Sad sad society


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Apr 9, 2012
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Southern Cali
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Well i guess i found out the reality of leasing an apartment and owning a motorcycle this week, life is just a big bucket of crabs try to do your own thing and be polite a wanker cuts your ignition.

My dilemma is i fix my bike and or insurance covers it and now i park it in the same spot as i have no where else to park it it now becomes a target again.

i can probably buy a cover? i already had a wheel lock on the front rotor.... and maybe get a chain for the big concrete polls? probably have to get the apartment complex to approve of that.

any tips or suggestions to keep my bike safe would be helpful thanks again.
Wow that sucks...

How much is it going to cost to get that fixed? Is it possible to just solder the wires back together?

I don't know what you can do to prevent this.
That's messed up, man :(

Any chance of finding a garage space for rent in the immediate area?
That really sucks. Sorry it happened to you.

You could install an alarm system with proximity sensors. It will trigger the alarm when someone leans over the bike and it will also send a signal to the remote to let you know what is going on. You can get alarm from Scorpion but they are a bit expensive. There are fairly cheap alarm units on eBay (spy) than can do this job but I hear they are a bit of a pain to install but it's probably easier than redoing your harness.
Sorry man. There are vermin scum among us. I had a seat sliced once. Good luck my friend.
You know at places like Northern Hydraulics or As Seen On TV have proximity I.R. detectors, (battery operated - with considerable range), which work quite nicely for around $13.00 - $21.00
Just a thought.
luckily i had upgraded my insurance to 100$ comprehensive deductible a few months back so its only 100 but i don't feel like i did anything to deserve it, the shop owner said they usually do this then use a cheater pipe to break the handle bar locks and jump its and drive off as you can connect 3 wires from the cut harness and it will start up..... its fairly lame as i don't have an ss, i figured people only stole expensive bikes but i guess a good cover and chain will transfer to another bike.
Bro not cool. Do you have a stairwell you can park it under. I thwarted some tweezers a couple months ago pulling my neibors wheel locked bike across the grass. Since then the landlord lets me park under a shared stairwell. I had to convince my neibors. Hope u find a comfy spot.
Oh. His whole triple tree and ignition had to be replaced. And fairings. The dropped the bike and ran when I went to chit chat. Insurance def. in case there's more damage.

I will share one experience with you. Take it for what it is.

The year is approximately 1992 and my dad had owned a 1987 TW200 for about 3 years. One day he noticed the key/ignition was messed with in our driveway (Not great but not bad neighborhood). He got a hugeass cable and locked it up to the boat trailer.

A week later, they came back prepared. It was gone. We never heard a thing that night, and I never got to ride my first love ever again.

Move your storage location. Up your insurance. Don't live with regret and what ifs.
Ugh. I park in a similar spot and I worry about my bike too. However there is a brand new ZX-6 and a 2005 ish R1 in the complex, so I hope they go for those bikes first.

My first thought was senseless vandelism, but it sounds like from your info its more likely a theft that was aborted.

Do you have a loud exhaust that would target you by those kind of people or piss people off? My last car had a aweseome stereo system and I think the bass made my car a target for theft.

Good luck on the long term solution! big chain, well lit spot and maybe an alarm is your best bet me thinks. However on second thought and reading pooks advice, I agree with him. If a theif is determined not much will detour him. An alarm might, unless they can disable it quickly.
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:( You need a garage obviously but maybe a deterrent would really help.

Perhaps a cover w/ a notice on it that it's alarmed and covered by cameras (even if it isn't.) Deter the azzhats!
Park the bike outside your window and wait with a ranged weapon of choice.

What probably would be best is a cable and maybe a motion activated camera so you can hopefully get a picture of the perp.
Ugh. I park in a similar spot and I worry about my bike too. However there is a brand new ZX-6 and a 2005 ish R1 in the complex, so I hope they go for those bikes first.

My first thought was senseless vandelism, but it sounds like from your info its more likely a theft that was aborted.

Do you have a loud exhaust that would target you by those kind of people or piss people off? My last car had a aweseome stereo system and I think the bass made my car a target for theft.

Good luck on the long term solution! big chain, well lit spot and maybe an alarm is your best bet me thinks. However on second thought and reading pooks advice, I agree with him. If a theif is determined not much will detour him. An alarm might, unless they can disable it quickly.

same with me there is a 2003 r1 a newer r6 and a really nice CBRR 1000 but my bike gets messed with wtf?.... the parking is underground and gated with a night guard during the day you can get in with no key.

also its under my apt so i can park near my window, no exhaust i am as courteous as i can be to people.

nothing i can really do beside cover and cable it to a pole.
Man that sucks! Sorry to hear that. I park my bike on the street in the neighborhood I live in now. There seems to be other bikes parked at the curb around here and I've had some neighbors tell me that it's a good neighborhood. It still worries me though.

Best of luck figuring out a better solution. A cover with a lock on it may be good, but they could probably still cut through the cover itself. Have you considered something like lojack or a kill switch?
Get a chain and lock the bike ASAP - this looks like an attempt to steal you bike and the wheel lock might have just saved it. After the ignition break in, they usually break the lock and your bike is gone if it didn't have any other lock on it.

For now, you can easily solder the wires back and put heat-shrink tubing on them. I would also check for the blown 30Amp fuse on the battery(replace only after connecting wires back together to prevent blowing it again).

I am not sure if you could report it to the police so that they add extra patrolling near your area and be aware of such activities.
That totally sucks! WTF are people thinking these days. I have a Scorpion 9000 (I think that's the model) alarm in the box ready for someone to buy. It's for our FZ6. I don't even remember what I paid for it. I just haven't wanted to install it. Not sure why but just want to sell it now. If you or anyone is interested PM me and I will figure out a great price for someone.
Another thing I thought of that a lot of people do to older vehicles is install a hidden kill switch or re-wire the start button to a hidden button. It will at least keep them from driving off with it.