Possible repost but absolute insanity

I just...... Well ..... this seemed to go all to hell.... Where are my Fuzzy Bunny slipper?! Lol!

Let's everyone stay cool!:thumbup:
No, that wouldn't work for a school exam.

When analyzing collisions you must use Momentum and the transfer of Momentum, energy methods will not work.

Why you ask, because energy is released in a collisions. Energy is used to make the sound you hear during the crash, transferred into heat, and/or stored mechanical energy from the temporary deformation of the structures that collided.

Furthermore, the most fundamental understanding that is missed is that during a collusion; The force on both objects are Equal and opposite.

This is all understood in school exam questions though, (in)elastic collisions etc. Given the momentum (mv) is the derivative of kinetic energy (1/2 * mv^2), it will still work.

I would't ask you why, I already know :)

University physics would go into the other features you mention though, granted.
Now here is a real nut job. Although he's Italian so maybe they are all like that. Plus I suspect he sped up the video;
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg9eyZAgP2E"]IBRAH DA FZ6 - PAU NA HORNET, QUASE TRANSITO ! - YouTube[/ame]

Makes ghost rider look like some old fart on a Moto Guzzi. I wondered why he kept taking his hands off the controls then I realized he's Italian and was talking to the Camera. Don't do this at home kids.:D
No, that wouldn't work for a school exam.

When analyzing collisions you must use Momentum and the transfer of Momentum, energy methods will not work.

Why you ask, because energy is released in a collisions. Energy is used to make the sound you hear during the crash, transferred into heat, and/or stored mechanical energy from the temporary deformation of the structures that collided.

Furthermore, the most fundamental understanding that is missed is that during a collusion; The force on both objects are Equal and opposite.

Yes. I did such a poor job of explaining it that I quit.
Winning the Lottery has much better odds then killing a cager by lane splitting. Every day on this planet Millions of motorcycles lane split. A few times a year a cager dies. America is almost the only country where it is mostly illegal.
What it does is it makes the masses uncomfortable. The Masses want it illegal because they think it will end their discomfort.
Lane Splitting is legal in most countries because it saves lives. That is a fact, long since "proven";
Like everything in life, it can be abused.
The difference is splitting lanes at a respectable speed, not lane splitting at almost 200mph.
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In my past carreer as a Cop of 25 years I remember working a wreck between a motorcycle and an older Dodge van(maybe late 70's-steel bumpers, you get the idea).

I happened to hear the crash (on patrol) and actually saw the rear of the van jump up some and move sideways probably 2'.

Called it out and pulled up on scene.

The bike was running in the opposite direction as the van, the van had started to make a left (into a Pizza hut with his family). (Head on crash obviously..

The van's bumper (again, heavy steel, no plastic back then) and front end was crushed in aprox 3', the windshield caved in considerably..

The bike was approx a 500cc Suzuki, estimated speed of 80 MPH (driver was drunk). Rider was NOT on the bike, no way this guy walked away from this crash..

Kept looking and eventually found the rider beyond the sidewalk (four lane roadway with a center turn lane)- where the van was just beginning to turn). Still alive but died several times on the way to the hospital but was DOA before he got to the hospital.

Different circumstances absolutly, but at much lower speeds. Yes, the van WON, no one PHYSICALLY injured inside. Van totalled. Bike about 4' shorter..

Can you imagine the mental scars the folks and KIDS still have after going thru that??? Play with the #'s all you want, there's still the HUMAN factor. That's the real world..

BTW, I had a "go fast" fly by me (easily 40 MPH faster) a couple of years ago in the SAME LANE and scared the snot out of me as I never saw him (same as the video posted). Knock on wood, I didn't move from one side of the lane to the other (as I normally do to be seen) or I wouldn't be here...

I don't appreciate someone gambling with my life..

IMO, just flat stupid. Go to the track and have at it.
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The difference is splitting lanes at a respectable speed, not lane splitting at almost 200mph.

That is where I disagree. There is a comfort zone. You want to be past the SMO (slow moving object) before they know you are there. If they are a drifty cager, you can read the drift from the front tires. What you don't want to do is be next to them while they are wandering all over the place. That is grease spot on the slab territory.
The real danger spot is riding 3rd in the pack. From 2nd, you can see how the cager reacts when the lead dog blows by them. That gives you a choice. Most of the time the cager turns away from the bike that just blew by them. Most of the time. A cager will turn into the threat just often enough to make it interesting. That means dangerous. Danger is fun.
So long as you survive. If you don't, well, nobody gets out of life alive.:rockon:
I would rather die doing something I love then in bed from old age. You might make a different choice. It's a free country. Why make it less free because of 1 in a million happenstance?
Better to wake up 15 minutes earlier. ;)

Well, at least it's not another staged film fast scene where other drivers---it's obvious---are going extra slow while subject maneuvers around others. CHips, Adam-12, etc.
I would rather die doing something I love then in bed from old age. You might make a different choice. It's a free country. Why make it less free because of 1 in a million happenstance?

Like I said, job security, a crushed rib cage will make it easier to do the pushy pushy blow blow.

I want to die old surrounded by my family, the children I get to see grow up. Your opinion is just as easily shared with a drunk or a speed racer who lives life in the fast lane with absolute zero moral values for anyone else. I just started realizing this myself. Hope you don't get life lesson in it. It's sad you deal in chance, because its just that, chance. It's fate that causes the person to make a legal lane change while your pushing 40+ speed limit. Hope they keep it on the road at seventy miles per hour and doesn't flip. 600 pounds (think a fully assembled small block Chevrolet engine) coming at you at that speed?
Given the momentum (mv) is the derivative of kinetic energy (1/2 * mv^2), it will still work.

I would't ask you why, I already know :)

Nope, you cannot use energy to solve collisions.

However, if you want to talk math.

The integral of mv with respect to v is: (1/2) mv^2 + C (where C is an arbitrary constant).

Not surprisingly, not only is "C" the reason why you can not solve for collision using energy method but also solving for C after correctly solving using momentum will give you the energy "lost" from the collusion.
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I think we both know everything we're both saying, and it'll just turn into intellectual d**k measuring from here on! :)

As an actuary I'm sick of talking math (like you wouldn't believe!).

What's your background btw? (Genuine interest, not provocative statement!).