No more smoking!!!

It's not as good as quitting because you're still addicted to SOMETHING, regardless of health effects. Kudos for not smoking cigarettes anymore though.

I'm addicted to getting a blow job too. Hasn't affected me a bit. :D
wow THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!! i woke up this morning and i drink coffee without freaking out for a cig!! i know sometime later it will come back but ill do my best again. i read so many replys i realy dont know who to answere first!
I have a friend that used e-cig and had a realy bad problem with his tongue
Lones how exactly did you get the herbs without smoking? evaporator? tea? cookie? does other herbs contain nicotine? i dont want nicotine in my body again, its the hardest drug ever, its worse than heroin, so sneaky, you dont even feel it but it enslaves you.
one more strange thing about nicotine withdrawal is trying to sleep. The very moment sleep comes i wake up like somethig scared me. This happens 10-15 times and then i fall asleep.
Thanks for the support!!!
Day 2 seems easyer than day 1 even i've read the opposite hmm...
Kudos to you. I know it takes will power to quit smoking.

I started smoking after my ex told me she wanted a divorce. I only smoked for a couple years but at one point I was up to a pack a day. I got to the point where I would light up and feel sick for doing so. So I quit cold turkey too. I didn't have the cravings because I really wasn't addicted to the nic, I was addicted to the habbit.

I saw a comercial where this lady went to get into a car and got into the back, crawled over the front seat, wiggled her way into the drivers seat, then tried to reach across with her opposite hand to start the car. It looked very awkward then they started talking about quitting smoking and it made sense to me. That was me because everytime I jumped into my car I would light up and after I quit that automatic reflex I built up to light one up would kick in and I felt like I was doing something backward to think through it.

What helped me was jumping on my FZ6 to ride everywhere because I couldn't smoke with my helmet on. There were other times that I had to fight the urge because it was my habbit. I do miss the habbit but I just remind myself of the feeling I had and that's enough to make continue with non smoking. That and my family supports me as well.

You can do it because others have too, it will be hard but not impossible.
thanks, i found the FZ6 to be "quit smoking" friendly too! i got over 2 realy strong craves with just a roll with the helped a lot!!!
I'd like to tell you what talked me through quitting (except my will to do so)
Its a dvd from Allen Carrs, "the easy way to quit smoking"
i watched many others in the past, read books, comercials etc, but this made me believe i can do it. i watched it while smoking my last one
i strongly suggest to other people. even if you dont want to quit, watch it.

if you cant find it and want it, just pm me.
yep thats what i thought.
if someone was asking when i was gonna quit the short answere was "when im ready"
i feel ready now....its been 38 hours!!! so long so good!
Good Job!

Try to stay away from the caffeine. Coffee, alcohol and cigs go great with each other. Hope you can do it. It's a difficult battle you must win.
i have no problem drinking coffee without smoking...thats strange yeah but i like it! i found out that it helps me a little instead
Congrats man. I really feel for you. I don't think non-smokers give enough credit to those who are quitting, but through my experience, its the first 2 weeks that are the most difficult (physically). After that, its more your decision to stay committed.

I quit for a month and all my friends thought it would be fun to offer me cigs left and right. Needless to say, I smoke again now :( So don't let others bring you down, only up. Hold on to your reasoning, keep your logic in your mind and driving you to stay smoke free. You will save HUNDREDS of dollars and years on your life.

And by the way, I heard many good things about chantix, and many bad. It does in fact work, according to numerous people I know who have quit using it. But, at the same time, I've known a few people who said it drives you psychologically crazy. They say (doctors) that if you are mentally unbalanced, chantix can be dangerous - especially if you are a woman (no joke, and sorrry, no offense intended ladies) and or pregnant.

Good luck though man and keep going strong, I have faith in you,
good luck! I was smoking 25% of my salary. I decided I'll quit smoking and order a bike with the savings. It's been 3+ years. I can live without smoking but not without a bike. Proven :)

P.S. Thankfully, the salary part was also fixed lol
It's good that you seized the opportunity (mental state of mind)n when you had it. I think some people never take it or take it for granted and before they know it, they're laying in a hospital bed or wheeling around one of those oxygen tanks. Yes, I know what it's like to kick the habit. One side of your head is saying "fight it!" while the other side tries to give you all kinds of excuses to try/do it "later." I would stay away from other smokers....
Congrats on quitting!!!! I bought a ninja 250 with the money I stopped spending on cigs.

Since you have quit at this point, this little application will help keep you from starting back. Quit Smoking: Quitomzilla and Quitometro on-line

You'll be amazed at how quickly the money adds up! Stick with it, it's worth it.

Without adjusting for the higher cost of cigarettes now:
I haven't smoked for 2 years, 6 months and 2 weeks, saving 18,573.34 cigarettes and $3,714.66. (USD)

Be safe,
Congrats on quitting!!!! I bought a ninja 250 with the money I stopped spending on cigs.

Since you have quit at this point, this little application will help keep you from starting back. Quit Smoking: Quitomzilla and Quitometro on-line

You'll be amazed at how quickly the money adds up! Stick with it, it's worth it.

Without adjusting for the higher cost of cigarettes now:
I haven't smoked for 2 years, 6 months and 2 weeks, saving 18,573.34 cigarettes and $3,714.66. (USD)

Be safe,

thanks!!! i was looking for an app like that. im going to buy a ninja 250 or a r125 for my wife too, she quited smoking with me. today she told me she wants to smoke again and i managed to keep her buy telling that i needed 8 years to find the power to quit and if she doesn't follow me im not gonna make it, and never find again the power to quit. so i talked her into it again!!! She loves supersport bikes and always wanted to have one, so this ninja 250 is going to be her first one, im gonna surprise her sometime next month...
Hang in there mate. I smoked for over 20 years & tried various different methods to quit. Patches lasted a while, gum was no help at all & Champix worked a treat. It all came undone at Phillip Island when I was attempting to drink my body weight in beer & had a moment of weakness. That moment of weakness lasted about a month? Since then I just stopped. Not sure when it was or what the date was................ probably about 3 months ago? I just stopped.
To put it into perspective for those who have never smoked. My wife asked what my dream bike was. I answered MV312R. We agreed if I stayed off the darts for 2 years I could have one. I chose to take up smoking again after 1 month :eek: Reason? My mate bought one & it had an electrical problem.Funny though as much as I consider myself a non smoker now its the little things that set me off.
I just turned thirty and was smoking two packs of camels everyday.
This made me think mmmmmmmm Camels. I love Camels. Even triggered "mmmm I still have a lighter in my tool box". Guess that means im not quite there yet but im closer than ive ever been.

Good luck :thumbup:
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thanks for the support, sometimes this forum is better than family in terms of support...the only think i want is get rid of #@$# craves and i can cope with any other, i can get over the "mmmm a cig right now" i just dont want the freakouts....if they go away completly im not gonna smoke again ever!!! i have to freak out 15 hours so im in a good pace i think!

60 hours no smoker, things are easyer right now, i think im gonna make it!!!
thanks for the support, sometimes this forum is better than family in terms of support...the only think i want is get rid of #@$# craves and i can cope with any other, i can get over the "mmmm a cig right now" i just dont want the freakouts....if they go away completly im not gonna smoke again ever!!! i have to freak out 15 hours so im in a good pace i think!

60 hours no smoker, things are easyer right now, i think im gonna make it!!!

60 hours? Fantastic! :thumbup:

How many cigarettes per hour would that be? How many $ per hour? Start adding that into your posts as well.

60 hours no smoking = $......

Just stop thinking about it :) You can do it. And when you do it, you'll thank yourself for a looong time. Don't go back
So far:
I didn't smoke: 279 cigs
i didn't pay: 45 euro
time since last smoke: 4days 15 hours 29 mins

iT doesnt hurt at all everyone should quit smoking!!!
Dont be a junkie!
Quit smoking now!!!!!