Same-sex passenger

It's a bit too gay for me. If that's your thing, then fine...but you're gonna get noticed. If it's not your thing and you don't want the attention, then call the dood a cab.

Haha i went riding to Huntington Beach with my brother and he had his buddy on his his zx6r and then his buddy rode with me. I give rides to all my friends so i dont give a phuck what other people say or think :Flip: I lived in Europe and as many say people ride same sex 2-up all the time there and i dont see what the big deal is...If someone has an issue with it they really need to grow up! But also like someone mentioned here people buy a bike just to be cool, to "pretend" to have that "hardcore" lifestyle. I use my FZ6 for fun but also its my main transportation ;)
Gay people riding a motorcycle??

WHERE!! SHOW ME!! Are they hot??

Those bullies are only making fun of you, because they're jealous!!
Before I had my first bike my best friend and I rode together all the time. Being a passanger while the rider is dragging peg will make you hold on that much tighter.

I've also ridden "gay" during track days. Nothing like having the fastest guy in the club show you his lines.

Don't sweat it, F'em!
Yea, both my twin and I have given each other rides.

Rule 1...and this is the only rule to tandem: the bike owner rides it, the guest is B*tch.

If you get hooted at, stand up on the bag and start screaming like "OH YEA BABY THIS MOTORCYCLE MAKES ME SO HOT" while humping his helmet. It's gets them all embarassed because then the situation becomes focused on them, and how they react to it. They usually shut up or they figure it out that with the big smiles and laughing that ensues that they were totally wrong and hopefully realize it isn't gay.

like most people said on the thread: F*ck em...who got the bike...they're walking or in traffic.

so I can handle the 2 dudes on 1 bike... but dude humping a dudes helmet... come on man....

lol that's just funny

Before I had my first bike my best friend and I rode together all the time. Being a passanger while the rider is dragging peg will make you hold on that much tighter.

I've also ridden "gay" during track days. Nothing like having the fastest guy in the club show you his lines.

Don't sweat it, F'em!

Man now I didn't think of that... id ride ghey with a fast (trained) rider like that...

can you see enough past the driver to see the lines that they take?
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lol that's great!!

there are also several "man rules" for using the urinal in public with other men.

here is a list to get you started.

Hehe. Man rules.

having said that I wouldn't hesitate to give a guy a ride on my bike, i'd rather do that then let someone ride my bike alone.

"man rules" + public urinals........... as long as you don't cross streams it's alright.......i suppose.:eek:

another thing and this reminds me of that movie "Wild Hogs", just don't smell my cologne... then tell me that it smells "good".:jawdrop:

There's no way I'm riding man-dem, unless my friend needs a ride because he blew a coolant hose or something. Even then, he's walking at least a mile for not maintaining his bike better.
Welcome to America man!!! Sry but that is what we call the bitch seat :rof::rof::rof:
But yes man you are right ppl shouldn't bother you like that not because of respect for gays but they just shouldn't. I personaly would never ride a dude on the back of my bike man. It would have to be a drastic emergency and we both have helments on with tint lenses. To be honest I would never say nothing to you for it. It is your right if you wish to ride a dude. But I would never as it is also my right. :thumbup:
If they were able to determine your gender, you both were not wearing adequate safety gear, and of that you should be embarassed.
If they were able to determine your gender, you both were not wearing adequate safety gear, and of that you should be embarassed.

This is true. We were not wearing riding gears (helmet for both of us, jacket just me), but I'm not embarassed at all. I always balance my gears with the length/type of ride. I know it's not safe, but I take this risk sometimes.
Anyway I hope nobody wear gears just to hide the sex of the passenger! There are much better reasons to wear appropriate gears.
That was so funny. Don't worry about it mate. It should not bother you. They are probably uncomfortable or unsure of their sexuality and probably homophobic....
Just have your buddy ride backwards; problem solved! :D

Shaggy, Hellgate, you guys are cracking me up!!! :D :D :D

We have a lot of hang-ups in this country. There's nothing wrong with you. I just returned from Italy not long ago (vacation). What a great country and wonderful people.
It doesn't matter what other people think. Ignore them.

nut to butt... that freakin' KILLS me! :rof: Never heard THAT before! :thumbup:

FWIW, I wouldn't ask a guy to ride on the back. I did take each Son out for a ride. (22 and 19 at the time) but they were also in full gear. No one hassled us.

Let them talk... who cares!
it's ok as long as he was using the hand grabs and not holding on around your waist!!!:rof:
nut to butt... that freakin' KILLS me! :rof:

Hehe. I have made an effort among my riding buddies to start referring to it as "buddy-up", cause seriously, if people care that much, then they have issues with homosexuality. Maybe not homophobic, but issues nonetheless. I know Rob has ridden a male passenger (granted it wasn't very far) but he has offered my brother a ride, who has ridden with another male friend of mine, who was the only person with transportation (an old Honda 750) in college, and gave all of his male roommates rides to class on occasion...

Now, for all you who said that it is gay to ride with a same sex passenger, what would you say if I told you the only person I have ever taken on the back of my bike was female? I'll bet you a bundle that you would have been catcalling and yelling things like "That's so HOT!" to the point where I would probably knock you one square across the jaw. The double standards in this country are ridiculous.....
Dont worry about what people say, They are either jealous they don't have a bike or insecure in their own masculinity :thumbup: