Question about my gas mileage.....


Junior Member
May 7, 2012
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Mesa AZ
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So I have been riding my 07 now since early december and I usually fill up when the last bar starts flashing and my F-Trip starts counting up. But i noticed when she is down that low and I fill her up she only takes about 3 gallons....everywere I have looked says the tank holds about 5.1 gallons...and when I fill her up (all the bars full) I only get about 130 miles to the I going crazy here or what lol and input would be greatly appreciated thanks guys... -Matt
Well, its 5.1 gallons with a 1 gallon reserve. So if you go by the fuel bars it should take about 4 gallons to fill up from empty. I will admit the most I've ever put in mine was 3.9 gallons, and that was a good 50 miles past the reserve...

I would just do a gas mileage calculation to see what you're getting to the gallon.

By the way if you're riding with other people, chances are (even during touring) they'll have to fill up before you anyway. ;)
The 04 FZ6 states 19.4L in the manual, including reserve. Once, I miscalculated the reserve and ran the bike dry, with the engine seizing and the bike cruising with clutch in to a stop into the petrol kiosk :rockon:

I pumped 19L exactly. So, I'm not sure the manual is entirely accurate. There may be an unuable 0.4 or 0.5L of petrol that the fuel pump cannot reach?:confused:
There are a few tricks to extending tank range. Before you really stretch a tank though, determine your average MPG. How far you push tip three will really depend on consistent mileage numbers.

Tips are noted with approximate gains.
  1. Fill up while on center stand (0.1 - 0.2 gal)
  2. Top off. This is a big one, the difference between first auto pump shutoff with the nozzle all the way in an uber full (halfway up neck) can be huge. Topping off takes patience, finesse, and a good pump... off/on full blast pumps = fuel on surfaces you don't want. (1 gal)
  3. Stretch reserve. It comes on with approximately 1 gallon left so once your avg mpg is known, you can safely ride on F trip 75% of your mpg. Example 50 mpg, you can go another 37.5 miles and fit more fuel (0.75 gal).

I get about 47-48 mpg and have been averaging 210 miles/tank, max 229.
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I suspect you're sticking the nozzle all the way in and stopping once the pump clicks off. Once it does that, you have to pull the nozzle out and fill it slowly until it tops off.

Putting it on the centerstand will also help, but since my previous bike didn't have a centerstand, I've gotten accustomed to just sitting on the bike while filling to keep it upright, I usually don't get off the bike when filling up.