Oops - Waived at a cop


Junior Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Orange County, CA
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I'm a pretty consistent waiver to other sport bikes, and a couple of times I have come pretty close to waiving at a motor cop. Well, yesterday went beyond close. I didn't realize he was an Orange County Sherriff until it was too late. Fortunately, it was during commuting hours and I was within legal limits. :innocent: To answer the obvious question: Yes! He waived back. :thumbup:

Anybody else out there waiving at the Man?
All the time.
If I see anyone on two wheels minus bicycle, the I do. Cop or no cop, you ride on two wheels, you'll get a greeting from me and my crew... :rockon:
I wave to cops also. Not a big deal I think. Even when I'm not on my bike just walking, I'll wave to a cop thats driving in a patrol car around my neighborhood, kind of an appreciation thing, they almost always wave back.
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I always wave at bike cops, it might get them to lay off sport bikes for a day or 2 if they see that we aren't all law defying cop hating hellians...
i only waved at a cop once....
he turned around and followed me for 7 miles...:eek:
wont try it again.
Yep. I mostly commute on the highway so it's highway patrol that I wave to, and it's usually two partners riding together. If they're not talking to each other they usually wave back. Only problem with that is that for the rest of my ride home I have the theme song to CHiPs stuck in my head.

Duh duh da duh duh...
i only waved at a cop once....
he turned around and followed me for 7 miles...:eek:
wont try it again.

What the ?

You should've pulled over and asked what the problem was. Obviously he didnt have anything on you or he would've pulled you over.
Yep, I always wave at moto-cops as well as all other bikers. For me it's just respect and appreciation for a fellow rider regardless of their job.

Now, what's goofy is waving to a rider when you're driving your car. I've done it out of habit....
What the ?

You should've pulled over and asked what the problem was. Obviously he didnt have anything on you or he would've pulled you over.

i was on the XR650L...its a dual sport... but most of the cops around here know its legal now ;)
I always wave at cops and over half the time, I get a wave back. Just make sure to spread your fingers apart so they know I'm not giving them the one finger salute.
Now, what's goofy is waving to a rider when you're driving your car. I've done it out of habit....

I had a guy once, while traveling on the highway next to me, roll down his window, put half is torso out of the window and proceed to give me numerous fist pumps while yelling something inaudible.

I downshifted a couple gears and hit the juice on my ride. :D
Or maybe he just received a routine radio call and turned around ?

What the ?

You should've pulled over and asked what the problem was. Obviously he didnt have anything on you or he would've pulled you over.
I dont see many moto-officers around here but if I did I would wave.
and I have waved out of habit at a biker while im in my cage and they usually look at you like WTF?????
Why not, their people too. Most cops are nice.

Well said. I thought cops were jerks when I was young. Then I realized that I was doing things that tended to upset them. My actions and my opinions have changed greatly since then.
I wave at cops as well... Even if they are not on two wheels... There has to be some appreciation for someone who is looking out for us...