Question for March 28, 2008



What are the largest and smallest 5-digit numbers that satisfy the following conditions?

1. Each digit of the number is a prime digit.
2. Each successive pair of digits forms a 2-digit number that is NOT a prime number.
3. Each of the prime digits must appear at least once in the 5-digit number.

Correct answers receive 5,000 credits.
Answer for March 28.......sorry for the delay

Largest - 35772
Smallest - 32257

Prime digits are 2, 3, 5 and 7. Taken as pairs, the only combinations that fit criterion 2 are:
22, 25, 27, 32, 33, 35, 52, 55, 57, 72, 75 and 77.
Of that list, 33 is the only number that contains a 3 as the second digit and so for criterion 3 to be satisfied, 3 can only appear at the start of the 5-digit numbers. From there it is simply a matter of choosing the next digits using the list above so that criterion 2 is satisfied, making sure that criterion 3 is also satisfied.

Zebratounge & grommit got it correct!!!
What are the largest and smallest 5-digit numbers that satisfy the following conditions?

1. Each digit of the number is a prime digit.
2. Each successive pair of digits forms a 2-digit number that is NOT a prime number.
3. Each of the prime digits must appear at least once in the 5-digit number.

Correct answers receive 5,000 credits.
Im still waitng for my 2000 credits for the news paper poll?
shut up Neil.....I owe you NOTHING :Flip: ;)

And once again the Lady proves to be correct as she agreed to pay 2,000 credits for a vote not each vote. You guys can only bight the carrot 1 time but thanks for the additional votes.

Charlie Moore
Seafarer Campaign Manager :D