Sept. 19th is Talk like a pirate day! Arrrrghhhh!

Aargh!! Who gives a bilge rat what ye thinks! - its pirate time again!!!

Yo ho! The pirate guy! Do you want to know the pirate guy? Yo ho! The pirate guy! Anybody want to know the pirate guy? Yo ho! The pirate guy! Everybody want to know the pirate guy!

Do you know heem?

Do you want to know heem?

Yo ho!
Avast there ye salty dogs!
Step lively now ye deck scrubbin' lollygags! Ahaaargh!
Splice that mainbrace and haul on the sheets ye scabby rats or I'll keelhaul the lot of ye, ya lubbers!
And beware of the Kracken ye lilly livered swabs! And haul out the long 9's!
Rum rations all round me hearties!

Its less of a code, more of a guide so to speak. Arghh.