Newbie .. .. New to me 08


It was a year ago you know - roughly 5000 miles together and never down. . .

Since then:
  • Stickers gone
  • R6 Forks
  • New BT016 Pros
  • Rear sets black
  • Radiator side plates black
  • FP Head Light Mod
  • FZ1 bars
  • Spyder Grips
  • Tail Tidy
  • LED Blinkers/brakes/Run

This was my First Post: 03-16-2011 // Newbie.. .. New to me 08
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Wow. I totally didn't realize this post was a year old until I got to the OP's anniversary post. Congrats on surviving year 1.

New pics showing the changes you listed?
Deal isn't bad.

Be extremely, extremely cautious when you try to learn. This bike is not a 250 or a dirtbike, you only need to move the throttle a centimeter to have it begin taking off, and it will slide out from under you if you give it too much or get just a little too excited going into your first few corners(even from a stopped position, like turning left at a stop sign).

0-70 in seconds is what this bike is for, it might be labeled "friendly" compared to it's supersport racing-replica sisters, but it's really not that friendly. It's not a timid bike, it's a scary fast bike(for a new rider) built for performance.

You're a grown up, obviously, but it's not a matter of mentality. Every new rider makes mistakes, so be overly, stupidly cautious for the first thousand miles until you've developed your road instincts and have some idea how quickly things can go wrong. The bike's limits are going to be way, way beyond your limits, so keep that in mind and ride like it.

also, don't hate your life if you drop it; everyone who has ever owned a bike has dropped a bike. just try to do that in your driveway rather than in traffic. install frame-sliders immediately.