Pet Peeve 2012 Edition

my two biggest here are:
#1 People do not know when to turn on their lights. It can be dusk, raining and foggy and 1/3 cars won't have any lights on.

#2 People that have lights missing/ not working. Here it currently isn't an offense to have defective lights. Again 1/3 of the cars don't have effective lights. Tractors often don't have any lights.

I have an equal #2. People who desperately seen he need to overtake you leaving you about 10 foot of their ar5e as they squeeze into your braking zone.
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1. People who can't drive in the mountains and have no clue what a turnout is used for.:spank:
2. Mountain idiots again, those who ride the brakes all the way down the mountain, man hot brakes sure do stink especially when you have no windows to close:BLAA:

1) F**kers who change lanes without looking! :spank:

2) F**kers who drive 10 MPH below the speed limit in the left lane & refuse to move over to the slow lane! :spank:

(most of the above listed f**kers are also the same f**kers who can't put down the cell phone or the McFries while they're driving!)
I have nothing personel against mountain bikes...they are all over the place here.....but the law states that they ride single file!
and when they don't, they get honked at :sinister:

And I dont' think it's just a Colorado Springs thing, but what Clovis said: when drivers swing wide and don't stay in their lanes after a turn;
OMG Bren! That's dangerous because ALL the cars are on the wrong side of the road in the US:rof:
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#1 - self proclaimed traffic enforcement! These people pull in front of you thinking there doing the world a favor by blocking you are anchoring the brakes. Mind you I'm not blazing the trail @85mph - just a comfy 5 to 10 over perhaps. Yet they feel a need to move and purposefully block the freeway playing cops. . . :Flip: :Flip: :Flip:

#2 - In the states the Lefty is for passing. If on a freeway or interstate, the slower vehicles should be in the right lane!!!!! MOVE over @ss Hole! And learn to set and use your mirrors to cehck traffic - If mother nature intended our heads to swivel like that, we'd be Owls!!!!
The person who pulls out in front of you too close, forcing you to brake and down shift 2 gears, who then proceeds to creep along only to turn off onto the next side street 30 seconds down the road.
Out of the 2 you listed Kenny, the lack of directional signals is the one that baffles me. In California every one must be psychic :rolleyes:

Texting is my #1. Had a lady pushing me across two lane changes because she was on the phone and never checked for me. I already had a bead on her driving behavior and felt it coming so I was ready. When she finally saw me I just shook my head and politely went my way. :cool:

fz6 + trainhorn = awesome :rockon:
I'm gonna stray from the crowd a little bit here....

#1 Pulling in the clutch to shift up a gear only to find out your in 6th :spank:

#2 TOWN DEER!!!!!!!!!!! KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how many times i see hordes (by the dozens) of deer just roaming through the streets of the town i work in at night (3rd shift).... i enjoy riding on breaks but the town deer sure are pests....

#3 The guy who will ride your Arse all day long but when there's a safe place to pass he decides he's content 10 feet off your rear tyre.....

Edit (forgot one)

#4 People who drive 10 under the posted speed you pass them and suddenly they speed up and get right on your arse like you stole their child or something (probably my biggest irritation about cagers)
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And people that cant accelerate or drive manual cars properly.. How can I explain this so you can all understand the people im talking about , we all know them... I'll try it like this , 1st , neutral..................................... 2nd , neutral................................... 3rd , neutral.................................. get your foot off the clutch & back on the gas people :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:

I can't tell you how many times this happens to me!!!

I drive a little standard chevy cavalier and i think it's loads of fun, but good lord people who cant drive them really ought to sell them and buy an auto....

Another common occurance is when you get a farm kid driving a Semi and you can tell he has no time behind the wheel....had it happen this morning actually....

Truck in front of me turned, he was revving the balls outta that poor diesel, shift..........more abuse to the engine.....another shift.... etc...3 miles later were finally up to 55.... small incline in the road.... back down to 40.... small decline....hes doing 70.... big hill....he nearly stalled it but ended up at about 20 at which point i decided i was less patient than i had origionally thought and passed him.... poor semi, i feel for the farmer who spent all the $$ only to have the life of the truck wasted by an imbocile who doesn't know how to properly run a stick shift :(
This thread is kinda funny. I like the ones who are in rush (hard acceleration/hard braking) to get to the next light when, most other people can predict that it won't do any good because it will/will still be red anyway. You also see them squeezing in the second they perceive an opening, then after all that, brake unneccessarily hard because the light is red. Sometimes, I end up rolling past them in an adjacent lane w/o even trying. On the flip side, the motorists who don't orderly keep the traffic flow going once the light changes annoy me. If, for example, you're first in queue at the left-hand turn lane, "GO!, the light turned GREEN, moron. Now, because you're paranoid or something, another maybe 3-4 motorists behind you are going to have to wait through another long light change. You probably don't clean up after yourself, either jerk."
#1 is people riding in packs of bycicles on a skinny mountain road mostly over into my side of the white line. Usually just before a corner or the top of a hill. Spread out over two miles. (they hate it when I lay on the air horns when I get next to them.):sinister::Flip::D

#2 is, "Why dont people have to have special training, (a commercial drivers licence) to operate a fifty foot motorhome pulling a fourty foot carhauler/boat combo?" You usually come across these turtlish road hazzards in our nations scenic parks or two-lane twisting roads traveling about cow speed with 8000 cars behind them. PULL-OUTS YOU WHALE!!!:spank::spank:
