No Mar Tire Changer


Ghost Rider
Elite Member
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Plainfield, IL.
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Purchased a No-Mar Tire Changer and received it a few weeks ago. I will be setting up my garage at home in the next three weeks and having an epoxy floor system installed; after that I will be mounting the No-Mar system. If anybody needs to replace their tires and wants to come by and try out the system feel free to send me a message and we can set up a time. I purchased the tire changer for convience, not mass tire changers....

Located in Plainfield, IL....

Also have a tire balancer to balance the tires as well...
A friend has a No Mar changer and I have used it. Just some observations:
- It can be difficult to keep the rim from spinning in the clamps if you get any of the tire lube on the clamps.
- The tire bar that came with his did not work very well. It wanted to rotate as you tried to pull the bead over the rim. He ended up buying a Mojo Lever.
- It is a well built piece of equipment but still requires some finesse on the part of the operator to get the job done.

Don't let your friends take advantage of your generosity to let them use it. A six-pack per visit wouldn't be expecting too much.