Opinions/Input Requested:

FZ6 Too Much Bike For New But Large Rider?

  • No, he'll need a bike this big for his commute as well as his size.

    Votes: 32 53.3%
  • Yes, he needs to start out with something slightly smaller and see how that works for him.

    Votes: 28 46.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I would put him in a motorcycle safety course, and then maybe have him try a demo day or two at a local bike dealer. Between the different safety course bikes he'll be forced to ride, and the demo rides, he will ultimately get to make an informed decision on the most important aspect of motorcycle riding. Fit and comfort. Because (and this is solely my opinion) it really doesn't matter what a bike has under the seat, if it doesn't fit the rider, or if it isn't comfortable for the style of riding (commuting, track days, over nighters, etc.) than he'll lose out on the fun of riding.

And, there are the obvious benefits of taking the safety course in terms of 'Motorcycle Mental Maturity (3M).'

My $0.02 worth.
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First of all, like so many members have suggested, the MSF BRC is a must!

Motorcycle Safety Foundation

Heck, he may find out then and there that motorcycling may not be for him. Let's see how he likes it and see if he passes?

If he passes, how did he do?

With a perfect score, or near perfect score means he has demonstrated the abillity to perform the basic fundamentals of clutch & throttle control, braking, cornering etc. than the average beggining rider.

If he did not score well, make sure he is well aware of the areas that he needs to improve on. Areas that you can help your son to perfect by practicing on your own time. Which means that maybe a FZ6 would not be the best choice, but still not out of the question.

Keep us posted on how well he did in the BRC and then we can continue on with the debate.

Did you know that a successful completion of the course can net you savings on motorcycle insurance? Up to 30% depending who you insure your bike with.
My first bike was a honda 50cc moped that I drove to highschool, yes I looked retarded. I bought my fz6 with a rebuilt title and had a friend test drive it for me. When I got it home I didn't ride it outside of my neighborhood for three months, frankly I was scared of it. I had read that the FZ6 is to much for beginner riders, but I don't believe it. My advice would be make him buy the bike so he has the respect of paying for it, don't let him ride alone for the first month or so, and most definitely go through the MSF course. Also I hope you preach about wearing your gear. A few pictures of road rash probably wouldn't hurt either. I bought my bike when I was 22 and i'm still living FWIW.
6'-1'' and 180 lbs isn't what I'd consider a "big" guy. I'm 6'-0'' and 180 lbs and
my build is actually quite slim.

I've ridden a 200 cc Honda CL200 and a Yamaha XT225 dual sport. Both bikes hauled me around just fine, and I put thousands of miles on each of them.

I'd suggest you start your son on a smaller bike (think Ninja 500 class). Better to start small and learn than start big and crash or get scared. The great thing about motorcycles is your first bike is never your last bike.
I learned to ride on a 49 cc scooter, progressed to a 250 cc scooter and then acquired my 06 FZ6. This has been over the course of three years of riding.

I am a conservative rider and usually keep the revs below 8,000 so I am not hitting the point where the power really kicks in.

As most have stated, it all depends upon the maturity level of the rider. The FZ could be a bit too powerful for someone that does not have the maturity or riding experience to handle the beast, when it is unleashed.
I have a friend who had an '05 FZ6. When upgrade time came, he bought another, an '07 FZ6. His son got the '05.
This was a kid in matric (grade 12) who has now ridden this bike without going down for about 2 years now. However, he knows not to be stupid, and has received a lot of training and advice.

The fazer is great because it can be nice and docile lower down, but when you let her go she GOES. Your son must know where not to push it.

If you trust him, it would be a really great starter bike. If you are concerned, get something smaller.

Get a used FZ6 for super cheap, proper gear & insurance and a couple training classes and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said about respecting the danger and power of these machines no matter what bike you get. I can only speak about my first bike experience. I took the MSF course first. It gaev me the basics on a 250 cc bike. I also got to try a couple different style bikes at the course since they supplied them. I tried the Honda Rebel the Ninja 250 and the GTR 250 Hyosung. Now with that being said I am 6' 00" 190lbs and all those bikes had more then enough power to move me around (one A**Hat at the course actually managed to lift his front tire off before dropping the bike, and he was bigger then me). The Ninja and Rebel where very comfortable for me (my height is all legs) during the All day class but the hyosung cramped my legs.

I ended up buying an FZ6 as my first bike because I went in with the appropriate attitude, respect and constantly reminding myself how dangerous these machines can be. Even though I got the FZ I still wish I had started on a smaller bike until my skills had progressed enough. I had way too many OH S**t moments because I didnt have good throttle/braking control and I wasn't smooth in my shifting and stalled the bike numerous times. Besides beginner bikes like the ninja and rebel hold their value really well since new people are always coming into riding they are easy to resell.

Also Like someone else said Sorry i am too lazy to scroll up and see who but you may want to show him the consequences of taking this kinda power for granted just to reinforce the point...
http://wiki.sabmagfaq.org/Road Rash Queen (Road Rash Queen)
Or you can just show him the threads on this forum of when people have gone down. I know whenever people on this forum go down they usually put a write up on the forum describing the accident and then saying what they learned/what they could do to avoid it. I know that stuff has helped me alot trying to learn from others mistakes.
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Or get him a inflatable sumo suit and get him a rental for a while! Don't forget to get the optional insurance! LOL
I've seen this question asked here in different ways, but this one is unique to me as this is my son. I respect your input. Thanks!
Keeping in mind that:
1) He has never had a motorcycle before
2) This will be his first and it will have to last several years, (at least through college)
3) He is a BIG guy, (at least 6'-1", 180 pounds)
4) I can still get a brand-new 2009 FZ6,
Do you think this is too much bike for new rider, considering the above parameters?

When I put this poll out there nine days I ago I expected alot of valuable input, and I certainly got it! I want to thank each and every one of you that voted and/or responded to me. I got a lot of heartfelt feedback and I expected nothing less from all of the fantastic people I have come to know here! Thank you all so very much! It was wild to watch this poll and how it took off one way, then came back the other, see-sawed, and has now ended almost even money. It's interesting how we all think. Thanks again.
(I just wanted to say that and now I'll shut up)!
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