Ozfazer6 meets Roo!

Hope you heal up soon! Do Aussie's have kangaroo insurance?

Usually after any more serious crash (especially involving a giant jumping mouse) a trip to the hospital is needed. Hope all is good and just bruised. Sucks seeing so many FZ6's down lately. The animal kingdom is conspiring against us.
Roo insurance? LOL

You can claim it on your insurance, if you have full comprehensive insurance.

You'd have to pay the excess though, unless you can identify the roo AND lose your no claim bonus.... ;)
I have always feared the wind as the #1 hazard for me because it's so unpredictable and you can't see it or hear it coming.

But I really have to re-evaluate this, as wildlife is just as unpredictable and dangerous.

Heal quick Mick, the entire world is waiting to hear from you.
:eek: Damn, Mick! Heal soon mate and hoping the best!

We don't have roo's, just a bunch of pesky hares (rabbits), but not too concerned about one running in front of me, more like me hitting a light post trying to run one over.

After reading this, and the post Kenny put up from AVIDRider, you guy's have messed up my good nite sleep of dreaming of a peaceful open roads riding on my fizzer.

Sending you a few (gentle ones) of these: :hug::hug::hug:

and a couple of these: :blowkiss::blowkiss:

Hope you're back with us soon Mick. And I'm so glad it wasn't worse!
Bloody Roo's, and the "greenies" go "up in arms" when a cull is called... They're a bloody menace.

Hope you heal soon Mick. From the damage the bike took, you're one tough "drop-bear". Took on a roo and a tree, and still around to brag about it (sorry...lol). All the best mate, we'll have to ferry you around to look at new bikes now :thumbup:

I just got a message from him, he's still in the Emergency Dept, no other details at this stage.
Bugger, looks nasty, hope he is up & around soon with no problems. my son put ours into the back of a car on friday,:spank:, bent forks, subframe, speedo,mirror,mudgaurd,footpeg gone etc etc. but frame sliders saved everything else (yay another project) shame but as long as you live to see another day nothing else matters. Give him all our best from us in N.Z.
Sorry to hear that Mick, I hope ya have a speedy recovery! I know how you feel. Whats with all the wildlife on the roads lately? At least I know the deer that took me out isn't going to do it again. D.O.T. had it cleaned up before I was off the ground.
Ok, have just got off the phone with Mick (popular and long standing forum member Ozfazer6), via text...looks like Mick has had an accident, this morning, on his way to work, a Kangaroo jumped out in front of him, and from the photo's Mick has sent to my phone...it has hit Mick's bike pretty much straight on! The front fairing is unrecognizeable! So the bike is screwed! After the initial impact, Mick low slided, pinned under the bike, and slid into a tree.

But the important thing is, Mick is OK, "bit banged up" where his words, and upon prompting, it seems that Mick's left wrist, and right ankle are of a bit of concern...and from a photo Mick sent me...one of his knee's is a bit nasty as well...all cut up, and swollen.

Mick & Bike are home by the sounds of it...and Mick is off to see the Doctor shortly!

Here is the bike!
View attachment 30641

View attachment 30642

hard to see, but the frame is definitely cracked where the frame slider bolts on...the rest is self explanatory..

Just glad your relatively OK Mick....by the looks of your bike, you did ok, could of been heaps worse!

Will keep people posted as to how Mick's doing if i can...

:eek: Sorry to hear about your accident Mick, bloody wildlife. I hope everythings OK Heal up soon :thumbup:.

Thanks for keeping us in the picture wolfie.
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Mick just texted that he is getting a few stitches in the "hole" that is on top of his knee, but is notreporting any fractures... i think i am gonna call the boy Mick "Norris" from now on!

Mick also said that he is getting out of the Hospital soon...

Great result from a crap situation!

Am sure Mick will be on here soon enough...

Hi guys , Firstly thank you all ,each and everyone of you ,for the fantastic messages of support,secondly,thanks Jamie for relaying my condition :thumbup:

Haven't had a real good look at the bike at the moment but I suspect it's gone :(

My condition,well it's not ideal but I will survive.Left wrist .....a lot of soft tissue damage and very swollen,Right ankle............about the same,considering it was pinned under the bike for about 20mtrs not to bad really.
The bad one is my right knee,as Dan said I was a little scared it was toast and they where going to operate on it (operations are my biggest fear in life)but apart from being the size of a football with abrasions and a nice hole that something punctured and just missed my kneecap.....it's not too bad considering.
After seeing those pics, I think you got off well. All thanks to ATGATT.

The knee sounds nasty, keep it clean (don't want an infection on top of what you've been through).
The road to recovery awaits... Then onto a new bike??? Hopefully insurance will take care of the ugly stuff.

Yeah Dave insurance should take care of it ,rang them before I went to doctors,priorities,lol
Just need to remove some of my mods before they come look at it .

Edit:all my gear is covered too.
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Good to hear your mostly 'OK'. Sorry to hear about the accident, and the damage to your bike. Stupid 'Roos! Hopefully your insurance company will work hand in hand with you, and you'll be back in the saddle in no time! :D
After seeing those pics, I think you got off well. All thanks to ATGATT.

The knee sounds nasty, keep it clean (don't want an infection on top of what you've been through).
The road to recovery awaits... Then onto a new bike??? Hopefully insurance will take care of the ugly stuff.


If your not up to it before the assesor's come along, let me know, and i will come down and help you get your mods off the bike, and replace you cans with them OEM cans...etc..