I would have called the cops on him and turned his ass in for reckless driving, endangering others, impersonating a law enforcement officer, the list could go on. In other words, a citizen's arrest. You could have had a field day with this guy.

Just remember, car or truck vs bike, no contest, they will always win, just chill out, accept the fact and move on. Riding is mental, don't let the knucklehead cagers get to you.

One last note, don't forget to swerve, sometimes swerving is better than actually braking.
Ugh, I would've called the police myself. He tried to kill you by swerving infront of you and trying to brake check you.

I doubt this guy was a real cop, and if he was he deserves to be fired.
I'm a security guard and the #1 rule is: YOU'RE NOT A COP, they don't stress that enough. It's a serious crime, and just plain stupid to imitate a law enforcement officer.

The second part, yeah that blows and there's not much you can do other than swerve or brake. But for the first part, if someone is challenging you, they're going to win, so your best bet is to get away from them, either by turning off or using speed or your size to your advantage.
I've had people try to hit me and chase me, and I used other cars as cover.
Like SovietRobot said its a serious offence to imitate a police officer, and it doesn't sound like he was legit, very shady, just good to hear your ok!
Its a fine line between taking off to get away from someone dangerous and possibly falling into a police trap, they love doing that in unmarked cars here (bunch of wankers imo) so you have to be careful!
That being said I'd rather be pulled over and fined for making some space, than dead for worrying too much about some $$ and points off my license.
One last note, don't forget to swerve, sometimes swerving is better than actually braking.
yeah, that was the one thing that was flying through my mind, how can i possibly swerve to avoid this... there was like a 2 or 3 foot shoulder, with a guard rail to the right, and moving traffic to the left. Left was out for sure, and the right would have givin me zero room to maneuver, it would have been a pure miracle to slip in that 2 foot gap between a conversion van and guard rail and not clip one or the other. :(
When I started reading this the first thing that came to mind was a movie called Duel !

[ame=]YouTube - Duel - Only the action scenes[/ame]
Interesting story. I would never stop no matter what. I don't trust anyone if is not an actual cop car or undercover cop cars. Flashing a badge like that is against the law it could get that person in lots of trouble.
Am glad it turned out OK.
Did you see a camera crew around, because you were just visited by Dog The Bounter Hunter..... j/k

But seriously, I'm glad you and the wife are alright.

If it were me though, in that situation, my wife would have already been scared with me going 1mph over the speed limit, but if someone were around me, doing that, I would have gotten away from them a hell of a lot sooner. Whether it be slowing down to a crawl or speeding away from them. Cop or no cop, you will not put mine or my wife's life in danger.

If I were by myself, this would have been an easy decision.... Roll on the throttle and gone, most likely hitting the nearest exit / road to get away.

Like everyone else has said, people are crazy and I am never surprised to hear these stories.

There have been multiple stories of unmarked vehicles, pulling women over, telling them they are police and then raping them. This has happened multiple times, and my wife knows this, and will not stop for an unmarked cop car, without calling the police first and finding out if they are actually an officer before pulling over. They have no problem with you calling them before pulling over. Although, on a bike, this doesn't really help you.