Saddle help please!


I prefer being on top
Jan 24, 2011
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London UK
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Since the Pillion expressed her dislike for the standard saddle, I've been looking at the aftermarket. I like the look and quality of the Top Sellerie item and have noted Boneman's review.
Trouble is, now that she herself has got used to the up-close-and-personal position, when I showed her the pics she now is not so sure. Feels like it may take her too far back.

So, my plea is for any UK bikers here, hopefully around London and home counties, who may have one of these fitted.

I would like for us to meet up so she can try the fit to put her mind at ease.
I like the rider's section and feel she won't slide forward so much under braking. She likes the current 'chummy' feel. Hey ho.

Reply initially via this post friends. There has to be somebody out there.

Looks ok, but I fancy something a little more comfy too as we are both a bit bony.

Alternatively, has anyone got a Yammy comfort seat they could let me try?
I have seen them for sale second hand so are they all that good?
I bought one of these off ebay last week, genuine Yamaha and got it for £141 + postage on make an offer. To be honest the material is different to the original but at the moment I cannot say it feels much different to the original but maybe it will bed in or feel better after a longer ride.
Wish I was closer so you could try it, however the ebay seller is Alford Bros. which I believe is in the south east so maybe they would let you could go and try it ?