new personal record this morning


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Cleveland, SC
9 degrees F for my 45 minute ride to work today!!! I didn't run 80 very long though...

Pulled out my secret indoor volleyball kneepads. They keep my outer pants off my legs, and it makes a very big difference.

the ends of my fingers wer cold about 20 minutes in, but that is right before I get into town, where things slow down and I have brief stints at stoplights to warm them a little on the grips. No holding in the cluth at lights this morning..That lever's cold! I couldn't have went much further though, as the ends of my fingers were pretty darn cold by the time I got here...
Got me beat, I did 12 yesterday. Today it was 6. My buddy here in IT rode in on his vtx while i sipped coffee in my truck :thumbup:
It was 3 degrees Farenheit this morning. I only rode down the road (About two minutes tops) When I got off the bike MY KEY WOULDN'T MOVE B/C IT WAS FROZEN IN PLACE!!!
You guys are NUTS! I froze my butt off at 45 the other day and that was enough!
no thanks, 40 is my limit.

-22 at my internship site this morning, before wind chill. they didn't even give that number. probably didn't want to start a riot....
no thanks, 40 is my limit.

-22 at my internship site this morning, before wind chill. they didn't even give that number. probably didn't want to start a riot....

Holy crap, dude... If we're talking -30 degrees celsius, that's way colder than it's ever been in Oslo. It might have touched those temperatures once in every 50 years or so. Kind of incredible, isn't it? Especially when you think of the fact that Oslo is roughly on the same latitude as Anchorage:rolleyes:
Holy crap, dude... If we're talking -30 degrees celsius, that's way colder than it's ever been in Oslo. It might have touched those temperatures once in every 50 years or so. Kind of incredible, isn't it? Especially when you think of the fact that Oslo is roughly on the same latitude as Anchorage:rolleyes:

yeah, this is the coldest i ever remember, it was -15 outside my door (indoor/outdoor thermometer) this morning, -22 at my work, and an hour north of me it was -33. the cars did not want to participate in life this morning, but after getting them started it was a struggle to keep them warm on the inside, even with the heat cranked all the way up...
yeah, this is the coldest i ever remember, it was -15 outside my door (indoor/outdoor thermometer) this morning, -22 at my work, and an hour north of me it was -33. the cars did not want to participate in life this morning, but after getting them started it was a struggle to keep them warm on the inside, even with the heat cranked all the way up...

Been there too. I have experienced temperatures below -35 degrees once while driving through a mountain region, and that made the heater pretty useless:eek:
ahhhhh, it's 71 degrees here in Cali and RISING! Supposed to get to 81 Farenheit!

Note: to warm up your hands if you don't have heated grips, at the stoplight or as you ride (left side only when riding), reach down and put your gloved hands on each side of the engine cases. They're nice n hot, but come through as warm with gloves on! Works like a charm for those long lights!
-39c or -38.2f most of this week... ok so I was on a snowmobile... but that is still pretty much the coldest I've ridden, done it a few times.
I don't complain, part of being a proud Canadian!
9 is definitely colder than I want to ride. My TourMaster heavy jacket, Cortech Scarab gloves and thermals have been good so far, but I've only been out in about 25F. Good enough for me. Expecting about 4-5 F tonight (before the wind chill), I'm a cager to the poker game for sure.

You da MAN!! You can have the record!

ahhhhh, it's 71 degrees here in Cali and RISING! Supposed to get to 81 Farenheit!

Note: to warm up your hands if you don't have heated grips, at the stoplight or as you ride (left side only when riding), reach down and put your gloved hands on each side of the engine cases. They're nice n hot, but come through as warm with gloves on! Works like a charm for those long lights!

I can only guess that you're riding all year round, right?

I don't envy that AT ALL...............