No more smoking!!!

So far:
I didn't smoke: 279 cigs
i didn't pay: 45 euro
time since last smoke: 4days 15 hours 29 mins

iT doesnt hurt at all everyone should quit smoking!!!
Dont be a junkie!
Quit smoking now!!!!!

Great way of looking at it :thumbup: Well done , told you it was easy when your ready :rockon:
yeah babe!
1 month 6days 16 hours!!
2200 CIGS!

made 6 people close friends/wife/father stop smoking too
most of them told me "if YOU stopped smoking everything can happen"
thats true...i was smoking for everything and with everything
if i could sleep and smoke i would do it
yeah babe!
1 month 6days 16 hours!!
2200 CIGS!

made 6 people close friends/wife/father stop smoking too
most of them told me "if YOU stopped smoking everything can happen"
thats true...i was smoking for everything and with everything
if i could sleep and smoke i would do it
Well done :cheer:

Keep up the good work....
yeah babe!
1 month 6days 16 hours!!
2200 CIGS!

made 6 people close friends/wife/father stop smoking too
most of them told me "if YOU stopped smoking everything can happen"
thats true...i was smoking for everything and with everything
if i could sleep and smoke i would do it

Congrats tomari,

Cold turkey is the best method! I quit on June 7th, 2004. I smoked around 20 a day. According to My Past Smoking Costs I have saved $15,588.96 so far :eek:.

Nice to celebrate (JMHO) but watch your guard!. Now is when evil thoughts may start to say: "prove that you're safe, go ahead, take a puff off your buddy's smoke to show off," and before you know it.... Or, you decide to smoke "just one." Suddenly, after that "one" you say to yourself: "Oh, I can take this up again sometime later, I "know" I can do it (quit) but I'll just put it off until sometime later. Quitting is not going to be any big problem for me because I know now I can do it, I'll just 'postpone' it for awhile."

You are still in a "dangerous" stage. Don't let your guard down! Good job, so far, but it's not over yet.
When I quit I was smoking a pack and a half a day. I cut back to my favorite 4 or 5 per day (after meals, coffee etc.) Then I went cold turkey from 4-5 per day instead of 25-30 per day. It was a process and it was still hard but I did it. So can you. Just think of all the bike parts you can buy with the money you save.
So its been 24hours without a single cigarette....
wow! i didnt think ill do even 3 hours...
i was smoking like a powerplant factory maybe 50 to 60 cigs the day. i know its gonna be harder the next 2 days with a peak at day 3 witch i look forward not to smoke....
its true that "I NEED A F@CKING CIG NOW" freakouts take 3 minutes long and then fade away. these 3 minutes are like days for me but i hold on to it.
talked to some friends and none of them seems to believe that im gonna make it!
maybe they are right but for now i hold on....i was smoking too much and all of a sudden NONE.
some times a day i feel a little lightheaded like i took 100 deep breaths

anyone else in the same situation as me? lets quit together !!!
id apreciate any me quit!!!!

I came into this 7 days late. Hope you are still doing well.

My experience was 15 years ago. Smoked for about 2 years and was up to a pack a day. So not quite as hard a smoker as you were. I failed the first attempt. Made it about a week trying cold turkey. We didnt' have patches/ gum at the time.

What worked for me was a gradual reduction. I figured out how I progressed and reversed the order. Week one, I skipped my lunch time cigs. Week two cut out all cigs at work. Week three cut out the morning cigs on the way to work, Week 4 I did that again because I failed it in week three... :) Kept up pulling a 'cig break' a week until I was only smoking in bars, just like I started. Then I quit that. In all, it probably took 3 months to ween my self off of them. Took another 3 months or so before I stopped being tempted to smoke. After a full year of not smoking, I had no desire to smoke.
When I quit I was smoking a pack and a half a day. I cut back to my favorite 4 or 5 per day (after meals, coffee etc.) Then I went cold turkey from 4-5 per day instead of 25-30 per day. It was a process and it was still hard but I did it. So can you. Just think of all the bike parts you can buy with the money you save.

When I quit, one of the reasons was I thought it would be foolish to spend $2 a pack and prices had just gone up. I paid @ $1.50 a pack the entire time I smoked. The tool you used to figure the cost doesn't have a history of cig prices so I put in $5 a pack to average the cost..

Over the past 15 years...

Cigarettes Not Smoked: 159,302
Money Saved: $40,000 (rounded)
Future Value of Invested Savings: $108,000 (rounded w 5% interest)
Nice to celebrate (JMHO) but watch your guard!. Now is when evil thoughts may start to say: "prove that you're safe, go ahead, take a puff off your buddy's smoke to show off," and before you know it.... Or, you decide to smoke "just one." Suddenly, after that "one" you say to yourself: "Oh, I can take this up again sometime later, I "know" I can do it (quit) but I'll just put it off until sometime later. Quitting is not going to be any big problem for me because I know now I can do it, I'll just 'postpone' it for awhile."

You are still in a "dangerous" stage. Don't let your guard down! Good job, so far, but it's not over yet.

no my friend, im not gonna put that **** in my mouth again, ever. if only i was 14years old again and know that....
no my friend, im not gonna put that **** in my mouth again, ever. if only i was 14years old again and know that....

That's the attitude that'll see you through. You've done the hard yards. Just stay on top of the occasional cravings.

Sometimes makes me laugh, that even after nearly 3 years off the evil things, I'll be watching a movie and see someone spark up and think..."" It lasts about half a second and is funny as...

As soon as I was able to laugh at those weird occasional cravings I new it was game over for my addiction.

Keep it up:thumbup:. Beating the things is definitely something to be proud of:rockon:
yeah, i know what you mean. randomly i'll think, i should have a smoke when someone at work is going for one or something....and then i just shake my head and think, "haha you drooling idiot why would you start again? you dont even want a smoke to begin with."
I have to admit I recently fell off the wagon. I had quit for over a year and had a particularly stressful period. So, like a moron I said f*** it and went down to the store and grabbed a pack. Smoked the whole damn thing over a week and the day I smoked the last one my wife busted me. I felt like a no willpower having pansy but I've since quit again. It was actually a good learning experience about dealing with stress in positive ways.
uhm, oooh i needed a cig today, just like that, wake up and its like i smoked last time 2 hours ago!
im a good fighter, just went back to sleep and took a day off from work :)

I haven't smoked for 3 months, 1 day and 17 hours, saving 5,624.29 cigarettes and $719.90 .
Quitting is very tough. It took me quite a few years to quit. It's been 7 months now and have not smoked any cigaretts at all. :rockon: I had shoulder surgery and that was when I quit and have not looked back at all. I just tell myself every day I just love not smoking. Your mind is a pretty powerfull thing. Use it to your advantage! Keep up the good work.
If I can do it, you can do it:thumbup:
Been almost 10 years since my last smoke and yes there are still times(not very many) when I would like a smoke. But after all this time it is just a thought and not a very strong one at that. Stay strong and just think of all the money your saving and all the goodies you can buy:D

Thank you guyz and girlz!!!! very nice of you to support me! not gonna smoke i promise! im ok now, i dont know what happened! i was dying for a little cig! but now i dont care again! yeeeha i was scared ill be a smoker again! it was that close! it was the strongest craven after the day 1 !! i almost saved enough money for a full akrapovic exhaust system!