Only in America

Toe gets urgent Info about Cliffs mutation from Rainbow Bright who flies in on her horse ,after eating dinner from a care package (Strawberry shortcake sent with her) they radio He-Man and the masters of the Universe and devise a plan...... meanwhile The Thunder Cats have had Snarf secretly following Toe,and they find Cliff first and are all mercilessly slaughtered eaten.......... (TO BE COUNTINUED) ................. :BLAA:

*Giant Cliff is placed on PETA's endagered species list*

*Sting plays a keynote musical number at a telethon*

*Giant Cliff is moved to tears and swears never to kill again*
this brings up a question i've had. ok, growing up we obviously thing we do things the right way. i thought (and still think) why does everyone else talk so funny. but one of my favorite bands growing up was def leppard. i always wondered why british people sang like americans. ;) not that this is something i ponder often, but i was thinking the other day... "i wonder if the aussies and brits think we sing like them?"

so, for all y'all that talk funny :scared: ... do you sound like us when you sing or do we sound like y'all?

*Mikey strolls over to the Juke Box through the carnage, as a chair whizzes past his ear*

Have look at this bloke. :D Skip through to 1:30 - ish if you wanna really get the gist of it;)

[ame=]YouTube - James Reyne - Hammer Head (1987)[/ame]

Then there is this....this bloke sounds a little bit Aussie I guess.:D

[ame=]YouTube - Redgum - I Was Only 19 (1983)[/ame]

Or this....

[ame=]YouTube - Oils on Water - 9. Jimmy Sharmans Boxers - Midnight Oil[/ame]

*Walks back over to his chair only to find it's been broken over someone's head:eek:*
Toe gets urgent Info about Cliffs mutation from Rainbow Bright who flies in on her horse ,after eating dinner from a care package (Strawberry shortcake sent with her) they radio He-Man and the masters of the Universe and devise a plan...... meanwhile The Thunder Cats have had Snarf secretly following Toe,and they find Cliff first and are all mercilessly slaughtered eaten.......... (TO BE COUNTINUED) ................. :BLAA:

:rof::rof My God Man! And I grew up in the 60's!!!!!:eek::eek::rof:

You guys are awesome!!!1:rockon::rockon:
Rainbow Bright put's a gun to Toes head and speaks with a russian accent "Wheres the micro film" Toe replies FLAME ON !! and incenerates her....
(PRRRING PRRRING PRRRING) Toe find's Rainbows cell phone and it's Lone's number on the caller I.D. he answers but does not speak ........(Lones voices says) "Is Toe Dead"? Toe hangs up the phone,and and hops into Wonder Womans invisible Jet together they head out to find Lone and get some answers ............... :spank: (to be continued) :BLAA:
Meanwhile, back on topic.....

Believe me, the questions aren't difficult. And not everyone has to sit the test - depends on what type of visa/circumstances apply to you moving to Aus.

Also, this has only been in for a couple of years.

I discussed this with my friend and apparently it is not that easy. She said that even British prospective immigrants where English is supposedly their mother tongue are failing it left right and centre. There is a general and an academic test.

If you hold a USA, NZ, Canadian, Irish or UK passport you do not need to sit IELTS but you can only claim 15 points for English Language. If you need to make up points you can sit the IELTS and if you get 7 or more for each of the modules you can claim 25 points. There are 4 modules, reading writing listening and speaking. Speaking is a 20 min conversation with a panel of 3. Any other passport holder must sit the test. But it is changing again on 1/7. At the moment you need 120 points for skilled independent and 100 for state sponsored or family sponsored. After 1/7 you will need 65 points but the whole structure is changing and it will be very difficult to get the 65.

Currently Aus accept overseas University Degrees, Trade qualifications and Diplomas, but from 1/7 only Uni degrees and Trade will be accepted.
Meanwhile, back on topic.....

I discussed this with my friend and apparently it is not that easy. She said that even British prospective immigrants where English is supposedly their mother tongue are failing it left right and centre. There is a general and an academic test.

If you hold a USA, NZ, Canadian, Irish or UK passport you do not need to sit IELTS but you can only claim 15 points for English Language. If you need to make up points you can sit the IELTS and if you get 7 or more for each of the modules you can claim 25 points. There are 4 modules, reading writing listening and speaking. Speaking is a 20 min conversation with a panel of 3. Any other passport holder must sit the test. But it is changing again on 1/7. At the moment you need 120 points for skilled independent and 100 for state sponsored or family sponsored. After 1/7 you will need 65 points but the whole structure is changing and it will be very difficult to get the 65.

Currently Aus accept overseas University Degrees, Trade qualifications and Diplomas, but from 1/7 only Uni degrees and Trade will be accepted.
Believe me Andz, from the people that have moved here recently, I don't think they can recite the alphabet :eek:

BTW, if you have $10,000 to pay for an illegal boat ride from countries such as Malaysia (that's where a lot of the boats leave from but not necessarily that is where the people are from) you get bed and board paid for by the Australian Tax Payer at one of our detention centres.

You then get a Tax Payer appointed lawyer/legal aid etc and, if you get approved, you get Tax Payer government housing, free medical care, dole, child support etc etc.

Move here "legally" and you're on your own.

WORK THAT OUT PEOPLE. Wrong or what :rant:

A lady at my work has moved here "legally" from Italy with her husband 3 years ago. Cost them over $15,000 in applications, visas etc. They are happy to be here. Speak English wonderfully, they both work and have really settled into the Aussie way of life. Just bought their first home here and pay taxes.

if he's advocating murdering people who are here illegally then that's wrong. i didn't read it that way or else i wouldn't have "thanked" him. after you point it out i can easily see how it reads that way. not that i need to, but i just feel the need to speak up as to why i thanked him since your post basically said i was all for murder.

no need to reply. just have fun with the bar fight :D

You read it correctly the first time. In no way am I promoting murder. I apologize if it came across that way. It can be a little difficult to get the point across by typing. My intent was to say that people illegally crossing into the US should be stopped permanently from doing so. We need to have stricter punishments than a slap on the wrist for entering illegally. They get a talking to and are back doing it the next day!

Again, I apologize to anyone who read that incorrectly.

and as Dean Owens said...Back to the bar fight!!!
As many may already notice, English is my second language, I moved legally to USA almost 7 years ago without speaking any English at all, I think one of the most important tings is to respect any place that welcomes you, I'll take my shoes off on my Japanese friend's home not because they ask but because that is the way they walk in their own home, I will cook special dishes if any of my Vegan/vegetarian, Jews or Muslim friends are coming over to my home, not because I love to do so but I respect. I know several people who has leave in USA for 30+ years and refuses to learn the language, It pisses me off. So disrespectful. I don't mind helping a tourist but don't ever help translating for this kind of lazy people.
I wish I had enough time to learn more. My wife speaks English, French and Spanish. I am getting better at English and understand Portuguese and Italian.
As many may already notice, English is my second language, I moved legally to USA almost 7 years ago without speaking any English at all, I think one of the most important tings is to respect any place that welcomes you, I'll take my shoes off on my Japanese friend's home not because they ask but because that is the way they walk in their own home, I will cook special dishes if any of my Vegan/vegetarian, Jews or Muslim friends are coming over to my home, not because I love to do so but I respect. I know several people who has leave in USA for 30+ years and refuses to learn the language, It pisses me off. So disrespectful. I don't mind helping a tourist but don't ever help translating for this kind of lazy people.
I wish I had enough time to learn more. My wife speaks English, French and Spanish. I am getting better at English and understand Portuguese and Italian.

BRAVO!!!! Well said my good man, well said. :thumbup:
As many may already notice, English is my second language, I moved legally to USA almost 7 years ago without speaking any English at all, I think one of the most important tings is to respect any place that welcomes you, I'll take my shoes off on my Japanese friend's home not because they ask but because that is the way they walk in their own home, I will cook special dishes if any of my Vegan/vegetarian, Jews or Muslim friends are coming over to my home, not because I love to do so but I respect. I know several people who has leave in USA for 30+ years and refuses to learn the language, It pisses me off. So disrespectful. I don't mind helping a tourist but don't ever help translating for this kind of lazy people.
I wish I had enough time to learn more. My wife speaks English, French and Spanish. I am getting better at English and understand Portuguese and Italian.

And, in my opinion that kind of attitude makes you worthy of respect:thumbup::rockon:
Concerning immigrants. Have you heard the greatest speech of former prime minister of Australia John Howard? I like it. Here is his awesome speech below.

'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'
'However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.' 'However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.' 'This idea of Australia being a multi-cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. And as Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.'
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trial sand victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'
'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese,Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society ... Learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why.. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like 'A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means, keep your culture, but do not force it on others.
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'
If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

This is not a speech by John Howard. It was a modified fake speech/hoax. It was actually based on a speech by Barry Loudermilk, a US Air Force veteran and columnist for a local newspaper in the American state of Georgia.

So there ya go :)

This is not a speech by John Howard. It was a modified fake speech/hoax. It was actually based on a speech by Barry Loudermilk, a US Air Force veteran and columnist for a local newspaper in the American state of Georgia.

So there ya go :)

Veterans understand patriotism. Most people do not, they are just sheep that blow where the wind carries them and go along with whatever the government puts them through.

This is not a speech by John Howard. It was a modified fake speech/hoax. It was actually based on a speech by Barry Loudermilk, a US Air Force veteran and columnist for a local newspaper in the American state of Georgia.

So there ya go :)

That's how mass media works. This the so called speech of Mr Howard was aired on several central TV channels in our country. Eventually, the fake story became the truth. This is ridiculous.

When I've read your message I recalled the movie "wag the dog":
- The war is over
- Why? The war is not over until I say it's over
- The war is over. I saw it on TV