Photography Thread !!!

First attempt at sunsets:


I've been wanting to try to take some star trail pictures, and finally had a chance to give some practice shots a try last weekend. Conditions weren't ideal, so they're not exactly stunning, but they're a positive to me as a first try.

A quick test shot to get the exposure calculated

IMG_0225 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr

Lead to this

IMG_0232 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr

Since the moon was really bright, I decided to try a landscape shot

IMG_0234 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr
(yes, that's really a night shot, lit by the moon...for 480 seconds)

And one more just for fun

IMG_0235 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr

I need to work on the focusing, but I feel like it was a successful first attempt, despite room for improvement.
I'm sure Krushnuts with be along later with a full ride review but here are a few pics from our ride today :D :D

IMG_6580 by a8127, on Flickr

IMG_6991 by a8127, on Flickr

IMG_6603 by a8127, on Flickr

And FINALLY got some of me :D :D :cheer: :cheer:

IMG_6556 by a8127, on Flickr

And NO I'm not looking at the camera , that's how tight the corner was !!

IMG_6573 by a8127, on Flickr
Great shots Humpy - bare with me, I'm new to this - it's going to take all night to look through all these photos!
Went out last night for a friends nephew that was graduating from their pyrotechnics school, they had to put on a fireworks show. Granted it wasn't as big time as major holiday fireworks or anything but it was something to get some camera time with.






We were almost 1/2 mile away on another small ridge. Camera is Sony A550 DSLR, lens is Sony 18-135mm and cheap tripod. Nothing special. Images were about 15 second exposures.
Took these yesterday on the Deschutes River Trail (a former railroad), Oregon. This was a gravel trail run on the MTB.

Amazing scenery and a good test for my new wide angle lens.






Very nice. Looks like a fire recently went through some of that area.

Quite possibly. This is in the central northern part of the state, just east of the Cascade Mountain range which probably prevents much of the rainfall from the Pacific. I just love the terrain.
Gathering acorns on a 90F degree October day is rough work.


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My daughters friend is a very talented singer/songwriter & on Friday night I volunteered to photograph her EP launch (she scored pics & I scored invaluable experience) & the chance to broaden my skills & add to my portfolio was awesome !!! Here are a few of my favs , hope you like them :thumbup:

Morgan Hann (support act & another local muso) :thumbup:

IMG_5246 by a8127, on Flickr

IMG_5232 by a8127, on Flickr

Now a recorded artist Kasey-Michelle :D :D

IMG_5455 by a8127, on Flickr

IMG_5465 by a8127, on Flickr

IMG_5571 by a8127, on Flickr

And backing vocalist (can't remember her name :( )

IMG_5490 by a8127, on Flickr
A couple more & a quick video to show how AWESOME Kasey is :thumbup:

Great shots, Humps! A real test for the camera as well as your skills. :rockon:

This weekend I headed back to the Deschutes River to finish the trail. Near the end there's an abandoned ranch that has been spared demolition. Oregon is nothing if not scenic.


