photo editing program


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2009
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I would like to edit some pictures but dont really have anything to do it. Adobe Photoshop is the obvious one but it is a little expensive for what I want to spend(preferrably nothing but definately not above a hundred). What program do you guys use and if you have a link to where I can get it that would be great! Any suggestions are welcome.
Photoshop LE should is like $80 or $90 depending on the OS...

For real easy stuff there are online options that you don't pay for and dont even download...

Just google photo editing
On a budget... maybe Paint Shop Pro Photo by Corel or PhotoImpact by Ulead.

For me, I use Photoshop CS2 and Nikon Capture and probably will not use anything else. My co-worker likes Gimp, but he uses it in the Linux environment. There are others out there but it depends on what you want to do with photos.
I got iPhoto 08 with my Mac, and its great and easy to use, but doesn't really do that much "editing"; it'll change color balance, saturation and intensity, crop, reduce redeye, etc but you can't "cut-n-paste", which I really wanted to do. Nikon Capture NX goes further, but STILL doesn't allow "cut-n-paste", etc.

I finally got Photoshop Elements for $70 but it's still in the box, work has been a bit hectic lately... :spank: :rolleyes:
I do a lot of photography and want to get something. Has anyone used utorent? My buddy at work gets all kinds of software there. He said he will come over and get the delux photo shop for me. :rockon: I have a bad *** Dell computer that works great for photos. Now I need the software. I appreciate your suggestions! :thumbup:
Photoshop Elements, without a doubt. For photos, it's got about 90% of what regular Photoshop has for about 10% of the price. Simply can't be beat. I've used it for years, making outstanding enlargements all the way up to poster size.
Well I just downloaded Gimp to give that a shot. Wont have much time until next week to really mess around with it. I did take a look at it and it seems to have a lot of tools that are absent from other basic picture editors. If that doesnt work I will try something else but for free, it is worth a shot. Thanks for the input guys:)
A guy I work with is a pro photographer and he uses GIMP for a lot of stuff.

I use Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, nice easy to use interface and gives you good editing/retouching capabilities (cloning, curves adjustment, cropping, resampling, HDR image merge, layers, RAW conversion, batch processing, etc.)

You can but it for probably less than $50 on ebay or Amazon, and there is a free 30-day full-feature license you can download from Corel to try it out. :thumbup: There are some good books at Amazon/Borders as well to get you up and running.