Security Issues


Hummingbird slayer.
May 30, 2007
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Louisville, KY
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Ok, so here's the news....
I'm currently moving to a new apartment, and I just met my new neighbors today. The first thing each of them told me was, "Be careful in the rear parking lot. Car's have been broken into a few times." This was disheartening for me, because I had been really picky about finding a new place and security had been a big concern for me. Unfortunately, the landlord wasn't entirely honest....big surprise. Anyways, here's my do I keep my bike safe? I've ordered a bike lock with alarm (link) and I already have a cover. I'm thinking it'll be safer to park it in front of the building where it'll be more visible and hopefully that will deter thieves/vandals. Do any of you guys have experience with situations like this? Suggestions/opinions/advice gladly accepted. I'm going to call my insurance agent tomorrow and have the deductable on my bike dropped as low as it can go (just in case).
bike alarm with a bright and visable led light. All you can really do is make it the least desirable (sp?) vehicle in the lot. Unfortunately if someone wants to take it they will. Although you could always park it in your apt.....
It's a town house, but I checked the lease and there is an express clause about parking motorcycles, scooters, etc. on the patio, walkway, or in the apartment. So that idea is a no-go. I'm going to talk to the landlord tomorrow and see what options they are willing to offer. I'm going to to ask for additional security lights around the parking lots, that would go a long way to easing my mind.
I'd park it on the patio anyways, or bring it through the slider and park it right in the living room overnight. this will accomplish one of two things, if the land lord is a prick maybe you'll get evicted and that lets you out of your lease.allowing you to find a more bike friendly place, or your bike will be protected and you won't have to worry about it.
either way you win!!!:thumbup:
Ok, so here's the news....
I'm currently moving to a new apartment, and I just met my new neighbors today. The first thing each of them told me was, "Be careful in the rear parking lot. Car's have been broken into a few times." This was disheartening for me, because I had been really picky about finding a new place and security had been a big concern for me. Unfortunately, the landlord wasn't entirely honest....big surprise. Anyways, here's my do I keep my bike safe? I've ordered a bike lock with alarm (link) and I already have a cover. I'm thinking it'll be safer to park it in front of the building where it'll be more visible and hopefully that will deter thieves/vandals. Do any of you guys have experience with situations like this? Suggestions/opinions/advice gladly accepted. I'm going to call my insurance agent tomorrow and have the deductable on my bike dropped as low as it can go (just in case).
Happy new year Shaggy,
Can you talk to your neighbours and come to an agreement with them about parking the bike on the patio. Tell them you wont rev the nuts off it and make a noise ect. This way your landlord need not know, or you could tell him that the neighbours are cool with it. Most people are ok with this especially as neighbours we should look out for each others gear. The problem with lock alarms is that they only last as long as the battery. In the UK some research was carried out on car alarms and their effectivness. 8/10 people ignore them. The alarms that send a pager or text are more effective.

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I park mine on the patio. My neighbor got his stolen in our complex. When i have it on the patio I lock it and put a cover over it. Nobody has messed with it. :Sport:
I think the parking inside is a fire violation not "if the neighbors think its o.k." type of thing. But i say buy a cougar and chain him to the bike. You'll sleep like a baby!
all kidding aside i park mine on the sidewalk leading up to my apartment (because i can't get it through the door) covered, locked, and alarm set. Get an alarm that has a remote pager and keep it next to your pistol so when you hear the alarm you can grab the 'ol smith and wesson and teach those thieves a lesson for all of us!

disclamer: madmanmaigret assumes no responsibility for your murder charge!