People are so F*ing stupid


Junior Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Windham, NH
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So I'm sitting in the living room today after a long day of work, just chillin' and i hear my roommate's bike rolling in. I look out the window, and he's there with his girlfriend on the back, just cruising along, so i go back to watching some TV. I noticed that they didn't come in for a while so i looked out again and they're there picking up the bike!
So i guess they were rolling in, and he was going to back into a spot, as he was slowing down, and about to make a right hand turn to go perpendicular to the lane, parallel to the parking spot, some ass monkey thought it would be a good idea to pass them on the right and swerve into the parking spot next to the one they were trying to park. So he jammed the front break, as to not hit the car, and they go down, real slow speed like.
So after they picked it back up, and backed it into a spot, my roommate went to speak with the driver, who happened to be on his cell phone the whole time. Who was still on the phone. Even when my roommate was trying to tell him what happened, the guy laughed at him! and stayed on his phone!
So they left, and came up to the apartment, and as we were discussing what to do to his car, we decided the best thing to do was to call the cops. So they did, they came, they talked to my roommate and his girlfriend, then they went and gave the guy a VERY VERY stern talking to. So I guess justice has been served... except the guy doesn't have a parking sticker, so we're going to have him towed tonight :D
Also the cops both ride :Sport:

Anyhow.. people are so stupid. I know that it's sort of my roommates fault for not coming to a complete stop, looking, and then proceeding, but come on, who passed a bike on the right, that's still moving, and cuts them off?!?!?!
That's it, end rant.
That sucks!

What I'm having the hardest time with is..... "You let someone else drive your bike?!?!?" :eek:

No one drives my bike BUT me. I don't let anyone at the controls. I would if I knew they had the cash to replace it but those guys are almost non-existent! ;)
He was on his own bike, mine was parked :D
And we threw out all sorts of good ideas of what to do to the car, a few involved prying the wheel weights off, letting air out of tires, peeing in the gas tank, filling the tank with tampons, putting a 25lb deadblow sledge through the windshield... but we decided that justice would be served, and his record scarred, we well if we involved the fuzz.
Whew! I guess I glazed over the "roommate's bike..." portion.

Wheel weights are a good one... just enough to make him wonder. Another fun but harmless one, take a LARGE raw potato that is larger than his tailpipe and drive that sucker in so it cuts a perfect fitting plug of potato that stops up the exhaust. Push it in about 4 inches then wait for him to come start the car. It will either stop running or, most likely, build up pressure and blow that thing out with a BANG!
Your only going to get his car towed? Only? Its people like that ignorant f*ing a*ole that gets people killed...Yes. I'm p*sed off...
I'm with you brother on that one. Had to lock up the brakes for first time today. I was heading home after work going down a road that is 3 lanes wide. 1 lane in the direction I was going and 2 in the other. There are several cross streets with stops for them but not the main 1. It's only a 35 MPH section which a guess I should be thankful for. I saw the car setting at the stop sign waying to go so I keep my eye on them. They had their nose stuck out in traffic so I knew they would try something. They waited for the car in front of me to pass and out they came crossing in front of me. I hit the brakes and the horn. Back tire locked and I came to a sliding stop. They also stoppped, right in front of me with cars coming from the other direction. She (the driver) just sat there staring at me. After a few seconds the very overwieght boyfriend, husband what ever, told her to go and off they went. No wave, no I,m sorry, no nothing.Just looked at me as if it was my fault.:Flip: Watch everything and everyone all the time! Safe rides to all.
This happened today and I feel like it fits with the theme of F*ing stupid people...

I had some jerkoff following me and my buddy when we were crusing on some beautiful twisties down by the Clarion river. We weren't pushing things by any standard, but the bends were definitely a bit rough on a 4-wheel drive truck at our speed. So this tool sees us sitting at a cross-street, pulls out, and then proceeds to drive like an idiot to keep pace with us through the bends. I'm watching him in my rear-view in amazement. I got so worried that he was going to kill someone else that I gave my buddy (who was leading) the piss break signal and we pulled over.

That moron was driving completely unsafe behind us and here I am thinking I would feel responsible if he wrecked. Jackass.
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:Today on a short ride of 50 miles, I found myself being tailgated by a cage. I turned my body around and waved at them, but to no prevail. Finally the car in front of me got into the slow lane and I was able to accelarate away. Before I did, i saw who it was, a woman on her cell phone.... imagine that :Flip:

I'm with you brother on that one. Had to lock up the brakes for first time today. I was heading home after work going down a road that is 3 lanes wide. 1 lane in the direction I was going and 2 in the other. There are several cross streets with stops for them but not the main 1. It's only a 35 MPH section which a guess I should be thankful for. I saw the car setting at the stop sign waying to go so I keep my eye on them. They had their nose stuck out in traffic so I knew they would try something. They waited for the car in front of me to pass and out they came crossing in front of me. I hit the brakes and the horn. Back tire locked and I came to a sliding stop. They also stoppped, right in front of me with cars coming from the other direction. She (the driver) just sat there staring at me. After a few seconds the very overwieght boyfriend, husband what ever, told her to go and off they went. No wave, no I,m sorry, no nothing.Just looked at me as if it was my fault.:Flip: Watch everything and everyone all the time! Safe rides to all.

Good job on noticing the trouble up ahead. Glad you had a chance to hit that horn. It always makes a point! Search Evaluate Execute = SEE
Not that I advocate such thing ... I found is using a valve core remover to unscrew the core just enough to let air out of the tires but not enough to make it obviously the problem. Doesn't cause any expensive damange except the frustration when they keep having to put air in the tire and not be able to find why it's leaking. Do it to all four for an extra laugh.
i always have like the old mayonase under the door handle trick. does no damage but sure pisses the owner off. when i was young and stupid my girlfriend had cheated on me so i poured some MEK ( very powerful paint remover ) on the hood of his beloved camaro. It was extremely wrong but totally worth it at the same time. the best part is there was no proof so the cops couldnt do a thing. but again VERY WRONG dont try this at home, im a professional :sinister::sinister:
How about a Tire Crayon with some hatred statements on opposite wheels of driver so he won't notice. Nothing like driving around town calling LEO's ...well you choose the wording.

I have no idea why I'm adding to this thread. :shakehead:
i always have like the old mayonase under the door handle trick. does no damage but sure pisses the owner off. when i was young and stupid my girlfriend had cheated on me so i poured some MEK ( very powerful paint remover ) on the hood of his beloved camaro. It was extremely wrong but totally worth it at the same time. the best part is there was no proof so the cops couldnt do a thing. but again VERY WRONG dont try this at home, im a professional :sinister::sinister:

Two words.

Dog Poo.
:Today on a short ride of 50 miles, I found myself being tailgated by a cage. I turned my body around and waved at them, but to no prevail. Finally the car in front of me got into the slow lane and I was able to accelarate away. Before I did, i saw who it was, a woman on her cell phone.... imagine that :Flip:

Why are women the ones that do most the tailgating? Is it because they arnt worried about someone whipping their ass?
:Today on a short ride of 50 miles, I found myself being tailgated by a cage. I turned my body around and waved at them, but to no prevail. Finally the car in front of me got into the slow lane and I was able to accelarate away. Before I did, i saw who it was, a woman on her cell phone.... imagine that :Flip:


A CELL PHONE! Nothing pisses me off more than people on a cell phone driving with not a care in the world. It happens so much in the state of oregon that they are trying to make cell phone use(while holding it in your hand)illegal. I had a man pass me the other day on his cell phone, talking, driving and trying to take notes.

Come on man, pull over or something.:Flip:
NEVER mess with someone's car. Karma will get you. Actually the mayonaise thing sounds pretty funny but seriously, damaging someone's car for revenge is just plain cowardly, period. If you wouldn't do that when he's standing right there then don't do it at all. Call the cops, get him towed, get in his face, but don't vandalize someone's property even if you think they deserve it. High character, be the better man.:thumbup:
I can see the News Headlines now...

Members of Internet Forum [] charged in the brutal use of Mayonnaise make their first court appearance.

The combination of great ideas and trash talk, on the popular forum, seems to have made the case a magnet for attention and support for those that are not so f'n stupid.

Officials urge calm in the wake as an energetic rally continues on the forum...