Osama bin laden dead!!!

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Well done American and associated intelligence agencies.
Thanks to all the personnel on the ground.
It won't change a thing. A new spring offensive was announced yesterday.

What the hell was Pakistan doing?
Why isn't the FBI page updated?

FBI — Ten Most Wanted

Who gets the $25,000,000 reward?
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Its a shame they didn't capture him alive,killing him could make things worse.

Edit:That FBI site is bloody scarey !
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Ironically, this is the same day, May 1, 2003, 8 years ago, that GW gave his famous "Mission Accomplished" speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier....

And may 1st 1945 Hittler was declared dead...is there a pattern starting? is may 1st "give em good news" day?

Well at any rate..........................

HAVE FUN IN HELL BIN LADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you buy into that fairy tale.

In the past, for very similar reasons other religions have existed and in the future new religions will exist. Hades, Valhalla, Heaven, Hell, Idols, Scripture, Papal authority, high priests of Quetzalcoatl....it's endless. All of it is rather arrogant, imho. Truth is universal. Human existence is for all intents and purposes inconsequential, but in its insignificance can be found the greatest depths of value and meaning. Only from humility can the quest for truth begin.

I am reminded of this quote:

The world is divided into armed camps ready to commit genocide because people can't agree about which fairy tale to believe.

But put another way and much more eloquently:

Because of the reflection of sunlight off the spacecraft, the Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light, as if there were some special significance to this small world; but it’s just an accident of geometry and optics. There is no sign of humans in this picture: not our reworking of the Earth’s surface; not our machines; not ourselves. From this vantage point, our obsession with nationalisms is nowhere in evidence. We are too small. On the scale of worlds, humans are inconsequential: a thin film of life on an obscure and solitary lump of rock and metal.

Consider again that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you’ve ever heard of, every human being who ever was lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings; thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines; every hunter and forager; every hero and coward; every creator and destroyer of civilizations; every king and peasant, every young couple in love; every mother and father; hopeful child; inventor and explorer; every teacher of morals; every corrupt politician; every supreme leader; every superstar; every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there—on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.

Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings; how eager they are to kill one another; how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity—in all this vastness—there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand.

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. It underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the only home we’ve ever known.

The pale blue dot.

RIP Carl Sagan

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pfwY2TNehw&]YouTube - We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot[/ame]

NB: If this post is to be moderated, then so too should any and all religious references here.
Well first off don't peg me as a fool believing in fairy tales and whatnot as I do not belong to any specific religion. After everything I've learned in the last 5 years as an engineer I believe very firmly in science and truth, however I don't hold anything against anyone for believing in a god or religion. And I don't pass judgment on anyone according to what they believe only on how they act and what kind of man (or woman) they truly are.

That being said the reason I say "have fun in hell" is because, whether it exists or not, the idea of such a place is awful and that is where someone like that belongs. Whether that be a fiery abyss or being dead and six feet under he deserved everything he got. And will it change anything? Probably not in his followers eyes but in my opinion him being dead is easily the lessor of two evils. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine.

We may be small and insignificant and I also believe this as well. However there is no reason not to make the most of it. And if getting rid of people like this makes things better for the majority if us little insignificant specs then so be it.
Am I the only one who wont believe it until a confirmed DNA test? I mean come on, disposed of the body so quickly, no video release of them even doing that, just that there was "facial recognition" confirmation. I think he died long ago, buried under a mountain. Conspiracy theroist go!

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Am I the only one who wont believe it until a confirmed DNA test? I mean come on, disposed of the body so quickly, no video release of them even doing that, just that there was "facial recognition" confirmation. I think he died long ago, buried under a mountain. Conspiracy theroist go!

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Obama said they were waiting on the DNA test and announced the confirmed match last night I thought.
If you buy into that fairy tale.

In the past, for very similar reasons other religions have existed and in the future new religions will exist. Hades, Valhalla, Heaven, Hell, Idols, Scripture, Papal authority, high priests of Quetzalcoatl....it's endless. All of it is rather arrogant, imho. Truth is universal. Human existence is for all intents and purposes inconsequential, but in its insignificance can be found the greatest depths of value and meaning. Only from humility can the quest for truth begin.

I am reminded of this quote:

But put another way and much more eloquently:

RIP Carl Sagan

YouTube - We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot

NB: If this post is to be moderated, then so too should any and all religious references here.

:thumbup: We seem to be few and far between. But times are a-changin.
Obama said they were waiting on the DNA test and announced the confirmed match last night I thought.

They can fake votes but they cant fake DNA test results ? :D Who knows anything anyway, media tells it people accept it.

Also, you can verify a DNA test from a corpse..maybe the guy was long dead somewhere and they didnt want to show the skeletal remains so they said they killed it..
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If you buy into that fairy tale.

In the past, for very similar reasons other religions have existed and in the future new religions will exist. Hades, Valhalla, Heaven, Hell, Idols, Scripture, Papal authority, high priests of Quetzalcoatl....it's endless. All of it is rather arrogant, imho. Truth is universal. Human existence is for all intents and purposes inconsequential, but in its insignificance can be found the greatest depths of value and meaning. Only from humility can the quest for truth begin.

I am reminded of this quote:

But put another way and much more eloquently:

RIP Carl Sagan

YouTube - We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot

NB: If this post is to be moderated, then so too should any and all religious references here.
I'm a Christian,and i beleive in Heaven and Hell...... I don't do the Judging in my religion,so I dont Know where Osama's soul would end up going........ and Lone you don't have to beleive in God,but you should know he beleives in You !! :Flash:
Sorry Shreveport but I've been down that road too many times so I won't respond. It is a long and ugly road with one side entrenched against the basic principles of the pursuit of truth. Nobody wins and everyone ends up upset.

This whole Osama fallout is just grinding my gears though. There is a lot of "my god > your god" business going around the past couple days. It all reeks of arrogance and really aggravates me. The world would be an infinitely better place without organized religion. We would be so much further than where we are. So much harm has been done. I have to stop there.

:thumbup: We seem to be few and far between. But times are a-changin.

Indeed. And humanity can wait it out. Nobody talks about Quatzlcoatl much these days either.
10 years later it ain't the achievement it could have been

the burial at sea is either a small piece of the greater BS,
or, an attempt for quick closure...remember the shyte storm
in Iraq when the cell phone pics of Saddam's execution were
leaked? And he was not well liked in the Islamic world. Imagine
the outcry from Islam if images of a dead Bin ladin were to show
up on youtube and be mocked, and where do you dispose of the
remains? Again, imagine the outcry when his grave is opened
and filled with pork chops?

Dead and body gone, tidy and quick...or BS...we'll never know the truth
Well first off don't peg me as a fool believing in fairy tales and whatnot as I do not belong to any specific religion. After everything I've learned in the last 5 years as an engineer I believe very firmly in science and truth, however I don't hold anything against anyone for believing in a god or religion. And I don't pass judgment on anyone according to what they believe only on how they act and what kind of man (or woman) they truly are.

That being said the reason I say "have fun in hell" is because, whether it exists or not, the idea of such a place is awful and that is where someone like that belongs. Whether that be a fiery abyss or being dead and six feet under he deserved everything he got. And will it change anything? Probably not in his followers eyes but in my opinion him being dead is easily the lessor of two evils. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine.

We may be small and insignificant and I also believe this as well. However there is no reason not to make the most of it. And if getting rid of people like this makes things better for the majority if us little insignificant specs then so be it.

My beliefs do not allow me either to wish death upon others or rejoice in hearing of the death of others.

I find my reaction to be one of sadness. I am not in any way, shape, or form a supporter of an off-shoot fundamentalist group of an organized religion so my sadness does not stem from any notion of loyalty.

Rather, it stems from sadness at the sight of such a sorry state of affairs. We are all united by so much. But arrogance, trivial and temporary differences, and human shortcomings mar what could very realistically be such a beautiful thing.

That being said, in the real world the situation does arrive at times at places where murder is necessary. But it is not to be cherished and celebrated. If any feelings should be felt, they should be those of great sadness at the necessity of so terrible an action as to snuff out human life.
Okay dudes, we killed the politics and religion section of the forum for a reason.

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well it was a great day.
there were flags on overpasses and in people's lawns.
someone bought a ton of donuts for the entire office. next to the donuts were bags of lifesavers candy. a delicious pun.
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