Photography Thread !!!

Humperdinkel: I wonder if that spider weaves that thicker "X" and then sits like that to look like he's bigger than he actually is?

Here are a few of my boxer, who does NOT like having her picture taken! I have to bribe her with cheese. Have any extra over there, cheese head?! :D The second photo of her is a little blurry, but I love it with her tongue hanging out like that lol. Third one she's pouting in her little jail I think.

Also putting a few up from the Buffalo Zoo. Shooting through fences/dirty glass sucks!
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Got out in the garden this morning & went for a stroll round the park this arvo , here is a few of my favs :thumbup:

Nice shots...That spider shot reminds me of one i took a while back...

Spent all day Sunday at the Drags with my 2 boys (was going to a fly-in but it was to windy) so I thought i'd try shooting something a little different to share with y'all :thumbup: Gotta say I really had a great day out & enjoyed some of these panning shots with a slow shutter :D

Whats that red/black bike in the pics?
Humperdinkel: I wonder if that spider weaves that thicker "X" and then sits like that to look like he's bigger than he actually is?

This is from an Aussie spider expert :thumbup:
The role of the cross-like web decoration, called the stabilimentum, has long been a puzzle. At first thought to strengthen or 'stabilise' the web, more recent ideas associate it with capturing prey or avoiding predators. The ribbon-like silk reflects ultra-violet light strongly. Such light is attractive to flying insects, which use it to locate food sources like flowers and to navigate through openings in the vegetation. If the stabilimentum silk attracts insects it may increase the web's prey catching efficiency. The silk decoration could also make the web and its owner more obvious to day-active predators like birds and wasps. However, the variability of the shape of the cross decoration (a complete cross; a partial cross with from one to three arms; or sometimes absent altogether) could make web recognition confusing for the predator. Another possibility is that the stabilimentum advertises a warning to predators like birds to stay away - after diving through the sticky web, the effort required to clean silk off plumage may deter birds from trying again.

Nice pics by the way , great looking dog :D
Its almost as if the bee decided he would pose for

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Amazing pics mate :thumbup: mine are nowhere near as good :(

What macro lens are you using ??

I think you have some very nice pics that you've posted so far! Keep it up, and keep shooting! The lens is the Canon 100mm Macro 2.8 IS USM. $$$ cha-ching $$$. lol. I haven't used it nearly as much as I've wanted with my new tripod. It's a lot of fun though. Opens your eyes up to things you typically wouldn't even notice. Thanks for the compliments, btw. I'm still pretty new at this, but it's a good time.. and challenging!
Here was my first attempt at fireworks this past July. These were all handheld and I'm anxious to try a few different things next year -- A) Tripod B) Remote shutter release cable C) Move back and get more in the photos than just the fireworks themselves.

I still think they look pretty cool though :)