Same-sex passenger

First off, welcome to America!! Sorry to hear about your incident but there are people, no matter where you go, that haven’t fully evolved as a human being and it sounds like you encountered one. These are the types who aren’t worth your time to make a comment because they wouldn’t understand it anyway. Concentrate on that what makes you happy.

Now, for all you who said that it is gay to ride with a same sex passenger, what would you say if I told you the only person I have ever taken on the back of my bike was female? I'll bet you a bundle that you would have been catcalling and yelling things like "That's so HOT!" to the point where I would probably knock you one square across the jaw. The double standards in this country are ridiculous.....

Well put :thumbup:

Welcome to the U.S of A. Unfortunately its tools like them that your going to have to learn to ignore. It is nothing more than ignorant people making immature statements that go back to their insecurity about who they are. See in America for some reason many people feel they need to put their (insulting, derogatory, demeaning) two sense in even when they weren't asked. :disapprove:

On that note this is a great Forum and a very respectful group of people.
Before I had my first bike my best friend and I rode together all the time. Being a passanger while the rider is dragging peg will make you hold on that much tighter.

I've also ridden "gay" during track days. Nothing like having the fastest guy in the club show you his lines.

You said "rode", "dragging peg", "tighter", "gay", and commented on "some fast guy showing you his lines".

I had to point that out.... Sorry... :spank:
Sadly, I'm not surprised about the little bout of homophobia you experienced. Even here in the Left Coast, we have a hefty dose of it. Heck, we are soon to be voting on a ballot initiative to enshrine homophobia into the California state Constitution (gay marriage prohibition).
I recently moved from Italy to California.
This also helped moving from a Kawa er-5 (still in italy) to a Yama FZ6 (huuuuge improvement :Flash: ).

Anyway, this is the story: usually I ride alone or with my girlfriend, but few days ago I gave a ride to a friend of mine (male, like me) to avoid the traffic of Huntington Beach. ****! At least three or four guys started making fun of us saying: "Ah Ah... are you guys gay?".. "What the hell... are you gay or what?"

First of all I find it pretty offensive for real homosexual people (who I deeply respect), second I don't see what's the point of considering as gay two guys riding together. I mean, why two guys are ok in a car but not on a bike.

I was pretty surprised, since there are no such problems in Europe (or at least in Italy). Any consideration about this thing? Do you (especially americans) avoid ride with same-sex passenger?

Welcome to the USA :welcome:
*chuckle* not only the USA ... Here we have exactly the same sorts.

If you're riding, and they're standing there being BIG BOYS for their buddies ... wonder who has the issues.

Also, we talk about the rear handles as sissy bars, cos you're too sissy to hold your buddy :cheer:
*chuckle* not only the USA ... Here we have exactly the same sorts.

If you're riding, and they're standing there being BIG BOYS for their buddies ... wonder who has the issues.

Also, we talk about the rear handles as sissy bars, cos you're too sissy to hold your buddy :cheer:

That's not what I call those bars!!
Now, for all you who said that it is gay to ride with a same sex passenger, what would you say if I told you the only person I have ever taken on the back of my bike was female? I'll bet you a bundle that you would have been catcalling and yelling things like "That's so HOT!" to the point where I would probably knock you one square across the jaw. The double standards in this country are ridiculous.....

I won't argue that there are double standards, but I don't think this is one of them. Think of it like this... when you put two ugly, smelly things together, you get something unpleasant. When you put two beautiful, sweet things together, you get something even more wonderful. ;)
Yeah California probably is a little more safe for you to do that, but if you tried that in the south you might get a whole lot of angry reactions. I'd never do it, but if you're comfortable with it more power to ya! :thumbup:
I guess you've never been (with a woman of course) where no man has gone before! hahahaha just kiddin'

this thread is Hilarious after my first coment!

Talking man law, it should be a law that you must have your brown belt. Or any 2 of red, yellow, black and white. :rockon:
Talking man law, it should be a law that you must have your brown belt. Or any 2 of red, yellow, black and white. :rockon:

I got my 2 black belts covered :thumbup:

and why only 1 brown? As far as I know brown isn't higher than black, so why 2 of a higher or 1 of a lesser...if that's the order you are speaking of.
maybe we just have different meanings for the colour of belts.

I think the brown belt is one of the hardest to obtain.

I didn't write it in stone :)
"Riding-Mandem" - that was a good one!

Hey bro, I'm sure you would not get the same negative response riding in WeHo instead. I'm not homophobic but I would feel kind of odd riding 2 up with a guy just because of those comments you got.
