Ricor Intiminators


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta
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Just installed them on the bike today. I am HIGHLY impressed with the product and the total transformation of the FZ's front end with them in place. No more nasty jarring over repeated bumps, can't feel train tracks like I am on a pogo stick and the brake dive is definitely less. Much more confidence inspiring, turns easier and even helps sort out some vibration from the road. I was a little worried seeing as their is literally no reviews of them on our bike, but I actually was asked to phone the store and I had a good long talk with one of the owners. Awesome conversation, and they do make them for our bike, just not posted on the website.

Install was very easy. I had the dealer change my fork oil (due to new puppy at home) and as such, all I had to do was pop off the fork cap, remove the spring and place the intiminator in the fork, replace the spring and done! I had to shorten my spacer a little, but that was easy. Still might need to do it more, as my sag isn't set yet; ran out of day light. I've been rather spoiled as of late, with my dad being ill so I've been getting to steal his FZ1. His suspension still is better and more adjustable, but the intiminators along with my fork springs being stiffer makes the 6 almost as good. I'd say his is close to an 9 on the road, i'd be an 8.5

Since there are VERY few people on here with them, I would love to answer any questions anyone has. If I can't, feel free to email the company, they got back to me instantly.
The website is a little outdated as I was told by Brian at Ricor. They do make them though. I phoned the store itself. If you phone him, he will custom fit it to your weight.