Police Chase a High Performance Motorcycle


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Lol hardly a police chase,I bet the biker did not even realise they were behind him...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npie1n8sLvs&feature=relmfu]Police Chase a High Performance Motorcycle - Mulholland Hwy, CA - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sure most jurisdictions instruct police officers NOT to chase motorcycles that run from a minor traffic offense, just not worth the chance of some innocent person dying to write a speeding ticket. Of course if they got your plate number you are screwed and only on curvy backroads like this would it be safe to run and claim ignorance that you did not realize you were being followed (since the cop could clearly never keep up in the twisties).

I do not condone running from police for any reason.

EDIT: after watching that a second time I'm confused, how did the bike get turned around originally? The cop was chasing him to the right and then he's chasing him to the left (which means the rider had to have known) but the rider does not appear to be pushing it, just riding at a leisurely (spirited) pace. lol.
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Ya they have a no chase law where i live too....

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I read on a different forum that the cop wasnt actually chasing that bike but responding to a call, thus you see the bike coming back the other way like nothing happened
I live really close to this and I think I'm realizing at this point that they are more interested in scaring away the hooligans than handing out citations... there are some people who know this road really well and they tend to push the speed limits very far...it makes it kinda unsafe for others who are just riding their ride and minding their own business..overall I think the cops are just trying to keep those crazies under control
Here's another just to update.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2sXtEp58Ec&list=WL1E97F2F29FD70299&feature=mh_lolz]Policecontrol ! No thanks - YouTube[/ame]
I read on a different forum that the cop wasnt actually chasing that bike but responding to a call, thus you see the bike coming back the other way like nothing happened

No way. If the cop car was responding to a call why would he turn around when he came to the first split in the road?