Put a deposit on an FZ6, here's an exhaust question


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Nov 6, 2011
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I'm new to riding and put a deposit on what I'm hoping to be my first bike, an '09 FZ6. I thought the bike looked and felt awesome. What wasn't awesome was the sound - apparently it has a custom exhaust... that sounds ridiculous. I'm not sure what kind it is, I was hoping someone here could identify it and tell me if it'd be easy to go back to the stock exhaust, assuming I can even find one for not too much money.


Here's the link: Yamaha 2009 FZ6

looks like a set of MIVV pipes from the logo?

they're supposed to be quite a good quality brand

if you want a stock exhaust you can probably pick one up on ebay fairly cheaply, and sell that exhaust for a profit
Those are Mivv exhaust pipes, a European brand. It appears from the pictures that they still have the db killers or baffles still installed which is possibly why the sound is strange. Although taking them out will make it louder so if your goal is quiet, that probably isn't the answer. I'm sure you can sell them for a decent price, and there are probably quite a few guys that would send you their stock pipe and some cash to trade you for those.

And congrats on the new bike, welcome!
Its not hard at all to go back to.the stock setup, you can find them on ebay from $100-$300 or maybe someone hear still has their stock setup that they would sell, i couldnt see the name on the cans but they look like leo's. But whatever they are you should be able to.sell them quick for more then what a stock exhaust would cost

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Without the dB-killers, they actually should sound good :)

Take a look:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N2qeYvJL0o]Fz6 - Mivv senza dbkiller - YouTube[/ame]

And congratulations with the new bike!!


Why would you want to go back to stock? To loud?

It's definitely Mivv exhausts.
And don't worry about them saying it's a custom exhaust, it's just normal aftermarket mufflers possibly with a different midpipe, very easy to swap around.

Mivv is a very good brand, used them on both my old SV650 and my FZ6, and had nothing but good experiences. Also know several people who have Mivv on their bikes without problems.
Wow, thanks for the responses everyone!

The sound of the exhaust was "rattley" - even the saleswoman grimmaced when I revved the throttle. It just sounded tinny and weak.

I don't want a loud exhaust, and I don't want it to sound like a weed-whacker. I don't care if it sounds good, as long as it doesn't sound bad, you know?

I really appreciate everyone's input - I'm glad I found this site, and I hope my financing works out so I can be a part of it going forward! :)
Was it inside when you revd it like in the picture, that would dramatically change the sound

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JimF, when I was shopping for my first FZ6 I wanted to get one with a stock exhaust. I got one with an aftermarket Leo Vince without the DB killer inserts. I was able to find someone on this forum that was selling a stock exhaust and got it shipped to me for about $90. It's been on my bike since then and I enjoy the quietness over the loud most of the time. It seems the bike had a little more top end with the Leo's installed but I don't really care as I'm not racing my bike around most of the time. I still got 55.2mpg the other day between fill ups on a somewhat spirited ride through twisty country roads.

The biggest thing is get what YOU want. Get the bike and if you don't like the sound of the exhaust then change it, it's pretty easy but does cost money depending on what you want. No one I've ridden with either before with the Leo's or after with the stock exhaust has said anything about the exhaust tone or looks on my bike.
JimF, when I was shopping for my first FZ6 I wanted to get one with a stock exhaust. I got one with an aftermarket Leo Vince without the DB killer inserts. I was able to find someone on this forum that was selling a stock exhaust and got it shipped to me for about $90. It's been on my bike since then and I enjoy the quietness over the loud most of the time. It seems the bike had a little more top end with the Leo's installed but I don't really care as I'm not racing my bike around most of the time. I still got 55.2mpg the other day between fill ups on a somewhat spirited ride through twisty country roads.

The biggest thing is get what YOU want. Get the bike and if you don't like the sound of the exhaust then change it, it's pretty easy but does cost money depending on what you want. No one I've ridden with either before with the Leo's or after with the stock exhaust has said anything about the exhaust tone or looks on my bike.

:welcome:, great advice from Dave. It matters what YOU want. I personally wanted a deeper sound and went with the Leo Vince's, including the DB killers. Worked for me, not too loud, not to quiet. :thumbup:
I am probably in the minority here and will get yelled at :rolleyes: but here are my 2 cents.

As this is your first bike, go back with a stock exhaust. First of all the bike was designed that way and you should not really be using it as a race bike, Yet. :D

I like quiet bikes and even the stock exhaust has a very nice note when you get the revs up.

Buy a stock one from someone here or off flea bay and sell that one and make some money.

And CONGRATULATIONS on the new purchase.

I would see what YOU think after putting a few miles on the bike. Try many different variations of things, like try with the DB killers in, then take them out. Try ear plugs in, then out. See what you think when you ride it with YOUR style in YOUR environment. Then make a decision if you want to change the exhaust. You might be surprised the sound could become something you like.

Otherwise I would suggest listing them for sale here on the site! I would have loved to find a set of pipes used that I could have traded my stock setup and some cash for! But I do not regret my Scorpion purchase.

You will probably get lots of opinions....but remember yours is the main one that counts! :)
^ True, before going to the time and trouble of doing a mod, see how you feel about what you've got. But if a few extra bucks, a quieter ride, happier neighbors and a less squiddy sound going down the road sound like a good thing, there is the stock option. If that list sounds lame, then you may have your answer already. Might depend on how you feel about your neighbors... :)

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Bank didn't approve the financing and the dealer only gave me until this evening to get my deposit back, so I cancelled the contract. :( But after a month of looking at all sorts of different bikes, I finally have a particular kind in mind - partly due to this forum. I spent a lot of time today looking at all the mods and everything and I'm impressed by the community here (not to mention the replies to this thread!)

So I'll be back... soon, I hope!

Bummer Jim. I hope everything works out for you in the end. Maybe that just means you will find a better bike in the future. :thumbup:
