Parking Ticket...


May 31, 2008
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Seattle, WA
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Got my first ticket on my bike in two years. Cruised down to the beach, only parking avail is not free so to not pay me and my buds parked on the sidewalk in the faaar corner thinking it wouldnt bother anyone as all the sidewalk is there for is to seperate the parking lot street from the sand of the beach, well even tho we just wanted to chill for 10mins it was enough for a cop to stop by and write 3 of us tickets before we noticed him ($36 bucks!) :banghead:...We should have known better, cant argue with the ticket we are obstructing the sidewalk. But my question is do you ever park near a store entrance on a sidewalk or similar instead of going in a car spot? I mean i do it often, i see other bikes as well parked next to the grocery store entrance or near it on the side. I guess mainly do it for the ease of it, dont have to worry about a car knocking my bike over, a shopping cart hitting it...
Not surprised one bit considering the area you were in. Cops are real strict around the beach. They will ticket you for just about anything.

You could probably get away with parking on the sidewalk in an area that isn't so touristy where the cops are much more flexible.

I park on the sidewalk all the time, for the fear that my bike will get hit by some cager who isn't paying attention. However, I do fear that if I get a ticket, they might slap some type of adehisve on my windscreen. That's how my original windsreen got ruined. Security slapped an illegal parking sticker right onto my windscreen. The quality of the sticker was so poor that when I tried to remove it, it left the fuzzy part of the paper still adhered to the adhesive, just making it worse. It was pure vandalism as far as I was concern. If that ever happens again, I will have whoever placed the sticker on the windscreen remove it for me. That way, if it is damaged, they will pay have to pay for it.
ahhhh.. the beach... it is the same deal here, seems like the beach is there as a money making entity and if you do anything to avoid paying for everything then they will make sure to fine you..
When you park at the beach (Laguna, Huntington, Newport, Malibu) and so on you are on public domain. In most cases you are also in a metered area. There is no latitude there and this is why you will often see multiple bikes in a single metered slot. Parking on the sidewalk at the beach is like waving a red flag in front of the proverbial bull. When you go to the mall, a grocery store or other outlet you are typically on private property with what is known as public access. Here, you can park on the sidewalk providing there are no complaints. Most of the places I used to go had bike racks and you would find motorcycles backed up against the bike rack; some were even chained to the rack. Never had a problem on private property.
Seems reasonable to me (should I put my flame suit on?). They charge for parking at the beach, most likely to keep it clean and available for people to use. If you avoid paying by doing something illegal (parking on sidewalks) there should be a consequence. At the store,t hey don't charge for parking, so I think they care less about it. But, I always use parking spots....
Hate to be the devil's advocate here, but if you think about it, parking on the sidewalk makes lifer much harder on some. I know when I'm pushing my daughter in the stroller, I'm not a big fan of pushing her in the roadway, because someone had to block the sidewalk. I don't mean just bikes, but cars also when people think they can fit 5 or 6 cars in a standard driveway. The other thing is handicap folks in wheel chairs. Depending on the sidewalk it could be really tough getting on or off of it.
As far as private property, the police can issue citations there because it's a public thorough fare, just like how you can receive a citation for parking in a disabled spot or along a fire lane... private property can also impound your ride!

Whoa, sorry about the long winded post. I'll get off my soap box now.. ;)